Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse is Looking… Better?

Amy Winehouse was trotting around London last night with her ex boyfriend Tyler James (who, BTW, is hot.) The singer looked like she’s made some progress since her days smoking crack...

The Scent Of Amy Winehouse

It’s only the Daily Star, but they are reporting that Amy Winehouse is working on developing a fragrance.  Yep, she’s jumping on the celebrity perfume bandwagon.  I mean, is...

Someone Called Amy Winehouse A Reptile

Amy Winehouse is basically in St. Lucia almost all the time, save when her court dates require her to return to London.  Now, she wants to live there as a permanent resident. If St...

How Is Amy Winehouse Not Dead Yet?

I’m serious. Every time I read a new story about this girl and the headline isn’t “Amy Winehouse Dead,” I’m a little bit shocked. There is no viable reason for...

Amy Winehouse Hospitalized-Still Alive

I feel like it’s really important to say “Still Alive!” right away whenever I am writing anything about Amy Winehouse.  I get the same cringing feeling I used to get back...

WTF Happened to Amy Winehouse???

Amy was spotted walking on the beach in St. Lucia with an enormous burn scar on her leg. According to some sources, Amy was cooking a pot of pasta when the pot full of boiling water fell on...