But before we get into all that, we need to talk about this picture of Adam and the heartbreaker in question, model Anne Vyalitsyna. What the hell is she wearing? Is it a dress, or is...
Howard Stern Refers to Christina Aguilera as...
Not that Howard Stern remotely believes in what he’s saying, because I don’t think he does. He’s just doing what they pay him to do, which is be contrarian and kind of...
Adam Levine Starts Own Record Label, Signs Will...
Here is some news that tickled me, and I’m not sure why: Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine has started his own record label! I finally watched an episode of The Voice recently, and while...
Quotables: Adam Levine Is Probably Not Attending the...
the VMA’s. one day a year when MTV pretends to still care about music. I’m drawing a line in the sand. f—ck you VMA’s. I’ll admit that Adam Levine‘s...
Adam Levine Gets Real About Paparazzi
I’ve always liked Maroon 5 a little bit, like I bought their first album when it came out because I dug “She Will Be Loved” (and I won’t pretend that I didn’t...
Maroon 5’s Adam Levine and Christina Aguilera...
And in a completely unsurprising move, they performed it on the latest Voice episode. Which is kind of what I want to talk about. Is anyone actually watching this show? Seriously, I think...
Maroon 5’s Adam Levine Gets a Visitor Onstage
At a recent concert, Adam Levine had some company onstage while he performed gag-inducing song, Wake Up Call. The unknown woman, who sort of meandered out onto the stage at the :52 mark...
Adam Levine and Cameron Diaz?
So I got an email this morning from the fabulous Jenna over at PantyLine Press informing me that Maroon 5’s Adam Levine and Cameron Diaz are apparently a couple. Actually, she emailed...