Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Avril Lavigne and Mod Sun call off engagement

I can't imagine the wild lives of Avril Lavigne and Mod Sun (born Derek Smith) live behind closed doors. But it seems to have come to a boil.

People Magazine is reporting the pair have ended their relationship less than a year after getting engaged.

"Avril and Mod Sun have been on and off for the past two months, but are no longer together as a couple," said an insider.

Earlier this week, TMZ published photos of the "Girlfriend" singer-songwriter hugging rapper Tyga after sharing a meal at Nobu restaurant. The images sparked dating rumors between the two musicians, but a source tells PEOPLE: "Avril and Tyga are genuinely friends and nothing more. There was absolutely no third party involved in the split."

/> I can't imagine the wild lives of Avril Lavigne and Mod Sun (born Derek Smith) live behind closed doors. But it seems to have come to a boil. People Magazine is reporting the pair have ended their relationship less than a year after getting engaged. "Avril and Mod Sun have been on and off for the past two months, but are no longer together as a couple," said an insider. Earlier this week, TMZ published photos of the "Girlfriend" singer-songwriter hugging rapper Tyga after sharing a meal ...

Jamie Lynn Spears shares Zoey update

If you haven't heard Paramount+ is rolling out a Zoey 101 film called, what else, Zoey 102! And Monday night Jamie Lynn Spears shared her thoughts on her instagram writing that she's full of "Bittersweet Feels."

"I truly love all of these humans. The NEW ERA of ZOEY would not exist without each and every person doing their part to create this magical experience, including our amazing fans. gonna need wayyyy more then 10 photos to include all of these wonderful people tho #ZOEY102"

The movie will reunite all the characters from the Nickelodeon series as they reunite for a wedding.

Zooey shared pics from the set and it definitely has me getting excited!

/> If you haven't heard Paramount+ is rolling out a Zoey 101 film called, what else, Zoey 102! And Monday night Jamie Lynn Spears shared her thoughts on her instagram writing that she's full of "Bittersweet Feels." "I truly love all of these humans. The NEW ERA of ZOEY would not exist without each and every person doing their part to create this magical experience, including our amazing fans. gonna need wayyyy more then 10 photos to include all of these wonderful people tho #ZOEY102" ...

Gisele shares pics from her return to Carnival!

Gisele Bündchen returned to her native Brazil this week to celebrate the annual Carnival with friends!

The supermodel shared a bunch of amazing photos from the festival, which runs till February 25th.

"It was so special to return to Carnival and honor this beautiful celebration of our Brazilian culture," she captioned it.

In the post she shares float and performer photos, pictures with friends and lots of pics of her insanely tone abs.

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/> Gisele Bündchen returned to her native Brazil this week to celebrate the annual Carnival with friends! The supermodel shared a bunch of amazing photos from the festival, which runs till February 25th. "It was so special to return to Carnival and honor this beautiful celebration of our Brazilian culture," she captioned it. In the post she shares float and performer photos, pictures with friends and lots of pics of her insanely tone abs. <blockquote class="instagram-media" data-...

Jansen Panettiere dead at 28

You may not know Jansen Panettiere by name, but the 28 year old actor was the brother of Hayden Panettiere and an actor on Walking Dead.

A family member spoke with TMZ this morning but provided few details.

Hayden, 33, has not yet publicly addressed her brother's unexpected passing. 

Law enforcement sources were called to a residence Sunday night around 5:30PM according to TMZ.

There is no foul play suspected in Jansen's death according to the publication.

The siblings were last seen together less than one month before his death. Jansen shared a picture of Hayden cutting his hair on January 24. 

'Not the first haircut she's tried to give me,' he joked in the caption. 

/> You may not know Jansen Panettiere by name, but the 28 year old actor was the brother of Hayden Panettiere and an actor on Walking Dead. A family member spoke with TMZ this morning but provided few details. Hayden, 33, has not yet publicly addressed her brother's unexpected passing.  Law enforcement sources were called to a residence Sunday night around 5:30PM according to TMZ. There is no foul play suspected in Jansen's death according to the publication. The siblings w...

Rebel Wilson Is Engaged!

It's been a thrilling year for Rebel Wilson. The Aussie actress got in shape, met the love of her life and welcomed a brand new baby all before 2023!

Rebel and girlfriend Ramona Agruma first announced they were a couple back in June of 2022. But the two new they were madly in love in 8 months and this weekend made it official!

Wilson announced the exciting news in an Instagram post on Sunday. "We said YES! ??. Thank you @tiffanyandco for the stunning ring ? and to Bob Iger and the incredible team at Disneyland @disneyweddings for pulling off this magical surprise!" she wrote.

In images shared, Wilson and Agruma can be seen wearing matching pink and white striped sweaters with a black heart etched in the center.

I swear I've seen Rebel at Disney at least half a dozen times.

Check out the ring close up!

/> It's been a thrilling year for Rebel Wilson. The Aussie actress got in shape, met the love of her life and welcomed a brand new baby all before 2023! Rebel and girlfriend Ramona Agruma first announced they were a couple back in June of 2022. But the two new they were madly in love in 8 months and this weekend made it official! Wilson announced the exciting news in an Instagram post on Sunday. "We said YES! ??. Thank you @tiffanyandco for the stunning ring ? and to Bob Iger and t...

Megan Fox addresses cheating rumors

Last week Megan Fox shut down her instagram and rumors were flying it was due to MGK cheating on her with Sophie, his lead guitarist.

Then later in the week we saw Megan and MGK coming out of a marriage counselor's office and Megan was clearly in tears.

Now Megan is back and she's not being subtle about her feelings on the talk.

“There has been no third party interference in this relationship of any kind. That includes, but is not limited to…actual humans, DMs, AI bots or succubus demons,” the “Jennifer’s Body” star wrote in a statement via her Notes app.

“While I do hate to rob you of running random baseless news stories that would have been much more accurately written by ChatGPT, you need to let this story die and leave all these innocent people alone now  .”

Now sure that will stop rumors, considering she was the one who started all the tongues wagging with her post to the gram where she quoted Beyonce's Lemonade album. Which was a clear indication of cheating and betrayal.

/> Last week Megan Fox shut down her instagram and rumors were flying it was due to MGK cheating on her with Sophie, his lead guitarist. Then later in the week we saw Megan and MGK coming out of a marriage counselor's office and Megan was clearly in tears. Now Megan is back and she's not being subtle about her feelings on the talk. “There has been no third party interference in this relationship of any kind. That includes, but is not limited to…actual humans, DMs, AI bots or succubu...

Chloë Grace Moretz selling Studio City crib

I'm a big fan of Chloe Grace Moretz. She was amazing guest starring on 30 Rock. But of course she's been in way more than that and to treat herself back in 2016 for $3.4m. Which is amazing considering, as points out, she was only 19 at the time!

The giant 6000+ square foot home has everything you need. There's 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms, a theater, a craft area, gym and of course, a pool and outdoor kitchen.

While the style is mature and homey, you can have a hell of a party in a place like this.

Asking: $5,995,000 6 bed, 6 bath, 6,715 sf, theater, pool, gym

/> I'm a big fan of Chloe Grace Moretz. She was amazing guest starring on 30 Rock. But of course she's been in way more than that and to treat herself back in 2016 for $3.4m. Which is amazing considering, as points out, she was only 19 at the time! The giant 6000+ square foot home has everything you need. There's 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms, a theater, a craft area, gym and of course, a pool and outdoor kitchen. While the style is mature and homey, you can have a hell of a party ...

Watch never seen video of the Titanic

The Titanic was a massive passenger cruiser that sank on it's maiden voyage after hitting an iceberg on April 15th 1912. 1,500 people died.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the release of James Camerons film about the doomed ship. If you haven't seen it, make it your weekend homework. Its UH-MAZING!

In 1986 a team from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) sent a submersible craft deep into the ocean and found the wreckage.

Now in celebration of the anniversary of the film, the team has released the entire 80 minute footage of the Titanic in it's watery grave.

“The first thing I saw coming out of the gloom at 30 feet was this wall, this giant wall of riveted steel that rose over 100 and some feet above us,” says former U.S. Navy intelligence officer Robert Ballard, who was on the WHOI team, per Rodrique Ngowi and Mark Pratt of the Associated Press. “I never looked down at the Titanic. I looked up at the Titanic. Nothing was small.”

Enjoy the full footage here, a clip below.

/> The Titanic was a massive passenger cruiser that sank on it's maiden voyage after hitting an iceberg on April 15th 1912. 1,500 people died. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the release of James Camerons film about the doomed ship. If you haven't seen it, make it your weekend homework. Its UH-MAZING! In 1986 a team from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) sent a submersible craft deep into the ocean and found the wreckage. Now in celebration of the anniversary of t...

Nexflix dropping ‘Arrested Development’

When I'm asked what is my favorite comedy of all time I immediately say Season 1 - 10 of the Simpsons. Otherwise, it's all about Arrested Development.

The show follows The Bluth family. In particular, Michael Bluth, who's been tasked with taking over the family business as his father is sent to prison for a host of white collar crimes.

This is the show that introduced Michael Cera to the majority of us (several years before Juno) and showed off the comedic skills of Will Arnett. The show is perfection.

So why is Netflix cutting it from the streamer? The contracts up and they're looking to downsize the storage and make more room for new shows. Netflix still has to pay for Arrested Development to make it available and that's money that could go towards another show they'll cancel after a season.

Booo. I will be going wherever AD goes.

/> When I'm asked what is my favorite comedy of all time I immediately say Season 1 - 10 of the Simpsons. Otherwise, it's all about Arrested Development. The show follows The Bluth family. In particular, Michael Bluth, who's been tasked with taking over the family business as his father is sent to prison for a host of white collar crimes. This is the show that introduced Michael Cera to the majority of us (several years before Juno) and showed off the comedic skills of Will Arnett. T...

Camila Cabello and CEO break up

Camilla Cabello had been dating Austin Kevitch, the CEO of an app called Lox Club. It's a dating app with the tagline "It's like a Deli, but for dating."

But it's no ordinary dating app. People describe it as the "Jewish Raya". Raya of course being an app where celebrities can sort threw candidates that the service prescreens to make sure they're attractive enough.

The two began dating eight months ago and he seems like a real gem. Multiple sources have said the dating app sent out a newsletter announcing "Austin is single again".

I think the joke is on him because he essentially emailed a big red flag.

/> Camilla Cabello had been dating Austin Kevitch, the CEO of an app called Lox Club. It's a dating app with the tagline "It's like a Deli, but for dating." But it's no ordinary dating app. People describe it as the "Jewish Raya". Raya of course being an app where celebrities can sort threw candidates that the service prescreens to make sure they're attractive enough. The two began dating eight months ago and he seems like a real gem. Multiple sources have said the dating app sent out a ...

Actress Raquel Welch, dead at 82

Raquel Welch, a longtime actress, international sex symbol and Golden Globe winner, has died, PEOPLE confirms. She was 82.

Welch "passed away peacefully early this morning after a brief illness," her manager Steve Sauer confirmed to PEOPLE on Wednesday.

Sauer added, "Her career spanned over 50 years starring in over 30 films and 50 television series and appearances. The Golden Globe winner, in more recent years, was involved in a very successful line of wigs. Raquel leaves behind her two children, son Damon Welch and her daughter Tahnee Welch.

TMZ was first to report the news.

Welch made her film debut in the mid 1960s, with breakout roles in 1966's Fantastic Voyage and One Million Years B.C. that same year.

She would go on to star in dozens of films, including 1973's The Three Musketeers, which earned her a Golden Globe for best actress in a motion picture comedy or musical.

/> Raquel Welch, a longtime actress, international sex symbol and Golden Globe winner, has died, PEOPLE confirms. She was 82. Welch "passed away peacefully early this morning after a brief illness," her manager Steve Sauer confirmed to PEOPLE on Wednesday. Sauer added, "Her career spanned over 50 years starring in over 30 films and 50 television series and appearances. The Golden Globe winner, in more recent years, was involved in a very successful line of wigs. Raquel leaves ...

LV taps Pharrell Williams as next creative director

This is a BIG DEAL. Ever since the loss of the great Virgil Abloh the fashion giant Louis Vuitton has been looking for a suitable replacement. They've found it.

Pharrell Williams, the singer who brought us "Happy," has been appointed the new creative director of mens wear.

"I am glad to welcome Pharrell back home, after our collaborations in 2004 and 2008 for Louis Vuitton, as our new Men's Creative Director," said Pietro Beccari, Louis Vuitton's chairman and CEO in a statement. "His creative vision beyond fashion will undoubtedly lead Louis Vuitton towards a new and very exciting chapter."

Much like Abloh, Williams' creativity is cross-disciplinary: At the beginning of 2022, he announced he was involved in an ambitious new hotel project, slated to open next year in the Bahamas, and during the pandemic, he released a portable cutlery set to limit single-use plastic consumption when outdoor dining.

How Williams will apply his skillset to his new role at Louis Vuitton remains to be seen but a flurry of industry reactions to the news across social media suggests he'll have a packed house at his first show this summer.

/> This is a BIG DEAL. Ever since the loss of the great Virgil Abloh the fashion giant Louis Vuitton has been looking for a suitable replacement. They've found it. Pharrell Williams, the singer who brought us "Happy," has been appointed the new creative director of mens wear. "I am glad to welcome Pharrell back home, after our collaborations in 2004 and 2008 for Louis Vuitton, as our new Men's Creative Director," said Pietro Beccari, Louis Vuitton's chairman and CEO in a statement. "His crea...