Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Julia Roberts Has No Sense of Humor. Gee, Really?

51911084juliaroberts93200942939pm Per usual, Julia Robert's hook nose is out of joint about something that the rest of the world probably finds (if not mildly amusing) totally innocent.  Julia "I'll Take Your Husband Off Your Hands" Roberts has taken task with Julia Stiles -- her costar in Mona Lisa Smile -- for participating in a spoof video that makes fun of eco-conscious celebs.   Julia Roberts - a famously eco-conscious mother of three who uses flushable diapers, drove a Toyota Prius and even helped invent a “green” household cleaner - isn’t laughing at her former Mona Lisa Smile’s co-star’s joke. ...

The LA Justice System Is Amazing

15888312loripetty93200935801pm Only in LA could OJ Simpson brutally murder two people and not serve time.  Only in LA could Robert Blake kill the mother of his child and not serve time.  Only in LA could Rebecca Gayheart kill a nine-year-old jaywalker and not serve any time.  Only in LA could Brandy kill a mother of two and not serve time.  Only in LA could Lori Petty get drunk, hit a kid on his skateboard and not serve time.  (Who did I miss?)  I wanna move to LA. -- land of the free. Lori Petty -- you may know her...

The Doctor of Death Thinks Michael Jackson Got What He Wanted

Dr. Jack Kevorkian has something to say about Michael Jackson's death and it's a bit of a surprising perspective:  He doesn't think Dr. Conrad Murray is to blame. In a lengthy interview -- you'll want to fast forward to 9:30 -- the good doctor states that Michael cannot have been murdered since he doesn't believe malice was a component of the chain of events.  "I don't think he was malicious. Murder is defined as malice or forethought... Did the doctor have forethought? I doubt it." Dr. Kevo...

Ashley Dupre Is Still Talking …

Ashley Dupre Ashley Dupre, you may remember her as the high-class hooker that had sex with New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, is blogging.  Not just because she has a lot on her mind, but because she's releasing a single.  No, "a single" isn't a sex term -- she's a singer now.   Anyway, Dupre is upset that she hasn't received the same forgiving treatment that the public seems to have offered to the former gov.  Here's her kind of lengthy blog entry and I strongly suggest you click here to hear her sing...

Looks Like There Will Be Another Unemployed Stage Actor Looking For Work

57992771cateblanchett922009125712pm Crazy and unplanned things happen all the time on live stage productions.  Yesterday was no different as an actor lifted a stage prop -- I'm hearing it was a radio -- and accidentally whacked Cate Blanchett in the back of the head with it.  The Academy award-winning actress fell to the floor and started bleeding from the back of her head.  Needless to say, the show was promptly cancelled.  It is set to resume again on Thursday. The mayhem all unfolded at the Sydney Theater Company -- a com...

This Is What Happens When I Get Sick of Michael Jackson, Jon Gosselin and Chris Brown

Soleil Moon Frye wanted to do something special for her massive-sized online audience in celebration for hitting a million Twitter followers.  What you are about to witness is what she determined was the best gift she could possibly give.  Clearly, she could use an Oprah-sized lesson on extravagant gift-giving.  I want a car, and after watching that video I kinda feel like I deserve one.  With heated seats. The surgery-free Demi Moore, best friend to Soleil and an obsessive Twitterer,...

Whitney Sings With Her Daughter, Blames Oprah For Sucking

Whitney Houston sang(?) Tuesday morning for the Good Morning America Central Park concert and had a surprisingly talented back-up singer: her daughter Bobbi Kristina.  It's a good. Damn. Thing. It's never a good sign when the first thing a singer does before singing a note is apologize, but that's just what Ms. Houston did.  And like every single other ill that this world faces, it was all Oprah's fault.  "I'm so sorry. I did Oprah. I've been talking for so long."...

DJ AM Death May Have Been Suicide

58160860djam922009110603am People is reporting that DJ AM's death may have been more than just an overdose.  It may have been intentional. Though the official cause of death hasn't been announced, a law enforcement official reveals that Adam had eight undigested OxyContin pills in his stomach and a ninth one in his mouth.  That's in addition to the crack and crack pipe found in his bed.   Mirrors were propped up against both the entrance door to the apartment as well as Adam's bedroom door.  In the living room, p...

Caption This

58195911olsentwins8312009113356pm Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen -- can you tell which one is which? -- spent some time this weekend in Japan attending the opening of Opening Ceremonies flagship store.   As Beet mentioned the other day, the Olsen twins are looking totally different.  I am now more convinced than ever that this change in appearance stems from more than "Mary-Kate finally ate a sandwich."  In case you didn't know, the large-headed, large-eared one on the right is MK....

She’s Baaaaaack!

picture-16 Whitney Houston is back in fighting form.  I don't know if the Photoshop gods have been kind, but she looks amazing on the cover of October's Ebony magazine.  Are we in agreement that divorcing Bobby Brown was the best 165 pounds she ever lost? About her trials, Houston said, "I shed a lot of stuff, a lot of unnecessary weight in the last three or four years. I left a lot of old luggage behind, and when I did, the blessings just started pouring on me, and the light in my spirit started...

I Think Paula Just Hates Kara

57810919paulaabdul8312009111904pm Paula Abdul has defended her decision to leave American Idol, claiming that the motivation to move on had nothing to do with money.  “I had to stand on my principle.  I’m going to miss the experience of watching young talent evolve into a place where they get to take off and soar.  I stand on principle where many people stand on money.  I’m a hard-working artist. I’ve lasted in this business for 23 years. And you can’t do that unless you are good at what you do.” Let's translate:  What she means to say is, ...
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