I first remember noticing Amy in Enchanted. The movie itself was atrocious, but my daughter loved it and it was at least marginally entertaining. It was either watch that, or do dishes. Just for future reference? Dishes? Will always come in last place. Dishes will always lose.
Anyway, I remember thinking that the entire movie was sort of off-kilter, what with Amy's oddball acting techniques and the movie exec's seemingly-strange choice for Amy in the lead role, but then I realized...
I'm thinking something like, 'Gonna be a little bit tough to whip this hair back and forth.'
I don't effing know - it's hard because she's ten. It's not as if I can go off and completely snark out on her, right?
Don't answer that....
So the first crappy, low-quality photo of Nicole Richie in her wedding dress with her new husband has hit the 'nets, and of course, People magazine was the first to run it. (Yay for you, People, but come on. I know you're hoarding the good stuff over there, so give. it. up.)
I love the dress - which was apparently inspired by Grace Kelly's wedding gown of yesteryear. It was positively breathtaking, and from what I can see of Nicole's hair and makeup, she looks amazingly beautiful....
So I'd say on a scale from 1 being 'not surprising at all,' to 10 being 'whoa, that fuckin' came out of nowhere,' this probably figures in around a 1 or even less.
Scarlett Johansson, one of my most favorite celebrity crushes of all time, has finally done what I wish she would have quite some time ago and cut the douche known as Ryan Reynolds free. Sources say that the marriage just wasn't working, and both had way different ideas as to where they wanted things to head.
I know that Reynol...
Just in time for dinner, too. I'm not sure if I could be more repulsed if I tried - and I tried, guys. I tried so hard to scrub the branded image of a nekkid-from-the-waist-down Ke$ha in the throes of lust from my mind by attempting a half-assed fantasy involving Octo-Mom, Mel Gibson, Steve Buscemi, a link of sausage and a Snuggie, and even that couldn't stack up to these photos which are now forever burned into the many intricate layers of my psyche.
I was going to make some shrimp sca...
Mila Kunis's dad didn't know that Natalie Portman went down on her during Black Swan. [Celebslam]
Oprah Winfrey jacks up Hugh Jackman's face in a stunt gone wrong. [popbytes]
The 20 Most Laughable Golden Globe nominations of the last decade. [Pajiba]
If Lindsay doesn't do Dancing With the Stars, another family member just might. You'll never believe who! [Celebitchy]
January Jones goes naked for Versace next year. [Amy Grindhouse]
The Top 10 Celebrity Bongs in honor of Mi...
I came across the list of Golden Globe nominees today and I wanted to share it with you, mainly because I have an opinion on pretty much everything listed here, since I'm a media freak and have seen practically everyone and everything on the whole list.
Here's how it's gonna work: I give you the nominees, tell you who I think is going to take the prize, and give you the chance to cast your vote. We'll see who's right(er).
Best Picture, Drama
I'm going with The Fi...
And if you're anything like me, you probably thought Kate Gosselin was one of the biggest twats going, along with Spencer Pratt, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Tila Tequila (don't even bother asking me about the Ronaldo thing - he just strikes me as an uber-greaseball twat-face and I can't, for the life of me, figure out why).
Kate, if you'll remember, was asked to be on Sarah Palin's Alaska not too long ago. The premise of the segment was a camping stint, where the two women were supposed to bond wit...
Girlfriend is looking an awful lot like Frieda from Peanuts these days, correct me if I'm wrong. Frieda was always considered 'one of the pretty ones,' where Peppermint Patty was probably the grimiest, so I suppose it's saying something that Cher is trying to emulate the hottest Peanuts character going. Word, woman, and keep doing your thing.
However, we all can't walk around identifying with cartoons, because if we could, I'd totally be rocking Jem - that girl had legs up to there.
"... My feeling about John has always been that we know [about his homosexuality] and we don’t care. Look, I’m sorry that he’s uncomfortable with it, and that’s all I can say. It only draws more attention to it when you make that kind of legal fuss. Just leave it be."
Remember all those stories about John Travolta giving and receiving big old toothy beej to various men in health clubs and spas 'round the world? Apparently Carrie Fisher, a friend of Travolta's, has come to his defens...