Ah celebrities and their inseparable Twitter accounts. I actually kind of hate Twitter, myself. I think it's the height of narcissism, which is probably why so many celebrities dig it so much that they can't go ten minutes without an update ('Chopping broccoli.' 'Eating broccoli.' 'Oh man, broccoli was a bad idea, guys'). Thanks for that.
But luckily for us, once a tweet is out there, no amount of deleting and clearing of caches will allow us to un-see it - hence nude photos, scary kabuk...
And come on, show of hands: who, like me, thought that Owen Wilson was still stuck in a seedy two-room apartment somewhere in LA, lamenting his days of better roles than those starring alongside Reese Witherspoon in crappy rom-coms, and all crazy, unshaven, and unstable?
However, unless he broke out of his emotional fugue long enough to impregnate a woman that I have never heard of just to retreat back to said bedbug-infested hovel, we are mistaken - Wilson, who has been dating Jade Duell for a year, has paid ...
J Woww nude photos emerge on the 'net, and she claims that she was under anesthesiology when they were taken. [The Superficial]
Katie Holmes apparently sucks at playing Jackie Kennedy. Who would have thought. [The Superficial]
Now Lindsay Lohan is a basketball fan. OK. [Celebslam]
The Kardashians are being sued ... you'll never believe for what! [PopBytes]
Country Strong spoilers - MUST READ Country Strong spoilers! [Pajiba]
Guess which high-profile celebrity couple has bee...
“I try to be Giada, the young girl that he met 20 years ago and fell in love with. All men want to be treated like kings in a relationship, and I think if women don’t indulge that sometimes, their men are likely to stray and look for someone who can give that to them.”
Giada DeLaurentiis, most famous for her cooking show and boning John Mayer, speaks out about what men want in long-term relationships. She might have something, but you know what really keeps up the spice in a marriage? Whatever she...
In case you hadn't heard already, the eenie-weenie, teeny-tiny womb of Victoria Beckham is carrying yet another David Beckham zygote.
Coming on the heels of multiple cheating allegations, David Beckham thought it best to impregnate his wife with another, presumably, boy, and what better way to say, 'Sorry for banging all those nasty hos, darling, but here - allow my seed to stretch your body into an oblivion, 'cause that's what true love really is.'
Congrats, Beckz!...
Whooooo wants to see Adam Levine's penis? [The Superficial]
It's a possibility that LeAnn Rimes and Kate Gosselin are the same people, guys. Here's the proof. [The Superficial]
Miranda Kerr goes into labor! [Celebitchy]
Britney Spears' new song comes out Tuesday - hear it here first! [Too Fab]
We might actually know who killed Biggie soon. Can you believe it? [TMZ]
Want to see naked photos of J Woww? There out there. [Amy Grindhouse]...
And use small words, because after seeing this photo of Ben - acting like this on an ice cream outing with his family - I'm kind of fried out on being all intellectual and analytical this morning. The only things cycling in my brain right now are nappy beards, little penises, and Boston accents.
I know that this guy is a total asshat and makes no bones about being perceived as a complete toolkit in public (though I still totally would have shagged him ten years ago), but adding 'being an e...
So Jaime Pressly was thrown on lockdown the night of the People's Choice Awards for blowing what was rumored as twice the legal limit in California (and guys? That's a fucking lot.) and here is her glorious, glorious mugshot.
See kids, allow this to be a lesson: this is what happens to celebrities on their way out - I mean, come on. My Name is Earl has been over for ages. Girlfriend was probably so ripped up over being snubbed at the awards show again this year that she got in the car with a...
John Edwards, whose estranged wife, Elizabeth, passed away a few weeks ago after a battle with cancer, has reportedly popped the question to his baby mama and partner in busting up a long-term marriage, Rielle Hunter.
Sources indicate that she said yes, and I have no doubts that this story is totally legit - it was the Enquirer that broke the story of the affair those years ago, so why wouldn't they be spot-on this time, too? It's like the magazine has a bug stuck to Edwards' ass, which t...
Minka Kelly's boobs won a People's Choice Award. I shit you not. [The Superficial]
Which celebrity was arrested on the way home from the People's Choice Awards last night? [The Superficial]
Which celebrity - apparently - does her own makeup for big events? [Celebslam]
Lindsay was maybe both drunk and high in rehab? [PopBytes]
Is it me, or is Bill Hader actually kind of hot? [Pajiba]
Gwyneth Paltrow thinks Tom Cruise is a great kisser. Thanks for that, just after lunch. [Celebi...
"I thought I looked fabulous before and nobody else did. So, whatever. Now I wear bigger clothes because I don't like the way people stare at me. I liked it before. Now, you're just looking at me for the wrong reasons. Before, you were actually looking at me for a real reason."
A 'real' reason? Meaning you were slowly attaining the size of a small barge, Raven? Because truth be told, you were. I thought you looked just fine back then, too, and I'm also super glad that you've lost all that weight for health reasons, but let's not mince words here...