I can't believe he didn't tell me! I am sure he just wanted to surprise me with the news, but my husband Pierce Brosnan was named 'Sexiest Irishman' in a YouGov survey.
So, you know the sick kid I mentioned? Some say she's my daughter but now I'm just calling her "Betrayer." While I was fixated on my Pierce porn, and really...that is a great name for a porn star, Betrayer informed me that not only was Brosnan not my husband, but that the wife he hired for photo-ops, since I shun the spot...
Kate Moss spent all those years braless in her Calvin Klein t-shirts and now she's paying the price.
The totally sober Moss, and by "sober" I mean "wrecked", attended a birthday party at the legendary Annabel's nightclub in London last night. In her typical partying spirit, she decided to let it all hang out when she departed the club at 2 a.m.
Dear God, she looks like a National Geographic special feature.
Sidenote: my co-pilot is still sitting with me. I tried hard to hide these pics but she saw...
This story comes from The Sun, so normally I'd just laugh and move on. But a couple things caught my attention about this item. Firstly, it wasn't a story about Amy Winehouse, Jade Goody or Kerry Katona...this is huge and unheard of for The Sun. Secondly, I totally could see this being true. It just makes sense.
The Sun is reporting that Chris Brown's lawyers have requested a special hearing to be held next week, in which they will ask that all charges be dropped against Brown. They cl...
Taylor Swift is on and in April's issue of Allure and she wants you to know that talking about love is fine but sex is an off limits topic. Swift's reasoning for the silence: "It’s fine to talk about love publicly. But I think when you talk about virginity and sex publicly, people just automatically picture you naked. And as much as I can prevent people picturing me naked, I’m going to." I don't know about you, but as soon as someone says, "Don't imagine me naked," that's the first...
"I think that there might be some other explanation or something going on. I'm not quite sure what, but I can't believe that he's really going to quit [acting] forever to become a rapper. It seems odd."
Gwyneth Paltrow to MTV UK when asked about her Two Lovers co-star Joaquin Phoenix and his decision to leave acting in favor of pursuing his dream of being a rapper.
Also, what career advice does Gwyn have for the clumsy and violent human pogo-stick? "Hmm ... maybe to go live in the...
When I was in high school, I was a big fan of the band Heart. Even when the dark-haired one got fat, I never really thought about it. Because Heart was awesome-period.
There is all this media attention focused on the size of Jessica Simpson's ass right now. I can't help but wonder: would anyone even care about her pant size if she was super talented and was able to, oh, I don't know-remember her lines?
Jessica played the last show on her "Bob Your Head" tour with Rascal Flatts,...
Dear Jennifer,
Thank you for eating. Thank you for not being a size zero, seventy-two hours postpartum. I applaud you for not celebrating each c-section by having your tummy tucked and your thighs sucked.
Thank you for not hiring a stylist to "do" you before you pick up your daughter at school.
Also, I'd like to thank you for shopping at mass merchandisers. Sometimes, in photos, I recognize the Old Navy togs that your children don. It brings me peace when I see your kid dressed in...
Drew Barrymore and Justin Long may be back together again. I thought I just read something the other day that said Long was dating his other He's Just Not That Into You co-star, Ginnifer Goodwin but New York Post claims that Barrymore and Justin were sucking face and downing drinks at Bar Marmont the other night.
Now, I find Drew to be a grating little Oompa Loompa, but I liked her so much more when she was with this dude. He totally improved her likability rating.
Good luck to these two!...
Happy Monday!
I am really into the show, Lie To Me. It's about these face readers that identify all sorts of facial movements, body language, etc. and define what each signal really means. Now that I'm a complete and total expert in lie detection, my family hates me. A typical night in my home:
Me:Â "Do you like the chili I made?"
Husband:Â "Yes, it's really good."
Me: "Why are you lying to me? I know you're lying! You just touched your ear! That. Is. Deception!Â...
Remember last year when Lindsay Lohan borrowed a fur coat from 1OAK nighclub? The owner of the mink, Marsha Markova, called it "stealing" because Lindsay uh, borrowed it without asking and returned it three weeks later torn and reeking of smoke and booze. Whatever...semantics can be so tiresome.
Borrowed or stolen, the case has been settled. The amount Linds had to pay to Markova was undisclosed. According to New York Post, the mink was worth $11,000 and Marsha was asking for $10,000 ...