The folks at Armani are really hitting this chick hard for their money, aren't they? Of course, when you have one of the hottest women in the world endorsing your product, you probably want to show as much of her off as much as you can, so hey. Megan herself probably isn't complaining too much, being that it's been the first solid work she's had since being fired from the Transformers franchise, so do it up, Meg. You're gorgeous, marginally talented, and you're married to David Silver. You're ev...
I don't know whether to point and laugh, have a vom session at the nearest loo, or pity the fuck out of her, but both the first and third options are sounding pretty good right about now (I've only had coffee this morning so far, and have you ever chucked just coffee? It's actually really unpleasant).
Above you see the first post-arrest pictures of Christina Aguilera, who was recently arrested or taken in or something for being so wasted that she didn't know her own name. And guys? She...
“I can’t front, I just thought she was going to be the new female MC that none of these other female MCs can touch, but now, she’s blossomed into a megastar with this new attitude and this style. Now when I talk to her, I just tell her, ‘Do what you do, baby.’ I used to be able to go into the studio and say, ‘Nah, don’t say that, don’t say that.’ You know, ‘That was better.’ Now, do what you do, baby. I don’t have a clue about what you’re doing right now, but it’s wo...
See, even pretty girls are caught mining for nose gold sometimes, too. [The Superficial]
What Hollywood actress thinks another Hollywood actress is a total cunt? (The answer is not 'all of them,' like you probably think.) [Cele|Bitchy]
Of course Miranda Kerr lost all of that baby weight already. [Amy Grindhouse]
What A-list actor (OK, RISING A-list actor, or B-list actor for you pessimists) claims he's slowly gaining weight, and why? [ICYDK]
Brooke Mueller says everyone has to be test...
Mel Gibson defends Charlie Sheen. [The Superficial]
Whitney Houston passes her penchant for cocaine along to her daughter. [popbytes]
Did Kate Winslet get mad facial surgery? [Lainey Gossip]
PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE that celebrities do, in fact, get wasted and do really embarrassing things. [The Frisky]
What the hell did Johnny Depp do to make this fan cry? [Socialite Life]
Rumer Willis gets a new, Shirley Temple-like 'do. [Cele|Bitchy]
Justin Bieber's hair sold for HOW MUC...
I don't know about you guys, but I am SO CRAZY IMPRESSED OVER THE FACT that Taylor Momsen is THIS HARDCORE. I mean, she FUCKS FOR SATAN, ffs. She wears GARTER BELTS as PANTS. She fronts a BAND called The Pretty RECKLESS and WALKS HER TINY, RAT-ASS DOG in PUBLIC, for ALL THE WORLD to see.
She MAKES ME TYPE IN ALL CAPS and THAT, my friends?
Is the be-all, end-all of HARDCORE.
[gallery columns="4"]...
Chris Brown pretends like he's got a penis. I mean, a BIG penis. [The Superficial]
Um, where's the rest of you, Jonah Hill? [ICYDK]
What ladylike Hollywoood actress curses like a motherfucking sailor? [Pajiba]
Britney's being sued over one of her new songs. [Allie is Wired]
Scarlett Johansson rubs her foot up on Sean Penn's package a la Weekend at Bernie's. [Betty Confidential]
Is Jim Carrey ... dead? [Celebrity Smack Blog]
What male superstar musician does his laundry at ...
Dirt is, the jacked dude above is engaged, and was set to be married later on this year. However, in light of recent events (namely sexting random chicks with pathetic attempts at sexualizing his body - take some TOTALLY NSFW pointers from Jamie Foxx, dude), the wedding's probably off.
Take your guesses and jump in to find out who the philandering fool is this time around!