I don't know what all this concern has been about Lindsay's weight lately. Every non-boot related and non-crying jag at 2AM on the street related article I read about her, refers to the scarfing down of Big Macs and Red Bull. I don't see the issue. She's really the picture of health at this point; her thermal shirt has seen better days though.
Anyway, Sam and Linds went out for a snack last night and it's clear to me that Linds is totally enjoying her hearty teaspoonful of frozen yogu...
I'm making another one of my predictions. You all may remember that I'm basically the Miss Cleo around here at Evil Beet. To be fair, this picture doesn't require a whole lot of clairvoyance; But to make it official, I call a Justin/Jessica break-up by September.
And for those of you unfamiliar with my acute perspicaciousness, please read here and here and here....
Last week, stars showed their support as stylist, Andrea Lieberman, launched her new clothing line at Barney's New York in Bev Hills.
As is often the case, big names like Gwen Stefani, Ellen Pompeo and Jennifer Lopez borrowed jewelry from famed Swiss jeweler, Robert Mouawad. And as is also often the case, the bling was returned the next day. Except in the case of J. Lo.
According to a New York Post source, Lopez's manager called Mouawad after the event and informed him that Jen would be keeping the pieces sh...
Listen, guys. Normally I don't work this late in the day. But I found out this news a little while ago and I don't know where else to take it except here. I've been bitching about it for the past hour on my Facebook. Life On Mars got the ax. Wait-Life On Mars got the ax but Two And A Half Men got renewed. I don't know what alternate universe I am in, but someone, anyone, please come get me.
Someone, anyone, explain this to me. Please. I am beside myself right now. I know it's only a television show but this is Sam f...
Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens appeared together last night, at the US premiere of Watchmen. Why is it that these two never look like an authentic couple? And they always have dead eyes. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are so much better at this fake relationship thing....
"My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live."
Kanye West in his VH1 Storytellers documentary, sharing the biggest disappointment of his life.
You know what the greatest pain in my life is? Having to write about Kanye West every time he comes up with a quote intended to keep his name in the media. Or, you know, every time he decides to punch a pap....
Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz told The Daily Mail he is convinced someone is going to murder him. He won't open his door for fear of being taken down by a crazed gunman. Pete needs a dose of reality. Because, as a rule, gunmen often don't announce their arrival by ringing the doorbell. Of course, this whole murder concept comes from a dude who also said, "If I didn't have a baby, I'd have a chimp." So, you know, grain of salt.
Other scintillating snippets of Pete's interview:
I n...
Paris and her irrelevant boyfriend Doug Reinhardt showed up in LA at Teddy's nightclub Saturday night. They made a point of hanging on each other and making out-all in front of Reinhardt's ex, Amanda Bynes, who also happened to be there. Bynes chose to ignore the two dancing STDs and carried on with her evening.
Don't you remember creating drama like this when you were, like, fifteen? Sigh...Paris is such a useless sperm receptacle at this point....
"I don't owe anybody my side of the story.There are no sides! There is no bad guy and there is no good guy. There are no villains and there is no heroine in this story."
Jennifer Aniston in April's issue of Elle UK discussing how she isn't going to talk about her split from Brad. Which I find ironic since I feel like she is always talking about her "husband."
Advice to Jen? If you don't feel that you owe anyone your side of the story, stop sharing your side of the story with everyone....