I'm probably lying about the attitude part, because the kid's, what, sixteen - he's not going to grow out of that entitled, whiny, twattishness until he's, gosh, at least twenty-four or so, so we'll just bank on the fact that his new haircut is going to get him that extra publicity that he just SO DESPERATELY needs at this juncture in his career. I mean, come on. This kid's totally on his way out, right? (And ... If you believe that, unfortunately, I have a really sweet-ass bridge in New York that I c...
I wish that I was that purty whilst drunk. I'm one of those saggy-eyed, drooping-mouthed drunks that, while smiley as the day is long, is definitely not at her top form in appearance after imbibing on a few alcoholic beverages.
Kim, however? Has got the doe-in-the-headlights look going on, and for that, she's even more endearing to me. I'd still totally go home with her and, hell, I'm straight. I think.
In light of these intellectually provocative photos, I've decided to compile an equally-stimulati...
I KNEW there was something different about John Travolta besides his penchant for penis. [The Superficial]
Nobody wants to party with Lindsay anymore. NOBODY. [Celebrity Smack Blog]
Which Kardashian wants to deflate her tits? (It's probably not who you think.) [Earsucker]
Charlie Sheen gets married. [TMZ]
What Glee star got dumped this past weekend? [ICYDK]
Miley Cyrus is directing her rage at someone in her life - take cover, bitches. [The Blemish]
Jennifer Aniston is...
Lindsay Lohan, by far my favorite celebrity of all time, is being considered for another new movie role. The movie, Escaping the Game, is centered around the concept of a bunch of celebrities who fake their deaths and retreat to a remote island. The concept is kind of cool, since faked deaths are always pretty fascinating to me, but I can't imagine the plot really going anywhere from there. Like, what are they all going to do on this island? Have sex? Get loaded? Chew their nails? Is it a FUN island, or are we talking some crazy Castaway shit? Will it be like Surviv...
So these two, huh? Maybe it's totally old news to you guys, but me? I had no fucking clue. Probably because I don't watch the hit show that the dude stars on, and I'm not a big fan of obnoxious comedy, so that'd rule girlfriend here out, but hey. Everybody's gotta be doing somebody most of the time, right, so why not these two? They're both super hot, though one is way more talented than the other (I'll let you draw your own conclusions on that one), and from the remainder of the photos - after th...
The epic of epic-est provocative Miley photos. [The Superficial]
What A-list star is getting married this year who wants to take some serious advice from Gwyneth Paltrow? [Lainey Gossip]
Did you SEE the second part of the Real Housewives reunion in Atlanta? Bitches looked like they were hanging out in the waiting room of their plastic surgeon's office. [popbytes]
So here's the next big zombie movie being made - and it's going to be FAB. [Pajiba]
Trouble in paradise for Angelina Jol...
So this is what A-Rod's being throttled by nightly, I get it. I mean, he strikes me as someone who'd probably like it pretty rough, and we all know how Cammy tries soooo hard to please her man, so I suppose that's the only true explanation here, isn't it? Like, gosh, there couldn't be any other reason that she'd want fetid old vampire (read: Madonna) arms, is there?
... Thoughts?
AC on Jessica Simpson Rocks Big Hair and No Pants in New York:
"That's because it tastes like bacon."
evilbeetdouche on Lil Kim Wants Nicki Minaj Dead:
"Violence in rap, didn’t see that one coming. What’s next mistreatment of women, promoting drug use, you say?"
Sammy on Lil Kim Wants Nicki Minaj Dead:
"Ugh. Lil Kim’s a has been troll. The only thing I ever enjoyed about her was watching Diana Ross slapping her boob around. Oh, and watching to see if she could ever NOT look li...
What That 70's Show's Donna looks like today (spoiler? HOT). [The Superficial]
Um, did these two get married and SOMEHOW I missed it?! [Lainey Gossip]
Oh, look who Lindsay Lohan left the club with last night. [TMZ]
Gwyneth Paltrow spends more on her kids' pajamas than I do on weekly groceries you guys. [Amy Grindhouse]
Ew, you can totally see J Woww's nasty-assed tit implant scars. [The Blemish]...
Oh Megan Fox. You are, by far, one of the fairest creatures I've set my eyes on in, like, life. Your body might be a little scrawny for my personal tastes, but that face - when you're not blowing your lips up with the injectable of the day (today it looks like fish oil, no lie) - is AMAZING, and oh, how I covet your eyebrows.
Keep on keeping hot, Megan, and I promise, I'll be just rapt with attention even if your acting DOES suck.
Kim Kardashian's ass made HOW much in 2010?! [The Superficial]
Guess which blonde Hollywood star has got some SERIOUS Madonna arms going on? (It's not Sarah Jessica Parker.) [Lainey Gossip]
Benjamin Millepied knocks up Natalie Portman, is too busy to chill with her now. [Cele|Bitchy]
Check out Gwen Stefani's amazing new L.A.M.B collection! [TooFab]
Rod Stewart's super sperm is up to its old tricks again. [Celebrity VIP Lounge]
Want to smell like the under-boob sweat of Dita ...