Have you seen Hilary Duff lately? Like really seen Hilary Duff? Because, guys, somewhere between getting hitched and probably losing her virginity, girlfriend got really hot.
I was never a Lizzie McGuire fan (I was more into Evil Dead, Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things, and Hellraiser), but I always had an outstanding opinion on her ... looks. Truth be told? I thought she looked like Mr. Ed's slam pig. A fucking horse with bugged-out eyes and lank hair. End of story.
However, t...
When I think of super-hot sex, the last thing I think of is Sting. Partially because I'm not forty-five, and partially because monogamous, married sex is not my thing. I'm joking about one of those things, but I'll let you be the judge as to which. :P
Sting and his wife of eighteen years were recently interviewed by Harper's Bazaar about the longest thing they've ever had - their relationship and their mutual love for one another - and discussed just what it is that makes their respective cloc...
Nicole Kidman finally cops to using Botox. And we're surprised ... why? [The Superficial]
Has Kate Gosselin - dare I say it - gotten hot? These photos might change your mind. [The Superficial]
Finally: The Rachel McAdams upskirt shot you've been dying to see. [Celebslam]
Andy Dick harasses more with his penis. [PopBytes]
Damn, Dennis Quaid, you looking hot for an old dude. [Pajiba]
Did Angelina's dog attack Johnny Depp? [Celebitchy]
Apparently Britney's new single has broke...
"I miss my real name. I miss people calling me Nicole."
Nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi on what Jersey Shore fame has done to her given name. But it can't be all bad, could it girlfriend? I mean, you've gotten so much out of this whole MTV deal as it is - a domestic abuse case, a domestic disturbance case, a bunch of guido juicehead morons on your case, and yup, probably a mad case of the herp, too, huh?
All is not lost, Snookers. Snookerson. SNOOKISNOOKISNOOKI.
And don't worry about that thing flapping off in the wind during those country flatbed truck rides, y'all, this one's been superglued!
A continually disheveled Britney Spears was photographed earlier in the week rocking what can only be described as a giant albino's merkin on her head.
Really though. There's no other explanation....
And before you ask me how I'm just so down with those clowns, I'll tell you - there was someone (who shall remain unnamed) in my life who went through a brief juggalo phase, and despite my vehement assertations that the whole sub-culture was fucking stupid, he continued to wear his lame-ass hatchet jewelry and listen to the lame-ass Insane Clown Posse. Down with the motherfucking clown indeed. No, really. Down with it.
Anyway, on to Nicki - it's amazing how not making stupid faces changes ...
Guess what actor Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee is banging now? [The Superficial]
Oh, look who's pregnant. I'm so totally surprised. [The Superficial]
Jake Gyllenhaal dumped Taylor Swift over the phone. Take that, virginity sensors! [Celebitchy]
Is Frasier a crossdresser? [TMZ]
PHOTOS: What do you think of Britney Spears' new dancing bod? [TooFab]
New baby, Benjamin Travolta, pictures - John still looks like the reanimated dead. [Amy Grindhouse]...
I know that the big thing these days is for men to grow their hair and their beards and what not (my husband is going through the phase right now and I have to say - it's hot hot hot), but some celebrities - like Tom Brady - don't look so good. And by 'don't look so good,' I mean they 'look like a demented serial killer who slicks his hair back with motor oil and has a pretty serious underbite FOR SOME PRETTY SERIOUS BITING.'
I also get the feeling that as John Mayer ages, he's going to look a lot like Jerry Garcia. And while that is a ...
So a lot of the crazy prudes on the 'net are crying that Kendall Jenner's photo shoot for Marc Clark's new t-shirt line is inappropriate. You know what I think was inappropriate? Kendall Jenner's photo shoot of this past summer, where she frolicked like a Kardashian sex kitten in a bikini on the beach. Fully clad in crappy t-shirts that will probably end up selling on clearance at Forever 21? Totally appropriate.
If you guys have forgotten, I'll remind you: Kendall Jenner is fifteen. While she could better be served (and serve) doing things like usin...
Ashton Kutcher has apparently read Our Bodies, Ourselves one too many times. [The Superficial]
Guess which famous actress was blind in one eye up until recently. [The Superficial]
Kendall Jenner's new, more age-appropriate, fashion shoot. Sort of. [TooFab]
Charlie Sheen is on another bender of epic proportions - and it's not expected to end well. [TMZ]
Olivia Munn's head looks like it got some kind of weird surgery, but I'm too fatigued from looking at her massive bush to fig...
Just when I thought that the last of the Wizard of Oz munchkins had gained their last iota of under-deserved fame, Nicole Polizzi, affectionately known as 'Snooki' in dirty New Jersey clubs that stink of stale sweat, Axe body spray, and that funk-fungus stink that you get when you lay in a tanning bed for more than the prescribed max of fifteen minutes, has gone and snatched another fifteen minutes of fame by writing a book and dressing like Liza Minelli in drag in drag in drag. In drag.