I haven't thought of just how yet, but this bitch will be done. Ruination by cheap, imitation flat iron or even an embarrassing eHarmony exposé. Something. Something, we'll see. It's on.
I know that I kind of explode a little bit when I find out that my very own Brody is rumored to be dating anyone, but for him to be dating my Hollywood nemesis, the object of all my celebrity-related snarky mocking? It's not the type of news that I wanted to wake up to - in fact, this makes for a really fucking bad Tuesday mor...
Though it was reported just earlier today that Lindsay Lohan would be spending some self-induced extra time in rehab, she went and checked out. Also today. Like, less than an hour ago.
And just when you thought that the drama and the mayhem was over for Linds and her cracked-out posse of enablers, she's gone and moved from her West Hollywood apartment to a home directly across the street from ex-gal and theoretical punching bag, Samantha Ronson.
I know that we all felt warm and fuzzy about Lindsay squawking about renewed dedicatio...
Or, as I fondly remember him, the monk from 1996's William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet, a movie that, like, defined my teenage years. And I'm not going to lie - a little bit of brief sadness sort of took my breath away when I heard the news.
Though Postlethwaite has a long, long repertoire of acting in television, theater, and movies such as the aforementioned Romeo + Juliet, and which recently included The Town, Inception, and Clash of the Titans, he also appeared in other major roles in fi...
In a completely surprising move of 'not surprising,' estranged husband of Courteney Cox-Arquette has packed his bagging, sagging ass up and dragged it to rehab, where it's said that he'll spend time for alcohol abuse and, according to his family, 'other issues.'
A rep for Courteney released a statement claiming that she's happy that David decided to give up the ghost and go for treatment:
"I really admire David and his choice to take charge and better his life. I love and support him."
But, you know, if you don't celebrate the Gregorian calendar new year, I apologize for offending you or whatever. I know some of you have really strong opinions about this kind of stuff.
We here at Evil Beet are off doing fabulous things tonight - some of us are out brushing elbows with celebs, some of us are keeping it chill at trendy house parties, and some of us are staying home to eat four pounds of shrimp and kielbasa while watching The Twilight Zone marathon for the next twenty-four ...
This is what the sexiest woman in the world looks like first thing in the morning. Warning: Graphic footage to follow. May not be suitable if you've just eaten, or, you know, had taken a breath. [The Superficial]
2010 - A compendium of hot, bikini-clad women. You're welcome. [Celebslam]
Um, wow. I forgot how many chest ... tattoos Justin Timberlake has. [popbytes]
Kevin Smith is officially all fat, no balls. [Pajiba]
2010's Ten Hottest Guys of the Year. Good picks, my friends ... Good picks. [Cel...
When I first glanced at the photos, I actually gasped out loud. But then after I looked at some of the other pictures in the set (gotta love those intrusive photo agencies), it didn't come over as bad as what I initially thought. I mean, it's not awful, it could be worse, but it's definitely more appropriate for a six-week-long tropical beach vacation on various islands in the Caribbean than schlepping around NYC and LA in December wearing gym clothes.
Way to bring the island flava, gir...
If these photos of Paris Hilton frolicking on a beach in Cabo are any indication, girlfriend's carrying a bun in the oven. Or, because her below-the-belt region has been contaminated to the point of radioactivity, maybe it's the Toxic Avenger. They brought back Transformers and Tron, I think it's high time for a Toxie revival, don't you? And who better to usher him into this world than the Queen of All Biological Funk herself, Paris Hilton?
Hugh Hefner, if you've been under a rock for the past week, recently popped the question to his latest Playmate girlfriend, Crystal Harris. The couple took to their Twitter accounts to show off the ring, and by virtue, their odd bondage-fantasy-grandpa relationship.
The couple has been dating for some time now, and by 'dating,' I mean Harris has been solely in charge of keeping Hef's penis in an airtight box. Things do, you know, start to disintegrate and break down after they hit a cer...
"I remember them being like, 'How do you get guys to a ballet movie? How do you get girls to a thriller?' And the answer is a lesbian scene. Everyone wants to see that."
Apparently being pregnant makes you a genius, because Natalie Portman has come out with one of the most ingenious statements I've probably ever heard. I mean, I know when I was pregnant, I was like fucking Nostradamus. I'd sit on my cushy ass pillow (didn't want to get those awful hemorrhoid things that I'd heard so much about) all zen-like and I'd channel all sorts of shit - who'd win t...
I'll give you a hint - it's a couple. Who were married within the last two years. Many of you think that their marriage is totally not going to make it, and I'm actually with you on that big old boat. Their friends and family are definitely no strangers to publicity or, ahem, fame-whoring, and for this newish couple to have a reality show, it isn't really all that surprising. Gag-inducing, yes, because shit reality shows are just taking fucking television over, but it was kind of inevitabl...