Katie Holmes is the cover girl on April's issue of Glamour. She shares all the crap about her life that no one is interested in learning about.
Regarding the actresses she idolizes, she inexplicably mentioned Audrey Hepburn in the same sentence as Julia Roberts:
Growing up, I always had my dreams set on being an actor, so I looked up to Julia Roberts, Audrey Hepburn. I also look up to Kate Winslet and Renée [Zellweger] and Cate Blanchett…and Diane Keaton—she’s a genius.
On a day...
Comedy Central's The Sarah Silverman Project needs a bailout. The executive producers of the show, one of which is Silverman, were informed that the budget for season three would be cut by more than twenty percent. Hey, welcome to my world.
Anyway, they have threatened to quit, which would effectively end the show. Apparently a typical budget for a one-camera is $1.5-2M per episode and they have been producing TSSP for $1.1 per show. So yeah, being cut to $850,000 is tough-I guess. Ho...
Listen, this Chris Brown and Rihanna deal is played out at this point. There are only so many ways to say it: Chris is a scum. Rihanna needs to run. End of story. But...
Who are these PR people Chris hired to help salvage his reputation? Because they need to be fired, yesterday. The half-assed non-statment, the phallic jet-skiing poses, the reconciliation with Rihanna-any decent public relations firm would not be letting this shit happen. The only element that gives me a sma...
Amy Winehouse finally left St. Lucia and returned to Britain so she could check out her new digs. Whilst she's been away, a new house in North London has been set up for her in a continued effort to get her in a better environment. Neighbors are not pleased that there is a new beehive in town. One neighbor, upon hearing the news of Amy's arrival, was quoted saying, "House prices have fallen enough without Amy Winehouse taking up residence." The people in her new neighborhood will never ...
The Simpsons are about to make history. They just picked up a two-year renewal which will make The Simpsons the longest running series in primetime. Ever.
What show holds the record as of today? Do you know? Hint: it was on-air for twenty years.
Answer after the jump.
I know this story comes from The Enquirer, but I have a feeling it's true. Or I'm just projecting and hope it's true. Though Drew's sweet potato face (not to be confused with sweet, potato face) on those Cover Girl ads annoys me, she can't stand John Mayer. That is a stance I can support.
Drew Barrymore is begging Jennifer Aniston to dump John Mayer, telling her: “You can do better!” says a friend of the actresses.
The two beauties - recent co-stars in the hit He’s Just Not That I...
Jerry's back with a new show based on marriage. With the working title of The Marriage Ref, it has one of the most terrifying concepts I've heard in awhile. Picture this: celebrities and athletes will observe couples in the midst of marital discord and-I'm not sure if I can even communicate this with a straight face-counsel and advise the married folk on how to solve their issues.
I personally would consider any relationship advice doled out by a celebrity or athlete the equivalent of...
Hey, I didn't call her a "wharf rat." I'm just trying to be supportive and agreeable here!
Private Practice star, Kate Walsh appears in the March issue of Redbook and talks about the dissolution of her marriage. This is it in a nutshell: When she got married, she didn't think she would be getting divorced. She is known for being very persistent and trying, trying, trying. She got divorced after fifteen months. She still cares about her ex-husband. She was sad. She's dating. She's an insecure and des...
You know how Paula Abdul always appears completely whacked out of her mind on American Idol? It can no longer be blamed on drugs. Nope, the Paula you are watching this season is like a pile of fine Colombian-pure and unaltered.
In an OK! interview, Paula tells of the surgery she had this past summer that has changed her life:
For the first time in 12 years, I am pain free. I had my 15th surgery to correct my back and neck problems last August and it worked. Finally! I had a new doctor who...
The spin has begun. After a mediocre, sorta, kinda, not really apology, Chris Brown has begun taken anger management classes. Of course! And they weren't court ordered. He's just taking them to better himself. I'm sure this tactic was not suggested by his PR team and has nothing to do with bettering his chances at his upcoming court date.
Why is it that abusers never take anger management classes prior to totally losing it and beating up people? Like, Chris Brown never knew he had ...
So many times, I read some celebrity item and then never hear or read any follow-up. So I just shelve it as a Must Have Just Been A Rumor. Oh, how I wish this were one of those times. Alas, it is not so.
Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson have been seen biking around Paris this week. They are totally back together.
In my dating days, I had a rule about reconciliation. If I hated a guy enough to dump him, there was no need to revisit that relationship. Ever. And I really wouldn't be ab...
Kanye West debuted his new girlfriend, Amber Rose, at Fashion Week. It turns out, his new love has a few skeletons in the closet. She's not just a former stripper and nude model, and with a name like Amber Rose it's practically a requirement to have such a career, but she's also a former lesbian. Her ex-girlfriend, Tre, is said to be devastated to have been dumped for the caps lock loving Kanye.
Pictures of Amber and Tre, in happier, pre-penis days, can be found here....