Now we're supposed to believe that Charlie Sheen's act is all a joke. OK. [The Superficial]
The latest on what Ryan Gosling's doing. Does it matter, really what it is? HE'S HOT. [Lainey Gossip]
Did Keira Knightley lose even more weight? [Cele|Bitchy]
Lindsay Lohan is not only super hot as of late, but she's really engaging on video, too. [TMZ]
Kirstie Alley has already begun to lose weight practicing with Dancing With the Stars - PHOTOS [The Blemish]
What Celebrity Rehab co...
Oh blue-haired Katy Perry. Where does this heinous crap come from? Is the blue hair an alter-ego? Is the blue hair a sign of crazy times to come? Is it a private sex joke between you and your wacked-out husband, Russell Brand? A political statement? A way to encourage young boys to lift their chins and smooch up on your funeral parlor makeup-caked decolletage? And perhaps MOST importantly, DOES IT MATCH YOUR PUBES?
Proof or it didn't happen. Please.
[gallery columns="4"]...
I don't know about you, but I'm all about seeing celebrities without makeup, without Photoshop, without all of the glitz and the glam that goes along with walking the red carpet for whatever event or hitting up the walk outside of David Letterman's studio. It means a bunch to know that many of these celebrities are normal-looking people that just happen to have the benefit of possessing some of the finest makeup artists and stylists in the world to make them look almost supernatural - and it's wicked encouraging for the quite-average-looking person like myself...
The chick turned eighteen over the weekend, and photos of her blowing lines like it's her job surfaced, so what's next, naturally? A SEX TAPE! Yes! Of course!
Bobbi Kristina, who is daughter to the Original Cracked-Out Couple, Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston, is said to allegedly star in a home video that probably won't hit the markets, due to those, you know, child pornography laws that are in place protecting stupid-assed teenagers from flaunting their stuff for creepy perverts worldwide...
"Jon has not called me. He's a turncoat, a traitor, a troll. … Is it going to take me calling him a 'traitor, juvenile and scared' for him to get it? ... [And if he does call?] What's there to say? I'll tell him, 'You're a little late. Goodbye, troll'."
Well hell. Charlie Sheen says something that I actually agree with. You mean to tell me that co-star - and alleged FRIEND - Jon Cryer hasn't gotten a hold of him, hasn't reached out to find out what the fuck is up with all of this psyc...
So Amanda Bynes, who's main claim to fame lately is her off-the-wall tweeting about life and how much she just lurrrves black men and how she's quitting Twitter, but not and then again, and ohmigosh I can't even KEEP UP with the drama that ensues over on this bitch's page.
But anyway, it's been about a minute or so since the public's thought about good old Amanda, so she's gone to the only public medium that'll take her wacko BS (uh, that'd be Twitter) to post pictures of herself in a bikini. Ba...
And this is what Kendra's been wearing to Dancing With the Stars rehearsals. And if you didn't know that she's in the upcoming DWTS sesh, well, hey. You do now.
As for our girl, Kendra's got a banging body, and she looks even better than ever now that she's squeezed a baby out, but MAN that OUTFIT. It is just AWFUL. Honestly, I don't care who you are, what your legs look like, or just how tanned and toned you are - stay away from the 1960's (striped!) gym shorts, kids. They are just plain EVIL. ...
10 celebrities who are anti-medicine nuts. [The Frisky]
What pregnant female celebrity is making it her business to look as NON-pregnant as possible, doing everything in her power to remain skin-and-bones? [Lainey Gossip]
Kelly Kapowski is not dead, gives interview. [Right Celebrity]
Sophie Monk is back on the market. BOOBS NIPPLES BOOBS. [The Blemish]
Ryan Reynolds is NOT boning Sandra Bullock, but he IS boning THIS. [The Superficial]
Kelsey Grammer is already sabotaging his ne...
I don't know about you guys, but as an AVID Harry Potter freak, I have a pretty hard time separating the books' characters from its actors and actresses, so whenever I see Emma Watson flitting around in public, scantily clad, and I automatically think, 'Girlfriend, Ron is going to be SO ENVIOUS of EVERY DUDE THAT CHECKS YOU OUT.' Then I have to shake myself because it's just. not. real.
Sometimes it even kind of transcends into actual life for me sometimes. I was watching some really cheesy...
This just isn't healthy, you guys. Charlie Sheen, wielding a machete like he's, I don't know, back in fucking Platoon or something, but this time it's not a movie, it's real life, and Charlie's slowly but surely losing his cracked and meth-clouded marbles one by one.
Here, Charlie's pictured on the roof of Live Nation, waving a machete around with one of his 'goddesses,' pretending to drink a really foul-looking blood-like substance out of a bottle labeled 'Tiger Blood' while smoking cigaret...