This is what Demi wore to Thursday night's Ferragamo Spring/Summer Runway Collection and VIP dinner in Los Angeles, and I can't even believe I'm saying this, but she looks good. ... Actually, no. She looks great, and it pains me to say so, because before I even saw this picture, my husband and I were kind of mocking her over breakfast this morning.
See, it was all toast and coffee and Carnation Instant Breakfast, and then we got to talking about how Demi's this fifty-some year-old twit with t...
Remember how Anne Hathaway used to make fun of Katie Holmes on SNL all the time? Because there's apparently this back story to it, and the back story isn't so nice. At least, for Katie Holmes. I'm sure Anne Hathaway is just happier than a pig in shit, because she's the one who thinks she's so much better than Katie in every possible way known to man.
Again, National Enquirer, because lately, I think they're onto something, maybe:
The claws are out between the Batman babes after Anne Hathaway p...
Oh man. I never thought I'd say this (oh ... wait), but Hilary Duff did something with her face that I totally dislike.
Is it just a matter of time before she ends up looking like any of these ladies?
Sure as shit hope not, but hey---everyone makes mistakes sometimes, right? ...
In this comedy film, a computer tablet full of the world's most hilariously offensive apps breaks through the borders of political correctness, stirring up cultural anarchy.
So basically, it's like 'Borat' with just more famous people in it. Ugh.
See what dating that straggly-haired trashbin gets you, Adrien? It gets you elbow-brushing with Lindsay Lohan. Aren't you, like, so proud, Mr. Academy Award Winner? />
You guys'll have to forgive me---see, this clip is a bit on the old side (it came out earlier in the month), but when I saw it, I couldn't pass it up for a few reasons. One? Adrien Brody's in it. As I'm leaving Evil Beet, I figured it'd be good to leave just one more Adrien Brody post in your presence because a) he is my one true love, and b) no one's ever going to write about him on EB ever again, since I was the only one who ever wrote about him to begin with. Here's another reason I couldn'...
Oh, W magazine ... what a great list of ladies you've compiled this year. I only didn't recognize two of them, and that's pretty good (it was Rebel Wilson and a lady named Mary Elizabeth Winstead, who's apparently in something called 'Smashed'). Everyone's pretty fabulous and the interviews are even better.
Example? Here's Naomi Watts on her life off the red carpet:
"I never get recognized on the street. I’m lucky that way. People see me as the dolled-up movie-star type on the red carpet...
This is who's directing the new 'Star Wars' movie. [The Superficial]
Adele's little man. [Lainey Gossip]
The best Gemma Arterton's ever looked probably. [Splash]
Sandra Bullock's wax figure is actually really good. [Starpulse]
Jeremy Renner doesn't care if people think he's gay. [Cele|bitchy]
Michael Moore defends 'Zero Dark Thirty'. [Huff Po]
Shakira's little man. [Lainey Gossip]
But who's that licking a waxed Britney Spears? [The Superficial]
Also, 'Star Wars' engagement ring...
Oh Joaquin Phoenix. How you're still such an important part of my entertainment life. Even when you said "bye! Good" to us, I never stopped loving you. Even when you embarked on a drunken "rap career," I maintained my adoration. Throughout everything---any by "everything," I mean the "massive fleecing you put over on all of us boned us with"---I stood by you, because you're one of my main men.
This new look, though. This baggedy, raggedy sheepdog look you've got going on, dude: it is not fl...
So I'm going to go with J Lo, because quite honestly, I'm sort of biased against Taylor Swift these days. Yeah, girlfriend's pretty much got fashion and what not on lockdown, but I'm so sick to death of seeing her stupid, smug face all over the place, and this is why I'm rooting for the lady who's defined by her weird boyfriend as of late, instead.
Who wore it better---J Lo or Taylor Swift?
Ugh, so how we talked about Kris Jenner and her child-abusing ways last night? Of course she's already got to say something about it, and it's to the tune of "F-ck you, people who think I'm a child-abuser."
From the Huffington Post:
The journal entries make allegations of child abuse against Jenner, detailing that on one occasion in August 1989, “Kris was kicking and beating her and said she was going to kill [Kim].”
Ellen claims the journals are authentic and told In Touch, “Thi...
Christian Bale is the best person alive probably. [The Superficial]
Jake, Lance, and Matthew. Swoon. [Lainey Gossip]
Justin Bieber is a big, stupid douche who spits in people's Gatorade. [Starpulse]
10 Ways Your Parents Didn't Get High. [Elite Daily]
Ewan McGregor is hot again. [Cele|bitchy]
This is what James Franco might be hitting, I think. [G Celeb]
Steven Tyler's dong. [TMZ]
Hedgehog cheerleaders at the Puppy Bowl. [The Frisky]
But who's your girlfriend, Joe Manganiello? [Socialite Life]
Naked-ass Olympics. [OMGBlog]
Carly Rae Jepsen for Candies? [Yeeeah]
Carmen Ele...