And from this photo,we're supposed to feel all sorts of horrible for Heidi and her violently scarred and marred face and send gifts - in the form of traveler's checks - to Heidi and Spencer's compound in Costa Rica. Or, you know, send them even if you think Heidi and Spencer are complete shitbags anyway, because it'll keep them occupied outside of US soil for a bit longer.
A year after her plastic surgery, Heidi has run out of money a feature story in Life & Style magazine, where she di...
Love it. It's cute, you can tell she's totally into Christmas, much like I am (no, seriously, I am probably the most into-Christmas-person you'll ever meet - carols, volunteering for the local live Nativity, cookie baking weeks, wrapping presents, planning dinner menus, going to see lights, you name it - I'VE DONE IT ALL IN THE PAST THREE AND A HALF WEEKS, BITCHES). LeAnn took to her Twitter, naturally, to post the above photo for something Christmas-related in which she dressed up one of Mr...
OK. So we all have our feelings about Chris Brown - some hate him, some love him, some forgive him, and some even say that his violent physical rage against Rihanna was an entitlement (and what the fuck is wrong with you people - no one deserves to be hit you bunch of twats).
Chris has also kind of stayed out of the spotlight since the whole fucking-up-Rihanna's-world thing, (with, you know, the exception of whining that his albums were suffering because people couldn't get over the fact th...
Photos emerge of Katy Perry drunk. I thought that was against her Christian values. [Celebslam]
Sorry? But Paris Hilton would be a terrible mom.[popbytes]
What's funnier than Gwyneth Paltrow shaking her ass? Gwyneth Paltrow pretending that she has an ass to shake. [Pajiba]
David Beckham gets hairplugs. ... Right? [Celebitchy]
One of the most foul things I've visualized all day: Chloe Sevigny giving head. [Amy Grindhouse]
Happy Birthday, Christina Aguilera. Lay off the ...
Update: Because the original video that ran with this post broke, I was forced to take it down and replace it with this photograph of JLH doing the 'Woo woo!' face instead. I know, I know, it's not as good as the video (I do hope you saw it before it shit the bed), but it'll suffice I suppose.
Because it's a slow news day, I bring you good tidings of the holiday season by the illustrious Jennifer Love Hewitt herself!
Huey, who, if you remember, was recently nominated for a Golden Globe ...
Just when you thought Paris Hilton's desperate gnarl-fingered clutch at attention couldn't get any worse, her ass goes and body doubles for Peter Griffin's midsection.
Given the time of year and the current economy, I can understand the girl's need to bring in some extra cash, but some things - like rubbery asses, wonk eyes, the radioactive nature of a certain celebutante's mouth, and fourteen different crossbreeds of crab living on a single, papery grey chode - are better left alone.
I came across these photos today through one of our agencies and while photos of Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson-Wentz going out to dinner wouldn't normally pique my interest, these did and you wanna know why? They have that impending-divorce-look about them, and I have a feeling that we're going to hear about some semi-major drama in the coming months of 2011.
In all of the photos, Ashlee has a look to her face all like, 'What the hell was I thinking, marrying this emo fool with the mind of a ten-year-old?' and Pete's all still questioning his loyalties to his sexuality and struggling to restrain himself fr...
Molls brought you guys the Kardashian klan's latest Christmas photo (and no, the 'K' alliteration will never get old guys, sorry) the other day and with some diligent scouting, I've recovered the epic Kardashian cards of Christmas past.
Check out the pics below and vote for your favorite in the comments - it's sure to be fun for the whole family.
And whether or not what she says is true, I'm going to go on the assumption that she's telling the truth. If she's not, well hell. It wouldn't be the first time an affair has come out in its early stages, broken up a Hollywood marriage, and was denied, denied, denied ... 'til, you know, weeks later at the very least.
Me, I like Julia Stiles a lot. A lot of people give her flack because they don't think she's relevant anymore, but you know what? Eff that. I think she's a Wicked talent, w...
Joan Rivers is giving up plastic surgery. Expect the horsemen to ride in at any day now. [Celebslam]
Sweet! We finally know about Brad Pitt's new movie, and now we know what it's supposed to be about! Score for life! [popbytes]
Sequels to things that shouldn't have been to begin with - like Bad Santa. [Pajiba]
Mel Gibson made fun of Winona Ryder for being Jewish. Just in case you didn't think he was a tool 'til today. [Celebitchy]
What's better than Christmas lingerie? Women o...
Damn. Two Mariah posts in a single day. Two Mariah posts within just a few hours. This has gotta be a Christmas miracle.
Carey's husband, Nick Cannon, announced earlier this morning that the couple is, indeed, having twins. Cannon broke the news on his radio show today and confirmed the speculation that had been swirling around Mariah's womb, as she's been looking a bit bigger than she normally would if she were carrying, say, just one baby instead of two.
Congrats to the couple and their full-fledged family - if I wer...