Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Anna Nicole’s Deadly Plan?

12636185annanicolesmith107200952839pm Aw, shit guys!  A new story has surfaced about Anna Nicole Smith -- will they ever stop surfacing? -- and it's not good.  According to an old boyfriend, the bombshell asked him to shoot and kill her ex-husband's son back in 2000.  Take it with a grain of salt since this story cropped up while he was in jail after being convicted for threatening Anna, but ... Just-released FBI documents reveal that the eccentric star was examined in 2000 and 2001 in a murder-for-hire scheme.  The alleged target was Pierc...

Khloe Kardashian Misses Husband She’s Known For Less Than Two Months

58453967khloekardashian107200951555pm Khloe Kardashian will be on The View Friday talking about the horrible separation anxiety that she's been suffering since she had to travel to New York to co-host the talk show.  She hasn't spent more than two nights away from her husband in their entire six-week relationship, guys! Anyway, KK didn't have a laptop so Lamar suggested that she grab a MacBook so they could iChat.  She went to buy one at 1 a.m. in Manhattan as a means of keeping in touch, since the phone is obviously too inconvenient.  I hope she enjoys that computer and I hope ...

Good News! Tila Tequila Isn’t Going to Kill Herself!

58518229tilatequila107200943929pm I don't know how long it's going to take the public to get this, but nothing that Tila Tequila tweets should ever be taken seriously.  I guess you cannot ignore suicide threats no matter who they come from.  Last night, Tila threatened to take her own life yet followed up today with an explanation. Last night's Tweets: "I am going to kill myself cuz I don't want to life in a world where its filled with IGNORANCE! which majority of you ARE! & racists!" "As dark descends into my...

Ashley Tisdale’s New Video

Here's the thing:  If you work for Disney, and then you grow up, you must do something to distance yourself from The Mouse.  You must either have a quickie wedding in Vegas followed by a marriage that lasts 55 hours, or make a sex tape, or accept a movie role playing a prostitute.  If you're Ashley Tisdale, it's all about the slutty music video, complete with sultry camera gazes. What do we think of her new song, "Crank It Up"?  Overproduced?  Weak vocals?  I'm rocking out to an old Bangles CD...

I Guess This is Actually Happening

Russell Brand, Katy Perry It may not be the healthiest approach, but I think it's human nature to just totally ignore a situation when we wish it wasn't happening.  Some people do it when they find a mysterious lump or start suffering some unusual physical symptom.  I did it just last night at my kid's school open house when I just did not want to deal with the mother who never shuts up.  I could see her in my peripheral vision, trying hard to catch my attention, and I just kept starting at the water bubbler. (Tha...

Oprah Rejected By Schizophrenic Child

Little Jani Schofield may be the smartest seven year old that I've ever seen.  She was on yesterday's Oprah (film only, her parents were in the studio) because she's a little girl that has been diagnosed with schizophrenia.  You know why she's a headline-maker to me, though?  Because she screamed right in Oprah's big potato head face. You know, this child is mentally ill, but that doesn't make her a Malti-Poo.  And I think she didn't appreciate Oprah talking to her like she was one.  ...

Just For Fun!

Nicole Eggert is BACK IN BAYWATCH! from Nicole Eggert The formerly super-skinny Nicole Eggert is back on the beach in her Baywatch bikini with a few more pounds on her.  And she's willing to let someone die if they don't like it. Eggert is all set to appear on this season's Celebrity Fit Club on VH1, but all I could think is, "She looks perfectly fine!"  Now, a size 10 wearing a bikini equals fat?  I am so screwed if that's the case....

Frances Bean Gives Careere Advice to Ali Lohan

16153017francesbeancobain1072009103520am Frances Bean Cobain took to her Twitter account -- it's now deleted, probably due to her inability to keep it to 140 characters or less -- as a means to communicate to Ali Lohan that "notaritey" for who you are is not something to strive for.  Here's her diatribe: This is my open letter to Ali Lohan. Your not entitled to anything simply because your sister has a recognizable name. Your idea of fame isn't fame. It's infamy. You want to be famous? Work your ass off and make decisions that could...

Two Minutes of Jon Gosselin’s Freshly Canned Responses

Nancy Grace is so awesome!  She had a little chit last night with Mr. Douchon Gosselin (as he continues his media tour of discussing how he's going to focus on his kids and their welfare), in which she really just asked what all of America wants to know:  "Why is everything about you?"  Watch until the end.  The look on Jon's face is priceless....

Jon Gosselin: Kate Lies! Wendie Tobin: I Don’t Care!

Jon Gosselin For the newest helping of bullshit served straight from the Gosselin family, Jon is back from his trip to the restaurant every fame whore goes to when they want to eat mediocre salads and be seen The Ivy and talking to The Insider about his (can't happen too) soon-to-be-ex's allegations that he emptied their bank account last week. Bottom line?  He denies it.  He claims that he withdrew $22,000 last Thursday and has withdrawn $177,000 -- his "paycheck" -- over the past year which represents ...

Director Advises Kids to Smoke Pot

58533655kevinsmith105200923505pm I'm 37 years old and I've never smoked pot.  Believe me, this isn't the result of some Nancy Reagan pledge I took in the eighth grade.  I just refuse to utilize any substance that makes me have the munchies more than I do every day in my unaltered state. A Pair of Dicks movie director Kevin Smith -- you may remember that he's the one Jennifer Garner hated -- was never much of a stoner.  That is, until he hung out with Seth Rogen last summer.  Now he's doling out advice to our leaders of...
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