today was knowing that O.J. is in the clink. I love watching this video. Note how there is no stumbling over the pronunication of Orenthal. That is because that woman knows she is reading a true and just verdict. 4,478 days too late if you ask me.
I know I am just an irreverant wiseass with a laptop but I feel am very serious about this. I hope and pray that he is the premier ankle grabbing love bitch of his cell block.
Hello everyone! Thanks for all the greetings.Â
What is there to know about me? I am not a trained writer as is evidenced by my gross overuse of ellipses. I speak from the heart and my edit button was removed at birth. I am off of sugar and flour and it's made me a real biznacho. I am completely high-maintenance and could potentially ask "Does this post make my ass look fat?".Â
I look forward to getting to know you all a little bit better.
ps-to the comment regarding me being a Jewish Princess: Have you been talking to my kvetching husband? Oy. />Hello everyone! Thanks for all the greetings.Â
What is there to know about me? I am not a trained writer as is evidenced by my gross overuse of ellipses. I speak from the heart and my edit button was removed at birth. I am off of sugar and flour and it's made me a real biznacho. I am completely high-maintenance and could potentially ask "Does this post make my ass look fat?".Â
I look forward to getting to know you all a little bit better.
ps-to the...