Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Howard Stern signs new 5 year contract

Love him or hate him, he's been around forever and looks like he'll be around a while longer. Stern and SiriusXM have announced that "The Howard Stern Show" will return for five more years. Stern thanked his cohost Robin Quivers and his entire writing staff and video crew during his show on Tuesday, saying he wouldn't have continued to do the show without Quivers. "Robin, we make a great team. Like Sonny and Cher, Captain and Tennille, Charles Manson and Squeaky Fromme, we continue our gr...

Rob Lowe by Montecito home for $13 mill

Just a few months ago Rob sold a house in Montecito and I thought, hey, that's smart. Every celeb and big wig and duke and dutchess are moving to Montecito right now, so sell that thing for a mint!  But seems he just sunk the earnings back into Montecito anyway.  What's with this town? Everyone is moving there! The new Lowe estate includes a main mansion originally built in 1925 and designed in the classic Spanish Revival-meets-Mediterranean architectural style that proliferates Santa Barbara. There are also two detached guest cottages, both of them rather ramshackle, clapboard-sided affairs surrounded by overgrown foliage and equipped with their own pea gravel patios. Bought for $13,000,000    5,788 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms Just a few months ago Rob sold a house in Montecito and I thought, hey, that's smart. Every celeb and big wig and duke and dutchess are moving to Montecito right now, so sell that thing for a mint!  But seems he just sunk the earnings back into Montecito anyway.  What's with this town? Everyone is moving there! The new Lowe estate includes a main mansion originally built in 1925 and designed in the classic Spanish Revival-meets-Mediterranean architectural style that proliferates Santa Barbara....

The legend Tom Waits lists his top 20 albums

Tom Waits is considered by many to be one of Rock and Rolls gods, and yet so many people have never even heard of him.  His trademark deep raspy voice doesn't make it over to the Billboard charts ever and he's not selling trucks in tv ads.  But rest assured, he's a rock god. He also had relationships with both Bette Midler and Rickie Lee Jones, who are two of my favorite female singers of all time. But I digress... He names a comedy album by the late, great Bill Hicks, who was “li...

Barack Obama’s high school basketball jersey sells at auction

The most expensive high school basketball jersey ever sold at auction doesn’t belong to Michael Jordan. Or LeBron James. Kobe Bryant? Larry Bird? Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? None of the above. No, the most expensive high school basketball jersey reportedly comes from a man who logged zero NBA minutes in his basketball career: Barack Obama. The Punahou School jersey of the 44th President of the United States sold for a whopping $192,000 at auction on Friday. According to seller Julien’s ...

Matthew Perry’s ex says she got him drugs while pregnant

[caption id="attachment_186568" align="aligncenter" width="500"][caption id="attachment_186568" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Matthew Perry and fiance Molly[/caption] Matthew Perry used to date a woman named Kayti Edwards back in the 2000's.  After they broke up, they remained friends.  Now for some reason she's airing his dirty laundry, just as he's gotten engaged to gf Molly.   Bitter much? The story goes that back in 2011 Kayti (btw, if you spell Katie this way, I will judge you) kayti was pregnant with [caption id="attachment_186569" align="alig...

Chance the Rapper stunned that Dionne Warwick knows who he is

I so adore Chance the Rapper and the fact that he shows the great Dionne Warwick the respect she's deserved, just makes me love him more. This weekend a pondering Dionne hit Chance up on twitter with a question that's been eating at her.   Hi, @chancetherapper. If you are very obviously a rapper why did you put it in your stage name? I cannot stop thinking about this. — Dionne Warwick (@_DionneWarwick) December 5, 2020 A shocked Chance replied   Sorry I’m still freaking out that u know who I am. This is amazing! — Chance The R...

MK and Ashley Olsen brave the cold for outdoor dinner

It's so rare you even see Mary Kate or Ashley Olsen.  The billionaire twins manage to keep a pretty private life, despite being so damn famous. But I suppose this meal, eaten in the 40some degree temps in Manhattan last night, was a chance for the two to discuss Mary Kate's impending court battle with her estranged husband Olivier Sarkozy.

 will be facing off with estranged husband Sarkozy on December 15 as they try to settle their divorce.

The focus of their court battle is their $13.5 million NYC townhouse, which they own together.

In Olsen's divorce petition, which she filed in the New York Supreme Court in May, she claimed she had been effectively kicked out of their rented apartment.

But my focus would be on their 4,000 square foot Bridgehampton, Long Island home worth millions.  Get this, Sarkozy moved his ex-wife Charlotte Bernard, their two children and his mother into the Bridgehampton home, meaning Olsen could not stay there.  That's bullshit, right there.
It's so rare you even see Mary Kate or Ashley Olsen.  The billionaire twins manage to keep a pretty private life, despite being so damn famous. But I suppose this meal, eaten in the 40some degree temps in Manhattan last night, was a chance for the two to discuss Mary Kate's impending court battle with her estranged husband Olivier Sarkozy.  will be facing off with estranged husband Sarkozy on December 15 as they try to settle their divorce. The focus of their court battle is their $13.5 million NYC townhous...

Mariah Carey launching cookie line today

Christmas is Mariah's season.   Ever since Mariah Carey released her insanely popular "All I want for Christmas is You," back in 1994, she's owned the holiday airwaves.  So the merry time of year seems like the ideal time to roll out her first cookie line! Mariah’s Cookies launches today and is delivery only and will come in dozen and half dozen sizes. It's called Holiday Hits Box, and includes gingerbread, white chocolate cranberry and pumpkin varieties. Other assortments includ...

Matthew McConaughey’s kids now handle his headshots

Okay, not exactly.  To be honest I'm not entirely sure what's happening here.  In a photo posted to IG this week by Mrs McConaughey, Camila, Matty sits stoically on a rock, while his children snap photos. The jr photogs, 12-year-old Levi and 10-year-old Vida, are using their phones to capture daddy's sensitive side. Mom Camila captions the photo, "Because of quarantine we couldn't do normal photoshoots so our kids have become the professional photographers for Matthew's latest magazine covers! It's amazing to see what they have done!" But are the photos really for a magazine? Not sure. But it's always cute to see Matty and fam being beautiful together.  
      />Okay, not exactly.  To be honest I'm not entirely sure what's happening here.  In a photo posted to IG this week by Mrs McConaughey, Camila, Matty sits stoically on a rock, while his children snap photos. The jr photogs, 12-year-old Levi and 10-year-old Vida, are using their phones to capture daddy's sensitive side. Mom Camila captions the photo, "Because of quarantine we couldn't do normal photoshoots so our kids have become the professional photographers for Matthew's latest magazine...

George Cloony Proves he knows how to Flowbee his hair

You may not have heard the news. It made headlines earlier in the week.  George Clooney, Hollywood hunk, Flowbee's his hair. GASP!  Don't know what a Flowbee is? You're a fetus. Flowbee is a device that attaches to your vacuum cleaner hose and allows you to cut and vacuum up your hair all in one. It's really just for men tho. So he was on Kimmel last night and Jimmy pulled out a Flowbee so Clooney, 59, could put his buzzcut skills to the test. "You turn the vacuum on. You turn the buzz...

Stairs to the Eiffel Towers sell big at auction

So I know this isn't gossip, but it's Parisian history and so iconic I just had to share the news. So I know this isn't gossip, but it's Parisian history and so iconic I just had to share the news. A nearly ten foot high section of the original stairs from the Eiffel Tower were sold at auction on Tuesday and brought an onslaught of bidders from all over the world. The 14 steps were a part of the 984-foot structure when it was constructed by engineer Gustave Eiffel for the 1889 World Fair in Paris. Portions of the original stairs, which existed for nearly a century before an elevator...

Kate Winslet selling luxurious Manhattan penthouse

Kate Winslet is selling a stellar, modernist Penthouse in Manhattans Chelsea district for the strange price of $5,699,000. A long entrance gallery leads to the top-floor spread’s capacious combination living and dining room that, at nearly 48 feet long and 24 feet wide, spans more than 1,100 square feet with a head-roomy 13-foot ceiling and a dozen oversized windows on three exposures that ensure brilliant natural light all day long. $5.699 million 3,018 square feet 3-4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms Kate Winslet is selling a stellar, modernist Penthouse in Manhattans Chelsea district for the strange price of $5,699,000. A long entrance gallery leads to the top-floor spread’s capacious combination living and dining room that, at nearly 48 feet long and 24 feet wide, spans more than 1,100 square feet with a head-roomy 13-foot ceiling and a dozen oversized windows on three exposures that ensure brilliant natural light all day long. $5.699 million 3,018 square feet 3-4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms ...