Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Leonardo DiCaprio parties till 6 a.m. with Kendall Jenner

[caption id="attachment_181737" align="aligncenter" width="500"][caption id="attachment_181737" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Leo is seen earlier in the week at an exhibition all covered in hat, hood and beard.[/caption] Art Basel an amazing and enormous modern art festival in Miami every December.   The actual art displays didn't actually open till Thursday, but celebs have been pouring into town since Sunday.  It's one of the premiere "see and be seen" events of the year.   So, naturally, Leo, a long time patron of the arts, is going to be there. ...

Jamie Foxx names director who told him to ‘get the f**k out’ of audition

Each year The Hollywood Reporter hosts  The Hollywood Reporter’s annual actor roundtable interview and every year some real shit comes out. This year Jamie Fox sat down with fellow actors Shia LaBeouf, Robert DeNiro, Adam Sandler, Adam Driver, and Tom Hanks and the men chatted it up with the rest of us listening in. Jamie recalled having a salty interaction with director Oliver Stone during his audition for "Any Given Sunday." “I remember Oliver Stone, when I first auditi...

Tiffany Haddish just had a legit Bat Mitzvah

I've been to sooo many Bat and Bar Mitzvah's in my life and there is always one consistent element. A huge party.  So I just assumed that was the reason Tiffany Haddish was taking on the deeply religious event and to promote her new Netflix show "Black Mitzvah".  But it's not! Tiff read from the Torah in front of family and friends this week, completing a bonafide Bat Mitzvah ceremony — which, of course, was followed by a killer party. The service was led by Rabbi Susan Silverman, ...

Justin Timberlake publicly apologizes for holding costars hand

A few weeks ago we were all gasping at the photos of Justin Timberlake holding hands and massaging hands with costar Alisha Wainwright while out at a bar in New Orleans.   Now comes the apology. The father of one, 38, blamed alcohol for his lapse in judgment while on a night out in New Orleans, but insisted ‘nothing happened’ with his Palmer co-star, 30. An excuse that, if I were his wife, would upset me more.  That means you can't be trusted to drink around a woman again? Grow up. Tim...

Emma Stone engaged!

Perhaps moved by her bff Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone answered YES! when her boyfriend David McCary asked her to marry him. McCary posted a pic of the two — with Stone wearing her new ring — on Instagram. The low-key couple were first linked in October 2017, and have made sporadic public appearances since then, including the 2019 Screen Actors Guild Awards, an NBA game and the Met Gala “Boom Boom Afterparty.” Stone was spotted wearing what looked like an engagement ring in April, but we’re gonna go out on a limb here and say this time it’s legit.  
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  />Perhaps moved by her bff Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone answered YES! when her boyfriend David McCary asked her to marry him. McCary posted a pic of the two — with Stone wearing her new ring — on Instagram. The low-key couple were first linked in October 2017, and have made sporadic public appearances since then, including the 2019 Screen Actors Guild Awards, an NBA game and the Met Gala “Boom Boom Afterparty.” Stone was spotted wearing what looked like an engagement ring in April,...

Willie Nelson has quit smoking weed

Snoop Dogg, Seth Rogan, Willie Nelson.  You can only think of pot when you think of those dudes. At least that's what my mind goes to.   On the Rushmore of weed smoking, those are the heads.  Till now. Willie Nelson is off the pot. “I have abused my lungs quite a bit in the past, so breathing is a little more difficult these days and I have to be careful,” he told reporters recently. “I started smoking cedar bark, went from that to cigarettes to whatever,” he said. “And ...

The Weeknd buys massive LA penthouse

Musician The Weeknd has been pretty busy getting singles together to drop in time for the holidays, but he made time in his busy schedule to buy a condo that spans the entire 18th floor of The Beverly West building. A whopping 8,215 square feet with 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and 2 1/2 baths. 11+ foot high ceilings, walls sheathed in locally fabricated walnut paneling, imported natural stone floor tiles almost the exact color of sealskin and white oak floorboards stained a dark, ashy-brown. With gigantic expanses of floor-to-ceiling windows that provide knee-buckling 360-degree city, mountain and ocean views. Musician The Weeknd has been pretty busy getting singles together to drop in time for the holidays, but he made time in his busy schedule to buy a condo that spans the entire 18th floor of The Beverly West building. A whopping 8,215 square feet with 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and 2 1/2 baths. 11+ foot high ceilings, walls sheathed in locally fabricated walnut paneling, imported natural stone floor tiles almost the exact color of sealskin and white oak floorboards stained a dark, ashy-brown. With...

Justin Bieber post plea for tolerance on IG

I have all kinds of concern for Justin Biebers beliefs and his level of awareness, but he's earned my respect with his plea for everyone to go color blind. In a message posted to his instagram account last night, Beebs called for people to stop judging one another by the color of our skin.  Admitting he himself has a history of abusing harmful and alienating words. "When I was young I was uneducated and found myself saying really hurtful things not knowing the power of my words. Racis...

Brad Pitt says he can finally cry

I'm an unapologetic Brad Pitt fan.  So when I learned he's finally found his inner child and can cry after decades of not, I was moved.  Moved to call him and beg him to let me come dry his tears. "I am quite famously a not-crier. Is that a term?" Pitt said in Interview magazine.  "I hadn't cried in, like, 20 years, and now I find myself, at this latter stage, much more moved -- moved by my kids, moved by friends, moved by the news. Just moved. I think it's a good sign. I don't know where ...

Britney celebrates birthday in Miami

Every year I plan to go to Art Basel: Miami (first week in Dec, annual art show) and something always comes up.  Now I find out Britney has taken her crazy parade to the biggest modern art show in the US to celebrate turning 38. If I sound bitter, I am. Britney took to Insta to share a video of some of the cool shit she and boytoy Sam Asghari, 25, were experiencing while in the Miami Beach area.  Ice skating privately (and not well, lol) in what looks like an art installation room. Wandering a beach filled with car sand sculptures made by Argentine sculptor Leandro Erlich for Art Basel.  And of course... bowling.  
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It’s my Bday Bitches ?????

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/>Every year I plan to go to Art Basel: Miami (first week in Dec, annual art show) and something always comes up.  Now I find out Britney has taken her crazy parade to the biggest modern art show in the US to celebrate turning 38. If I sound bitter, I am. Britney took to Insta to share a video of some of the cool shit she and boytoy Sam Asghari, 25, were experiencing while in the Miami Beach area.  Ice skating privately (and not well, lol) in what looks like an art installation room. Wandering...

Ventriloquist asked to ditch Trump puppet because of ‘rough’ political climate

A Trump puppet used by ventriloquist Terry Fator had to be pulled from his act after his bosses, The Mirage Hotel and Casino, asked him not to include it in his act. Terry's used the puppet, with it's pop up toupee, for several years now in his show, but it seems things are getting to hot politically to risk pissing off audience members. “It was kind of one of those things where the Mirage came to me, and they have never told me what to do, ever. But they asked politely, and when they ask pol...

Gabrielle Union’s ‘AGT’ Firing sparks Actors Union Investigation

  I have been so worked up over this Gabby Union firing from America's Got Talent.  If you weren't aware, there were a handful of total bullshit reasons put forth as the cause of the actress being let go. She complained about a racist joke made by Jay Leno.  She was told she wore her hair "too black".  And constant "notes" given to her regarding her appearance began to get to her and lower her morale. Now the Actors Union wants to get to the bottom of things. A spokesperson for the organization said in a statement, “We take issues of workplace health and safety very seriously. We immediately reached out to Ms. Union’s representatives when these reports came to light. It is our practice to work closely with members who reach out to us and their representatives in instances like this, as that usually affords the best protection and best resolution for the affected member." The organization made it clear they will conduct their investigation independent from the network or management of the show. “For certain matters, our investigation and enforcement needs to happen independently and we are prepared to handle this issue accordingly, as warranted," they said. />   I have been so worked up over this Gabby Union firing from America's Got Talent.  If you weren't aware, there were a handful of total bullshit reasons put forth as the cause of the actress being let go. She complained about a racist joke made by Jay Leno.  She was told she wore her hair "too black".  And constant "notes" given to her regarding her appearance began to get to her and lower her morale. Now the Actors Union wants to get to the bottom of things. A spokesperson ...