Amy Winehouse. Topless here. You're very, very welcome. And I think this goes without saying but just in case you've hit the nog a little too hard this season, NSFW.
Oh, and funniest quote ever from the accompanying News of the World article: “Amy just whipped off her top and dived in to the sea without a care in the world. She was looking a better than she has for a while. A bit of sun is just what she needs.” Yeah, a tan. That's what she needs. Why didn't I think of that...
I'm well aware of the fact that I am the only person in the world that isn't impressed by Gwen Stefani. Not her fashion, face or vocals. What else is new? I'm used to having an unpopular opinion. It feels natural at this point in my life. Please. Don't one person say that they think Gwen is a mediocre singer who dresses funny and needs to abandon the geisha makeup racket she's had going on for the past decade plus. I can't handle that kind of anarchy.
So this picture comes a...
I haven't heard too much about Criss Angel and Holly Madison lately and I must admit, I was enjoying the respite. They were everywhere and then nowhere. By the sounds of it, they've been locked in a hotel room.
People asked Criss and Holly what they wanted for the holidays and their birthdays (December 19th and 23rd, respectively) this year.
Criss said "I don't want anything for Christmas. I just want Holly, love, health and happiness, and I have all of those things. I'm hoping Holly will just put a bow in her head and that will be my present." Man, s...
Page Six has identified male model Jesus Luz as Madonna's newest conquest. Don't you appreciate that I didn't call him "boy toy"? Because seriously, almost every article I've read about this hook-up calls him that. I won't call her "Material Girl" either. They met while doing a W magazine photo shoot. A source said "Everyone knows they are ficando- which is a Portuguese expression that means they are kissing and doing other things but without any obligation of being faithful or gett...
This could be her. Sources say K-Fed was drinking Patron with volleyball player Victoria Prince for hours last night at Tao Las Vegas. Talking and drinking. In other words, it's serious.
Prince attends the University of Hawaii and she's some big-time volleyball celeb there. She's 26 so I don't know if she's on the eight year program or what. From the looks of it, she's perfect for the single and unemployed father of four.
Hearing about this possible match got me to thinking about K-F...
I'm thinking underwear. Lily Allen did her best Posh this week wearing Armand Basi whilst shopping at Prada. Did you like my cultural use of whilst? I must have been a Brit in a past life. I use whilst, snog, colour and cad like they belong to me.
Also, pictures of the totally sober Allen here last night showing off a winning smile and a naked ass. She really is Britain's answer to Tara Reid isn't she?...
I promise you. I am not a bitter brunette. I think blonde hair is beautiful and we all know how gentlemen prefer it. Thankfully, I never had any use for gentlemen. Anyway, there is a small segment of women that I believe look so much better with dark hair. Jessica Biel, Lindsay Lohan, and Halle Berry for example.
What do you think? Does Ashlee look better dark or light?
Ashlee Simpson out yesterday in Hollywood....
As just another human on this earth, I try to contribute something to the planet. I really do factor this thinking in to many of the things I do. It could be something as simple as selecting a product made of recycled materials or handing out my old coats to the homeless. It is my philosophy that many people making many small gestures can lead to a really impressive result. Make a difference; make this life count...you know?
So. Lisa Rinna has decided that her world beautifi...
I raced to Google when I saw these pictures, in the vain hope that at least one of Tom Cruise's kids was old enough to legally purchase cigarettes. The mother in me just cannot allow myself to be critical of 16 and 12 year-old children. Which these two are. Can you believe it? Don't they look so much older than that? What 16 year-old wears jacquard?
You rarely hear much about Tom Cruise's kids. I was impressed that they are never in the papers for their DUI's and Vegas quickies. Y...
Ok, I am here and seriously roughing it. And by roughing it, I mean Cheetos for breakfast, 13 inches of snow (and still snowing) and cycling electricity and internet outages. I seem to have a consistent connection for the moment and really didn't appreciate anything Fergie related being the first cyber-item my brain was required to process.
I was hoping, since a year has passed since their engagement announcement coupled with the fact that there have been no other subsequent anno...
Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester became engaged to actor Sebastian Stan this weekend. I'd like to tell you why this relationship is going to fail. Not because she's only 22. Not because, even though they only met last year, the media is referring to them as "long-term." Not because she's on a hit show and no one really knows who he is. Not because they made their announcement on their Facebook pages. The reason this union is destined for failure is this. Though the media is hi...