Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Wonder Woman Clobbers at Box Office! 2017-06-05 01-42-47 Wonder Woman SHOCKED the hell out of me by exploding onto the weekend charts with an impressive debut of $100.5 million in North America. Wonder Woman, starring Gal Gadot in the titular role, becomes only the 16th superhero title to launch to $100 million or more domestically, not adjusting for inflation. It is no small feat, considering Wonder Woman isn't a sequel. Plus the movie skewed female (52 percent), while most superhero films rely on 60 percent or more of the audience being male. I...

Lindsay Lohan is launching her own jewelry line

Lindsay Lohan is launching a jewelry line, Page Six has learned. The oft-troubled star — who’s been rehabbing her image abroad — posted several shots on a yacht in Cannes captioned #Lohanjewelry. Her rep would only hint, “Something is in the works!” Back in 2011, Lohan was launching a jewelry line with Pascal Mouawad, but it fell through. That year, she pleaded no contest to misdemeanor theft for walking off with a $2,500 necklace in LA. She was also herself a victim of the infamous “Bling Ring.” Seriously, prettiest picture I've ever seen of the girl. Thank you for taking your fingers out of your mouth, bish.

#cannes ??? #chakra #blessed #LohanJewelry @ssh_maritime

A post shared by Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan) on

/>Lindsay Lohan is launching a jewelry line, Page Six has learned. The oft-troubled star — who’s been rehabbing her image abroad — posted several shots on a yacht in Cannes captioned #Lohanjewelry. Her rep would only hint, “Something is in the works!” Back in 2011, Lohan was launching a jewelry line with Pascal Mouawad, but it fell through. That year, she pleaded no contest to misdemeanor theft for walking off with a $2,500 necklace in LA. She was also herself a victim of the ...

Megyn Kelly set to interview controversial Alex Jones 2017-06-02 14-38-02 For those of you who don't know Alex Jones, allow me.  Every time you hear about one of your favorite rappers or actors or President of the United States, make some crazy statement like the earth is flat or the moon landing is fake or climate change is a hoax..... this is who they turn to for unrelenting acceptance.  He'll buy into, and regurgitate, any nonsense you can come up with. This is of course disputed by his exwife who claims it's all an act, but that's of no importance here. B...

ABC to air Manchester benefit concert

grande1 ABC will air Ariana Grande’s One Love benefit concert Sunday, one of a host of international broadcasters that have signed up to air the live event dedicated to helping victims of the Manchester attack. BBC Worldwide, the commercial arm of the BBC, is coordinating the international effort and has placed the concert with broadcasters in 38 countries so far, with more agreements expected. In addition to the U.S., viewers in Asia, South America, Australia, and other parts of Europe will...

Movie About 2016 Clown Sightings Coming 2017-05-31 21-18-40 Just when you thought the terrifying clown prank wave was over, hollywood buys it 15 more minutes. Tommy V Films has snatched up the rights to clown epidemic film Behind The Sightings, a physiological thriller inspired by hours of footage from scary clown sightings recorded in 2016. The film, directed by Tony Cadwell, is eyeing a theatrical release sometime in October. It centers on a young married couple, Todd and Jessica Smith, two filmmakers from Raleigh in North Carolina, who set out...

Kathy Griffin Fired from CNN over Trump photos

Kathy Griffin is out at CNN as host of New Years Eve. If you saw the photo of Kathy Griffin holding the bloodied severed head of Donald Trump, you griffin31f-1-webKathy Griffin is out at CNN as host of New Years Eve. If you saw the photo of Kathy Griffin holding the bloodied severed head of Donald Trump, you might have suspected a few jobs she holds would drop out.  Hell, if you watch the behind the scenes video of her and photographer Tyler Shields, she repeatedly looks at the photo and asks Shields if he's aware they were committing career suicide. So this aspect of the photo fall out wasn't a complete surprise. I bet it hurt though. She loves that gig. ...

LeBron James home vandalized 2017-05-31 13-28-34 An L.A. home owned by LeBron James was the target of a hate crime -- someone spray painted the n-word on the front gate and detectives are now investigating. TMZ's sports edition had the most recent details stating multiple LAPD units and a neighborhood patrol vehicle responded to the home early Wednesday morning. We're told the word was scrawled on the outer gate. Investigators are looking for security footage from neighbors which may show the perpetrator. Records show LeBron bough...

Alicia Silverstone Surprises fans at ‘Clueless’ showing

At the Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles they play movies on giant screens while locals chill on blankets among the gravestones.  It's less creepy than you might think. This weekend the were showing one of the greatest movies, like... ever. 'Clueless' with Alicia Silverstone. And this weekend the folks sharing the film with the dead were treated to a total geek out moment when Silverstone showed up to the screening! And what's more, so did Breckin Meyer. They played Cher and Travis, respectively, of course. Silverstone stood before the screen and introduced the movie, and while she told the crowd that she hoped they would enjoy it, they shouted back "Clueless" catchphrases for her to repeat. "As if!" members of the audience yelled. "You're going to hear it in a second. You don't need me to say it," she told them before offering up a sample. "Whatever!" the Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles they play movies on giant screens while locals chill on blankets among the gravestones.  It's less creepy than you might think. This weekend the were showing one of the greatest movies, like... ever. 'Clueless' with Alicia Silverstone. And this weekend the folks sharing the film with the dead were treated to a total geek out moment when Silverstone showed up to the screening! And what's more, so did Breckin Meyer. They played Cher and Travis, respectively,...

Donald Trump continues to fuel all the best memes. #Covfefe

Even on a night when Kathy Griffin leaked horribly inappropriate photos of herself holding the bloodied head of the president, making Don the genuine benefactor of some bipartisan pity, Don Don manages to be the but of the next meme craze. (about 17 hours remaining) The 70-year-old president took to Twitter to share his thoughts, but hit send before completing his sentence. “Despite the constant negative press covfefe,” Donald wrote. So now the #1 trending topic is #covfefe, where people speculate what the word means. Hell Reddit's already given it a sub and searching covfefe on Giphy returns Trump gifs.  So it's on.   />Even on a night when Kathy Griffin leaked horribly inappropriate photos of herself holding the bloodied head of the president, making Don the genuine benefactor of some bipartisan pity, Don Don manages to be the but of the next meme craze. (about 17 hours remaining) The 70-year-old president took to Twitter to share his thoughts, but hit send before completing his sentence. “Despite the constant negative press covfefe,” Donald wrote. So now the #1 trending topic is #covfefe, where people speculate what t...

Mary Kay Letourneau Files for separation from student husband 2017-05-30 15-33-39 Mary Kay Letourneau, the teacher who served more than 7 years in prison for having sex with her student, who she later married -- is about to be single again, TMZ has learned. Vili Fualaau filed for legal separation earlier this month. May Kay was 34 years old in 1996 when she began having sex with her sixth grade student. They married in 2005....

Actor David Arquette has listed his historic estate in Los Angeles for $8.45 million, according to Variety. Known as the O’Melveny House, the Tudor was built in 1908 and is a city landmark. It sits on three-quarters of an acre and has seven bedrooms and eight bathrooms. The outdoor spaces feature sprawling lawns, a meditation pond, a fireplace, and the requisite pool and spa, according to the listing. The entryway is expansive and exquisitely detailed with floor-to-ceiling wood paneling. The family room has exposed beams on the ceiling and a fireplace, and the master suite features a marble fireplace and his-and-her closets. The updated kitchen includes a butler’s pantry and double-wide prep island. It doesn't look anything like what you'd expect the eternally tweaked Mr Arquette to live in.

7 beds 8 baths 9,708 sqft

ISahn6hk83feai1000000000Actor David Arquette has listed his historic estate in Los Angeles for $8.45 million, according to Variety. Known as the O’Melveny House, the Tudor was built in 1908 and is a city landmark. It sits on three-quarters of an acre and has seven bedrooms and eight bathrooms. The outdoor spaces feature sprawling lawns, a meditation pond, a fireplace, and the requisite pool and spa, according to the listing. The entryway is expansive and exquisitely detailed with floor-to-ceiling wood paneli...

Tiger Woods Blew ZEROS, Was Asleep behind the wheel

Tiger Woods was asleep at the wheel in a stopped car at 2:03 AM -- about 8 miles from his house -- when cops came upon him before his arrest, and he was completely out of it. According to the police report Woods was in his 2015 Mercedes asleep at the wheel with the motor running and right blinker flashing. The report says Woods "had extremely slow and slurred 2017-05-30 12-33-09Tiger Woods was asleep at the wheel in a stopped car at 2:03 AM -- about 8 miles from his house -- when cops came upon him before his arrest, and he was completely out of it. According to the police report Woods was in his 2015 Mercedes asleep at the wheel with the motor running and right blinker flashing. The report says Woods "had extremely slow and slurred speech." He told cops he was "coming from L.A. California from golfing." He then changed his story and said he didn't know where he was. According to the report, 4 drugs were listed unde...