Aw come on now, is this any way for a budding seventeen-year-old musician/actor/mogul/underage banger of overage chicks to act? It's evident that little Justin's been taking tips from his badass elders, so who knows - maybe we'll see him flashing his tits a la Taylor Momsen, his vadge (hell yes he has one) a la Miley or just, you know, just pretending to be an all-around hardened buster, because guys? He's CANADIAN. I doubt he's going to be throwing down anytime soon - it's why we love Canada. They just don't buy into this kind of go-on-the-offensive BS.
Maybe his mama should just curtail the free time that he spe...
Look, it's Britney circa 2002! Wait, no - shit, sorry, it's not. It's just the Easter egg-type lighting and a new pair of non-deadened-by-sedative eyes, courtesy of Photoshop.
So amazing what they can do with all of those newfangled, computer-generated things these days, huh?
Love it? Hate it?
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You know you want to follow the fuckery that inherently is Charlie Sheen's Twitter, right? [Betty Confidential]
The real reason that the Oscar hosting sucked so hard? Anne Hathaway thinks James Franco's a total twat. [The Superficial]
Scarlett Johansson rubs up on Sean Penn. Again. [Amy Grindhouse]
Maybe Katie Holmes really IS on some hard drugs. That explains Cruise, anyway. [ICYDK]
Kate Winslet weighed HOW MUCH at fifteen? [The Frisky]...
Love it - totally. My proclamation that Rihanna is one of the world's hottest stands, and this series of photos totally confirms it.
But I still think her wide variety of red wigs are better left to collecting dust in Cher's closet, because they totally do her no justice. She's definitely way hotter with a natural color or, you know, just naked.
What female celebrity do you guys think has the best stems?
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Kirstie Alley. So funny. I wrote a post about Kirstie a few weeks ago, singing her praises and whatever, and HERE SHE IS, getting ready to star on the next segment of Dancing With the Stars. I'm going crazy, guys. It's like it was meant to be or something.
And can we discuss how UNBELIEVABLE Kirstie looks for her age? I read an article last night, and though I probably subconsciously knew it, she's sixty. Sixty years old. Like, older than my mother. Kirstie Alley. Who I remember very fondly...
Is Charlie Sheen a polygamist now, too? [The Superficial]
What Samantha Micelli looks like today - you'll be shocked. [Lainey Gossip]
Christina Aguilera forgot her address in her drunken stupor. [Cele|Bitchy]
John Galliano fired from Dior for being a racist, classist, anti-semite fucktard. [The Blemish]
WHO is replacing Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men? [Right Celebrity TV]
You'll remember this girl as the chick that Justin Bieber made out with in a vehicle when he was a young lass. [Caught on Set]
Serena Williams rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. [TMZ]...
Oh Robert Pattinson. Though I've never seen Twilight (and quite honestly, probably WON'T EVER), I still know of your sparkly, effervescent, vulva-swooning ways that are apparently appealing to those on both sides of the fence. And boyfriend? Though you were a total manly-man in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, your metro ways are slowly emerging, and I'm starting to believe the fuss that you, yourself, might be interested in those on both sides of the fence, too. There is, of course, no...
Oh snap, kids. Justin Bieber is 17, which means that he's ONE YEAR CLOSER to being LEGALLY boned by Selena Gomez.
Justin celebrated his 17th birthday yesterday (and I wholly lament the fact that Beebs shares his birthday with my husband, who turned thirty yesterday, even though it's just as embarrassing that I happen to share a birthday with the Olsen twins), and to celebrate, the couple hit up a local mall, mugged for the cameras, and ate Pink Berry.
Happy birthday, Justin. Will you please just...
"I will cut your head off, put it in a box and send it to your mom."
So that, up there? Is why Charlie Sheen no longer has custody of his children, even though he's going to fight to win them back. Because, you know, it's totally normal and not-at-all-insane to threaten your ex-wife, the mother of -some- of your children, with a decapitation.
The kids were removed late last night after courts were informed of a threat against Brooke Mueller, and a restraining order remains in effect ...
Remember way back when Chris Brown brutalized Rihanna in his car after some awards ceremony, resulting in an awful, nightmarish fugue of anger and publicity that lasted for, like, three months? And remember how someone from inside the police force or hospital leaked the abuse photos of Rihanna, and after all that, Chris became kind of a joke in the music industry, not to mention, oh, COMPLETELY SUCKING AT LIFE?
Well everyone still remembers, and because new photos of Rihanna from that night ...
Chris Brown tries to make you forget that he jacked Rihanna's face up by bleaching his hair. Did it work, guys? [The Superficial]
It will positively RUIN YOUR DAY when you hear who Ryan Gosling is dating. [Lainey Gossip]
John Galliano is a disgusting anti-semite. [Cele|Bitchy]
Lost's Michelle Rodriguez goes on a rambling, incoherent tirade. [TMZ]
Britney Spears goes kind of topless for V magazine. [Amy Grindhouse]
Kim Kardashian's music video explains why she had those br...
Homosexuals should officially be allowed to wed - because Amber Portwood's tying the knot. [The Superficial]
Helena Bonham Carter apparently had a stroke of some sort. [Lainey Gossip]
Charlie Sheen isn't a drug addict, he's actually just insane. [Celebrity Smack Blog]
Lady Gaga's new 'Born This Way' video is predictably bland. [Earsucker]
New Dancing With the Stars cast announced! [TMZ]
So let's talk some more about how TRULY FUCKING AWFUL James Franco and Anne Hathaway were as Oscar host...