Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jared Leto Lists House in the Hills

The rebel dreamboat Jared Leto is moving out of LA's party hills in favor of the more mature Laurel Canyon. Which leaves a vine wrapped mid century home empty and ready for purchase. Unassumingly large at 4,021 square feet, the place boasts 4 bedroom and 3 baths.   Out back overlooks a tropically landscaped side yard with swimming pool, spa, built-in fire pit, built-in grilling station, and extensive concrete terracing. The place is a steal at $1,999,000. jaredleto_hh1The rebel dreamboat Jared Leto is moving out of LA's party hills in favor of the more mature Laurel Canyon. Which leaves a vine wrapped mid century home empty and ready for purchase. Unassumingly large at 4,021 square feet, the place boasts 4 bedroom and 3 baths.   Out back overlooks a tropically landscaped side yard with swimming pool, spa, built-in fire pit, built-in grilling station, and extensive concrete terracing. The place is a steal at $1,999,000.   &...

Holiday Gift Guide!

We’re 47 days till Christmas and Chanukah  and and that seems like as good a time as any to start really narrowing down my choices for gifts. Each week I hope to share a handful of items that I think are awesome and original.  Plus, as I am on a budget, the collections will mostly be items under the $50 mark.  Evilbeet receives no benefits for recommending a product or site. I say that b/c some sites just have more than others to offer and I hit them a lot. Today I’m featuring items for your cell phone. These gifts are perfect for secret santa at work, teens and really anyone with a phone, seriously.     If you know a teenage girl you know someone who wants this. And you can pay up to $60 for a light up iphone case. But you don't have to when you have ebay!  Just search "light up cell phone case" to get any phone style. Here are some now!   Just $12.00 and free shipping. s-l1600We’re 47 days till Christmas and Chanukah  and and that seems like as good a time as any to start really narrowing down my choices for gifts. Each week I hope to share a handful of items that I think are awesome and original.  Plus, as I am on a budget, the collections will mostly be items under the $50 mark.  Evilbeet receives no benefits for recommending a product or site. I say that b/c some sites just have more than others to offer and I hit them a lot. Today I’m featuring items for your cell ph...

Art Furniture that’s like Living under the Sea!

Designer Porky Hefer, from Cape Town, South Africa, created this amazing collection of hanging chairs that resemble different animals – like an orca, a pufferfish, a pelican, a manta ray, an alligator, and an anglerfish.   The series of furniture, entitled Monstera Deliciosa, are strongly woven and easily allow a person to sit, nay swing, in the unusual functioning art. The aesthetic appeal of your home may also be enhanced through your furniture pieces like these dining tables Perth. According to Hefer, each ‘nest environment’ was made using traditional South African craft skills, like stitching, weaving, and splicing together various fibers. He even collaborated with local craftsmen, including master weaver Ismael Bey, to revive a dying craft. In projects like these, artisans often rely on no-cord glue applicators for precision and ease of movement when assembling intricate designs. ‘Ismael has trained weavers at the Cape Town Society for the Blind, where I’ve had a lot of my designs produced’, Hefer said. ‘In this way, I use his traditional knowledge and weaving skills and subvert these into non-traditional forms, making them more relevant’. These gorgeous and delightful pieces do actually come up for sale from time to time. But the price isn't disclosed. Which is curator speak for "if you have to ask, you can't afford it".  Oh well. 2016-11-06 16-13-24Designer Porky Hefer, from Cape Town, South Africa, created this amazing collection of hanging chairs that resemble different animals – like an orca, a pufferfish, a pelican, a manta ray, an alligator, and an anglerfish.   The series of furniture, entitled Monstera Deliciosa, are strongly woven and easily allow a person to sit, nay swing, in the unusual functioning art. The aesthetic appeal of your home may also be enhanced through your furniture pieces like these dining tables Perth. According to Hefer, each ‘nest en...

Amazing Portraits out of Paper for One of a Kind Personalized Art

  Artist Brittani Rose lives in San Diego California where she uses paper to create amazing one of a kind portraits of families and individuals for any event you can imagine.  Working from photographs, Brittini perfectly recreates every aspect of the moment to capture the moment you cherish. Of course such tedious work isn't cheap. Anywhere from $200 - $1000 for the work, depending on the size you're looking for and how elaborate the design will be.  You can see more of her work in her online store. You can see the detail she puts into making the pictures mirror their photos. il_fullxfull.898793154_m295  Artist Brittani Rose lives in San Diego California where she uses paper to create amazing one of a kind portraits of families and individuals for any event you can imagine.  Working from photographs, Brittini perfectly recreates every aspect of the moment to capture the moment you cherish. Of course such tedious work isn't cheap. Anywhere from $200 - $1000 for the work, depending on the size you're looking for and how elaborate the design will be.  You can see more of her work in he...

Mila Kunis Opens Up about Sexism and Fighting Back 2016-11-04 01-51-15 Mila Kunis penned a powerful letter in A Plus detailing the sexism she’s experienced throughout her career, including having a producer threaten her future in the entertainment industry simply for refusing to pose semi nude in a mens magazine to promote a film. “’You’ll never work in this town again.’ A cliché to be sure," she wrote. “I was no longer willing to subject myself to a naïve compromise that I had previously been willing to.”  Upset by his statement, she cont...

Rachel Hunter Selling in Hollywood Hills 2016-11-03 23-43-07   Before you ask me who Rachel Hunter is, I'm going to tell you. She was a supermodel back when supermodels were just models we thought were super. The late 80's. And in 1990 she married Rod Stewart, rock god. So that's who she is. For our purposes, Ms Hunter is the owner of beautiful spanish bohemian house in the always marketable Hollywood Hills.   It's so homey and feminine and has views for days. Clocking in at 5,000 square feet, this 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath is being offered for tw...

Basquiat Themed Clothing Line is Outstanding!

  Famed artists like Salvador Dali and Piet Mondrian have been used as fashion muses for years. They're familiar designs covering everything from mini skirts to infinity scarves.  So it's about time some new blood hit the racks. Alice + Olivia is rolling out a capsule collection of clothes and accessories displaying the work of ’80s Neo-Expressionist Jean-Michel Basquiat. And I love it. Bendet created the 17 piece collection with the permission and advice of the Basquiat Estate. Prices in the group run from $150 to $1,295; half of the proceeds from the collection will go to the Council of Fashion Designers of America to help promote young talent. The roll out had some hot faces modeling the wears. Nikki Hilton-Rothschild is seen wearing an adorable sweater with JMB's signature crown as she poses with Alice + Olivia Creative Designer, Stacey Bendet, also in a piece from the line. 3A01DC8B00000578-3899982-image-m-151_1478146247104  Famed artists like Salvador Dali and Piet Mondrian have been used as fashion muses for years. They're familiar designs covering everything from mini skirts to infinity scarves.  So it's about time some new blood hit the racks. Alice + Olivia is rolling out a capsule collection of clothes and accessories displaying the work of ’80s Neo-Expressionist Jean-Michel Basquiat. And I love it. Bendet created the 17 piece collection with the permission and advice of the Basquiat Estate....

Log Piling as an Art Form? Yes Please!

Unbeknownst to me,  there are people out there who arrange huge piles of logs into beautiful pictures that will gradually disappear as they are burned throughout the cold winter months. Some really artistic people that live in the woods can't simply throw a log onto a pile like a normal person. They thoughtfully consider a layout and create fun and amazing stacked statue like pictures. It's amazing. creative-wood-pile-stacking-art-2-581724112ea7b__605Unbeknownst to me,  there are people out there who arrange huge piles of logs into beautiful pictures that will gradually disappear as they are burned throughout the cold winter months. Some really artistic people that live in the woods can't simply throw a log onto a pile like a normal person. They thoughtfully consider a layout and create fun and amazing stacked statue like pictures. It's amazing.          ...

Amy Schumer Buys $12 million Penthouse

Amy Schumer has been house hunting for something a bit more spacious than cute little West Village spot she unloaded this summer. The hottest comedian of 2016 isn't waiting for a blockbuster before diving into the deep deep end of the real estate market.  She just bought a 4,500 sq ft penthouse on Manhattan's Upper West Side. 190 Riverside, to be exact. The duplex is perched atop a turn of the century building and features a wall of glass doors, coffered glass ceilings, a custom stone and glass gas fireplace, a wrap around terrace and a separate bedroom wing.  Five Bedrooms and five baths should leave plenty of space for guests. Though I wonder if boyfriend Ben is moving in?


amyschumer_nycph2Amy Schumer has been house hunting for something a bit more spacious than cute little West Village spot she unloaded this summer. The hottest comedian of 2016 isn't waiting for a blockbuster before diving into the deep deep end of the real estate market.  She just bought a 4,500 sq ft penthouse on Manhattan's Upper West Side. 190 Riverside, to be exact. The duplex is perched atop a turn of the century building and features a wall of glass doors, coffered glass ceilings, a custom stone and glass...

Bill Murray gave his extra World Series ticket to a stranger

Bill Murray was just walking into Game 6 of the World Series in his full Cubby gear. Just minding his own beeswax. In the same parking lot was Karen Michel.  A diehard cubs fan that came all the way to Cleveland without a ticket, with the hopes she could score one last minute.  Their paths collide.. According to, “She soon noticed actor Bill Murray walking by, and, her interest piqued, she started to follow him. What she wasn’t expecting was for Murray to turn around and hand her his extra World Series ticket.” “He turns around and says, ‘Here, here’s a ticket,”” ...

Porsha Williams Buys a Mansion Near NeNe Leakes

A new “Real Housewife of Atlanta” has arrived in a gated community outside Atlanta — and she’s not even the area’s first. Porsha Williams paid $1.15 million for a mansion on the same golf course as fellow “RHOA” NeNe Leakes, TMZ was first to report. The drama factor is sure to rise with two housewives living large so close together. It’s Williams’ first home purchase since her divorce from retired NFL quarterback Kordell Stewart, and she celebrated on social media with the salvos “God bless the child that got his own” and, from Beyonce, “#BestRevengeIsYourPaper.” Five fireplaces grace the 5-bedroom, 7-bath mansion, which boasts a chef’s kitchen alongside a breakfast room with its own fireplace and coffered ceiling. 1Porsha-Williams1-079fc8A new “Real Housewife of Atlanta” has arrived in a gated community outside Atlanta — and she’s not even the area’s first. Porsha Williams paid $1.15 million for a mansion on the same golf course as fellow “RHOA” NeNe Leakes, TMZ was first to report. The drama factor is sure to rise with two housewives living large so close together. It’s Williams’ first home purchase since her divorce from retired NFL quarterback Kordell Stewart, and she celebrated on social media with the...

Anna Kendrick Comes Out as Straight 2016-11-01 20-59-14    When asked about becoming a gay icon, says she's 'such a straight, cis, Boringface McGee' Her 10 closest friends right now, male and female, are all gay Sees her character in 'Camp' as a lesbian, though never discussed it with director Todd Graff If she had to cast someone as her lesbian love interest that'd be Brittany Snow because the Pitch Perfect fandom ships them About her super lesbian thanksgiving last year: maybe one other straight girl there and Thanksg...