Kid Rock is whining because community service isn't going the way he thinks it should. He was sentenced to eighty hours of community service after his Waffle House melee back in 2007. Since then, he has done charity events for autism, AIDS and war veterans organizations and feels that those efforts should be applied towards his time. Instead, he's been assigned to clerical work and snow removal in his home state of Michigan.
Here's the thing-community service is punishment. It isn't Clu...
Miley has posted an explanation of this picture on her blog. Turns out, it was all just a big misunderstanding. She wasn't making fun of Asian people; she was just making goofy faces. And the only reason we even care about her making slanted eye faces is because Britney is doing better now. Seems perfectly logical to me.
I've also been told there are some people upset about some pictures taken of me with friends making goofy faces! Well, I'm sorry if those people looked at those pics and t...
The book was not a huge hit. This hasn't deterred Lynne Spears from shopping around for a deal to bring her Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World masterpiece to film.
Can we talk casting? The main characters are Lynne, Jamie, Brit, Jamie Lynn, K-Fed, Sam Lufti and Adnan Ghalib and a pink wig. What actors possess the talent and depth needed to navigate these complicated roles? Is there any earthly being that could fill Britney's flip-flops? I'm no...
A few weekends ago, after this performance, the media and blogs started reporting that Joaquin Phoenix's transition from acting to music was some sort of Andy Kaufman-like hoax. I didn't write about it because I knew it was his PR team doing spin. You just know there were closed door conversations that sounded like "He's so bad-we have to tell everyone it was a joke we were doing for a documentary."
Phoenix now confirms that he's just really, really bad. I, for one, am glad he's talking...
"Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people. ... The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good."
Stephen King discussing authors he likes and, obviously, devastated authors he doesn't like.
Can someone explain this to me? I didn't read the Twilight series and really have no intention to. Vampires never did it for me. But everyone around me raves about how great they are-the book...
Carnie Wilson is set to host the newest incarnation of The Newlywed Game. About the new GSN gig, Carnie said, "My personality and energy is perfect for something like this. First of all, I'm married, and I loved watching The Newlywed Game when I was younger. I watched it all the time. I always hoped the couples would start fighting." Being married and finding joy in watching conflict ensue is the criteria that makes her "perfect" for hosting The Newlywed Game? Hire me! And seriously,...
Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus are slated to sing Swift's Fifteen at this weekend's Grammys. Taylor told Ryan Secrest, "We were trying to figure out different things that would be cool. We all kind of agreed, 'Wouldn't it be cool if Miley was up there too and we're singing together?' And we're excited about it."
Miley admitted that when she was young, you know, fifteen, she thought she knew everything. Now that she is experiencing all the wisdom that comes with sixteen, she has just taken to off...
Erykah Badu welcomed her third child into the world yesterday. Her daughter joins Erykah's other two, also fathered by rappers children, Puma and Seven. Badu and the new baby's daddy, rapper Jay Electronica, Twittered (Tweeted?) along the way with updates such as, "Morning, I'm in labor," "Everybody stand back. No hospitals. No doctors. No medicine. We're waiting for the midwife to show," and "Feb. 1 2009 my first child, my daughter born at 130 PM exactly. It's the happiest day o...