Last night was the LA premiere of He's Just Not That Into You. We already saw what anorex-shrek looked like, but what do you think of Scarlett Johansson's new look? I struggle every single time I write her last name. I have a mental block against the spelling; the mnemonic device of "slutty Scarlett" has helped greatly.
Angie Dickinson Drew Barrymore was seen hugging Justin Long which should prompt a rash of "Drew and Mac Guy Reunited" stories; I was just grateful for the embrace so...
Well here you have it. My final blog. And for those of you who are doubters or knockers, let me say that I never took a penny for my blog or anything I ever did for any of my children. I did what I did, out of love and concern, regardless of any of your opinions. I did it to help them, advance their careers and give them hope. I taught them that anything is possible if you really want it enough, and that when your heart is in the right place, God will make it all happen!
And although I have ful...
After swearing that they'd never walk a red carpet together, Gwyn and Chris are working on plans to appear together at the Oscars later this month. And this has truly convinced me that all the "troubled marriage" rumors are false. Because if you attend awards shows together, that is the number one sign of a strong union. For real.
I could never be a part of a Hollyweird couple. How do you think this conversation went? "Listen, I know we promised we'd never be photographed togeth...
You may not be aware of the fact that your civil rights were violated.
I have developed a legal strategy for you that I am confident will turn everything around, and ultimately garner you full custody of your children within approximately 30 to 60 days.
They will not be happy until they have denied you your freedom and milked you for your last dime. The custody case, as you know, is nothing more than a flat out extortion scheme, with your children being used as pawns.
Your case will continue to spiral until they have denied you your freedom, your children and your assets.
All I want is to see you win. I do not want anything in return and am willing to volunteer my time with you to see to it that you are successful in this custody case. I am not interested in publicity, money, or anything other than seeing you obtain full custody of your children.
Please recognize that aside from some anxiety and depression, which are totally normal under these circumstances, there is nothing wrong with you, but that the court system routinely engages in character assassination to conceal its internal bias and to break you down.
What they ultimately want is to get you into a conservatorship; at that point, your freedom will be denied, giving them the full opportunity to steal all of your money and to deny you any access to your children.
A hearing regarding the orders is scheduled for February 23rd. Ghalib was served and Lufti, in hiding, has not been served yet.
Like an STD, it's amazing how long a mistake can haunt you.
/>Okay. Now it's making more sense. As Soleil reported this weekend, Brit filed for and received restraining orders against "manager," Sam Lufti and ex-pap, Adnan Ghalib. I knew there had to be more to this story since we haven't seen them in months and they seem to be non-factors at this point..
New legal documents that were just released, tell the rest of what went down. Sam and Adnan hired a lawyer to contact Britney directly to offer to help her get her kids back. Oh, in exchange for being the conservators of her estate:
You may not be aware of the fact that your civil rights were vio...
Britney is set to kick off her Circus tour on March 3rd in her home state of Louisiana. According to TMZ, Brit and K-Fed came up with a workable plan allowing their kids to be with her on tour. Three residences were to be set up in New Jersey, New Orleans and Los Angeles, where the kids would stay. In between shows, Spears would travel to the house to be with her boys. In addition, she would pay K-Fed $4,000 a week and he would be set up with a separate residence in each location.
It looks like Madonna is still hanging with male model Jesus Luz; they were together this weekend in New York.
Hey, remember when Madonna was married to Sean Penn and released her True Blue album? That was 1986; I was a freshman in high school and Luz was a developing fetus. It's ironic to think that the year that Papa Don't Preach was a #1 hit, her boyfriend was forming his internal organs. Just thought I'd give you a little perspective.
Doesn't he look like he misses processed food...
It goes against everything I believe in to have three Mischa Fierce posts in one week, but she's all over the place during Paris Fashion Week. It cannot be avoided. She's obviously attending the shows and certainly not lunching. Girl looks good! Yes, you heard me right.
Remember when Linda Evangelista said she doesn't get out of bed for less than $10,000? I think she needs to revisit that number based on her current condition. And let me save you the trouble; no, it isn't a snatch...
I'm in that kind of a mood and I'm feeling more than my usual disturbed.
Am I off base, or does Dakota Fanning look way too adult for fourteen? When I look at these pictures of her at the Push premeire in LA, she looks like a woman. She's even doing that Annie Leibowitz/Miley Cyrus over the shoulder glance thingy. Her face looks young and thankfully she hasn't had her teeth capped or whitened; it just seems like so much skin for a ninth grader. As the senior citizen here at The Be...
Just yesterday, Michael Lohan was freaking out on his blog about the fact that Lindsay was hanging out with the devil incarnate- Samantha Ronson. More likely, he just doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.
Today the awesome Karla emailed to let me know that Samantha has been working at Mansion in Ontario for the past couple of days and there has been no Linds in sight. She even got a couple of candid shots of Sam with nothing but her turntable and a pail of beers! I hear there was elbow touching too, but I'll let Karla share those...
Jennifer Aniston needs to start consulting sperm banks if she's serious about wanting kids. Because she's not getting any younger and it looks like John Mayer is the asshole I suspected he was. Life & Style's email newsletter reports:
Either John Mayer has split from Jennifer Aniston or they have a very open relationship. The musician was spotted on an intimate date with a beautiful blond woman at Marix Tex Mex Restaurant in Santa Monica on January 28. “They were obviously on a date,â€...