The Day the Earth Stood Still starring Keanu Reeves claimed the number one spot this weekend with a $31M debut. Four Christmasesis still pulling in money having $13.3M in sales. I actually disowned two friends last night after their tearful confessional in which I learned that not only did they contribute $18 to this train wreck, but they loved it. It was sad too because we were really close but it's over. There were red flags before this incident though. I have to whisper this s...
I challenge all of you "It's only the lighting, it's a different angle, she's just matured a bit, I think she's lost/gained weight, what are you talking about she looks exactly the same" delusionaries to tell me that the classically beautiful Debra Messing isn't a Botox/Restalyne/collagen and perhaps scalpel junkie. Right. Because I know when I'm in harshly lit environments, my upper lip doubles in size too.
I know I sound angry and I am. Debra Messing is one of the most stunnin...
Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts welcomed their second son yesterday. No word yet on the name but their firstborn is named Alexander. Therefore, I feel confident in saying that this kid has a pretty normal name too. As opposed to Gargoyle or something of that nature. So that gives me peace. Their two sons are sixteen months apart. I did something similarly stupid a couple of years back; it was like having twins. I don't have nannies though and nannies really do make everything better...
Joel Madden and Nicole Richie appeared last night at the official launch of the Madden brother's K-DCMA footwear line. Nicole continues to look beautiful but I maintain my position that she's getting scary skinny.
Also there, Benji Madden (of course!), Audrina Patridge and Tila Tequila.
Do you think people in other countries laugh at us because Tila Tequila is considered famous here in the United States? I knew that she liked to make out with chicks on TV but I just wiki'd her to educate myself on the back story...
I'm not kidding here. She wears rhinestone press-ons which are the brass knuckles of the toddler set. Total gangsta. Is that nail polish on her pinkie? It's probably some sort of gang symbolism. Incidentally, I'm really old-fashioned because my kid wouldn't be wearing red nail polish at like...two...gang or not.
I love her facial expression. You can tell she's totally going to be one of those celebs who goes totally Kanye on the paps all the time. Or maybe she's just freezing. Is ...
Oh why is this picture so disturbing to me? Like I need to even tell you, these tragically polyestered young men are the sons of Hugh Hefner.
Eighteen year-old Marston and 17 year-old Cooper shared their thoughts on their dad's dating practices in this week's issue of Us Magazine. It makes you wonder how they were both raised in the same household. Were these two separated for their childhoods like some sort of modern-day Parent Trap?
The 18 year old- "I'm not going to have multiple gir...
Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson were spotted today at LAX. Seriously, I want my celebs shiny, showered and dressed. This greasy hair, black legging, spotty tanner, leather coat and hoodie thing has gone on far too long Linds. It's time to embrace some soap and a new look; because your leggings are becoming the striped shorts of Richard Simmon's world. Some call it a trademark, I call it a tragesty.
Samantha, on the other hand, is basically in black tie-aka not wearing a concer...
There have been a couple reports that Shania Twain has been seen with some dude Frédéric Thiébaud. Which, you know, who cares? But Thiébaud is in the middle of a divorce. From the woman that is now with Shania's soon-to-be ex, Mutt Lange. People is reporting it like they are just traveling companions. Two people going through similar situations who have discovered a friendship. I'm calling total bullshit on that.
Back in May when Shania and Mutt split, I was the first to j...