Every once in a while I come across a story that blows out all my circuit breakers. Today, this event has occurred. Jenny McCarthy has teamed up with Oprah. As I take a deep breath and forge ahead, it brings me physical pain to inform you that McCarthy now has a blog on Oprah's website and is being groomed for her own talk show. Jenny McCarthy. Oprah. It's a perfect storm of lunacy. In my hopes that this was all just a vicious rumor I could easily dispel, I headed over to O's site only to discover "Jenny McCarthy" on the header, nestled in between "Elizabeth Edwards" and "Take Our Recession Poll." Currently, Jenny's blogging about giving up sugar. Which is something I did as well. And it's only a matter of time before she starts blogging about her son Evan's autism. That's something I do also. It really bothers me to have things in common with Jenny McCarthy. Like, beyond both of us having ovaries, and I'd be willing to have mine removed if it resulted in this Jenny-O union being dissolved, I don't want to relate to her on any level. I think I'll feel better if I start a list of the things we don't have in common. She is one of Oprah's apostles; there is probably a restraining order on file that prohibits me from coming within a mile of Harpo Studios. She blogs about her PMS symptoms; I could never be so hateful. Her chesticles are plastical; mine are fantastical. Oh, and she can cure autism utilizing a magic recipe of sorghum and rice. I am completely incapable of curing autism.
Dom DeLuise passed away in his sleep last evening at a Los Angeles hospital. He was seventy-five.
The actor who starred in Blazing Saddles and The Cannonball Run is survived by his wife of forty-four years and three sons....
Last night was the Costume Institute Gala at the Met in New York City. "The Model As Muse: Embodying Fashion" fete was all about high fashion. Someone really, really should have let Ronnie Spector know what this party was all about.
Now, I often get flummoxed by haute couture but I do understand that it's about fashion that isn't wearable as much as it is art. Having said that, I'd like to offer some of my commentary, and hear yours as well, on dresses of the evening. The photo gallery is ma...
By Chris Martin's own admission, his band Coldplay really isn't very imaginative. A few years ago, he admitted to Rolling Stone, "We're definitely good, but I don't think you can say we're that original. I regard us as being incredibly good plagiarists."
That quote may end up costing them quite a bit of money in lawsuits. While I'm at it, let's review just how many times Coldplay has been accused of stealing other people's work.
Guitarist Satriani accused the band of stealing chords f...
Scarlett Johansson has aspirations to transition this acting gig of hers into directing. Sigh...don't they all say that? Well she recently had a chance to direct a segment of New York, I Love You and it ended up being "unwatchable."
According to an insider, "It was really bad, so it was cut."
In a face-saving move, the movie's producer Emmanuel Benbihy had a kinder spin:
"Scarlett presented me with an extremely compelling, albeit unconventional, narrative that appeared as though it would not necessarily conform to the overall approach of the entire...
I feel like it's really important to say "Still Alive!" right away whenever I am writing anything about Amy Winehouse. I get the same cringing feeling I used to get back in 2007. Whenever I would read the newest piece on Britney Spears I'd scan for the R.I.P. And honestly, my initial response when I read that Winehouse was rushed to the hospital was, "autopsy."
But during a time that she appears to be doing well (this picture is from a couple weeks ago), she fainted at her St. Lucia...
"Probably the sexiest woman I know is my mother. She's an ethereal angel. Nobody looks like that woman. If I could meet my mother and marry her, I would. I would be with my mother now, if she weren't my mother, as sick as that sounds."
Shia LaBeouf sharing his secret and stomach-turning desire to bone his mother, in the Playboy article that Kelly wrote about over the weekend....
Can we start composing a list of notable people who actually deserve to be on June's cover of Vanity Fair? Not that it really matters since the ditz without a deal issue is about to hit newsstands.
Jessica opens up her mouth for some barbecue about how she "never dated a guy that was more simple." than Tony Romo, and she hasn't talked to Nick Lachey in years.
Jess also praised the great job her dad is doing managing her career. Her past two movies sped their way to DVD, she's been dropped...
Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard tied the knot, making official a seven-year relationship. Again, I thought these two were already married. They wed in Brindisi, Italy and were joined by their daughter Ramona-and how did they not name her Ramonaa?-as well as Maggie's brother Jake and Reese Witherspoon. In other words, there was a Double Consonant in Surname requirement of all wedding attendees.
Cheers to the happy couple! Now get going on adopting your third world country baby!...
Danny Gans, a musical impressionist who was named Vegas Entertainer of the Year for eleven consecutive years, passed away this morning at the age of 52.
Gans began his career as a minor league baseball player until an injury ended his pursuit to be a professional ball player.
In the mid nineties, while Gans had a one-man Broadway show as well as travelling for other shows as a musical impressionist, he was approached to be an entertainer in Vegas. From 2000-2008 Gans had his own 1,250 seat theater at the Mirage and had nightly sold-out...
Elisabeth Hasselbeck is about to go on maternity leave from her hosting gig on The View and some insiders are saying that Barbara Walters is considering Miss California, Carrie Prejean, as a replacement.
If you watch The View, and I'm proud to say that I don't, you can see how exasperated the other hosts are with Hasselwreck. They all seem to think that she's an idiot with no valid content to contribute. According to this week's print issue of National Enquirer, Barbara is looking to make a...
Gwen Stefani performed to a pre-recorded track live and without her wedding rings this morning at Rockefeller Center on Today.
Possible caption? "Shoot me. Some gossip blogger thinks my husband sang with Green Day."...