Russell Brand has shared new revelations about his favorite hobby, and no, it's not experimenting with eyeliner. He sleeps with three women a day. I can't find a way to exercise three times a month, but he fucks every eight hours. And I don't mean that he has a rotating line-up of two or three women. Ninety. Different. Women. Each. Month. Whatever.
I don't understand the allure of this modern day Wilt Chamberlain. Attractive? No. Funny? Absolutely not. Hygenic? Rheto...
What the hell is wrong with Paris Hilton? I know this is such an open-ended question so let me clarify. I'm not referring to her sequined smiley face dress, nor her disfigured frame which has officially met the criteria for bobblehead status. I'm not even talking about the picture in the gallery where she's giving Lady Gaga an "I'm totally goin' Lohan on you" look, or the one where she's humping a wall.
No, my query relates to the dude that she's totally impaling with her pelvic bones. ...
Ashlee Simpson is on the warpath, defending big sister Jessica. Here's the part of her tiring tirade that I did marginally agree with:
Since when did a woman's weight become newsworthy? A week after the inauguration and with such a feeling of hope in the air for our country, I find it completely embarrassing and belittling to all women to read about a woman's weight or figure. All women come in different shapes, sizes, and forms and just because you're a celebrity, there shouldn't be a different sta...
Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, John Updike has died of lung cancer at the age of 76.
Updike's most notable works included the Rabbit series and The Witches of Eastwick. His final work, My Father's Tears and Other Stories, is scheduled for release June 2nd.
There is really no more appropriate time to cite one of his more famous passages : "The great thing about the dead, they make space."...
I know Beet is in search of her own billionaire; I remain hopeful that this story will give her renewed faith.
After an extensive fortnight of dating, Geri Halliwell is now engaged to yacht company owner Fabrizio Polit. They met in December and got engaged during the Festive Season; or, you know, Christmas. Ginger Spice's management company released this statement:
We are delighted to announce the engagement of Geri Halliwell and Fabrizio Politi. As a token of their commitment to each other, Fabrizio pr...
Do you remember four years ago, when Olivia Newton-John's boyfriend of nine years vanished? He fell off a boat and was never found? Yeah, he's alive. Patrick McDermott disappeared in June, 2005 while on a fishing charter. In 2008, the US Coast Guard released a report which concluded that McDermott had most likely drowned. Good call.
A team of private investigators hired by Dateline have determined that McDermott is alive and well and has been travelling through Mexico and South America. Th...
Yes, Mickey Rourke is fucking his movie daughter, Evan Rachel Wood. The two met on the set of The Wrestler and obviously hit it off. Naked. Sweet Jesus, Wood is obviously into really weird and unattractive men. Homely dudes are the best in bed; it's an overcompensation thing. Unfortunately, since I got LASIK, taking out my contacts to get through ugly sex is no longer an option.
Despite all the denials, on the night of the SAG Awards they were making out at after-parties and went ...
Does anyone watch ER anymore? I'm happy this is the last season, but that show really should have ended, like, ten years ago. How many fires, earthquakes, bombs, falling out of the sky helicopters, limbs lost, addictions fought and people resurrected from the dead should one audience be expected to tolerate? County General Hospital should have been shut down about fifteen hundred cataclysmic disasters ago. That show fucking exhausts me.
ER is credited as the show that gave George Cloone...
Here's a message to all of you out there who suffer from depression or other mental illness: Get over it! Brain chemistry, genetics and environmental factors be damned! Remember those months where life was so bleak that you couldn't get out of bed? Ice cream was your church and showers were an immeasurable burden? You're a pussy; got that?
Bijou Phillips has given us, the public, the straight-talk that we need. Depression doesn't exist people. “My grandparents didn’t take any ...