Indeed, this is why we can ignore the fact that Jenny McCarthy probably killed innocent children. [The Superficial]
Further proof that Vanessa Hudgens just gets hotter and hotter every day (eat your heart out, Zac Efron). [The Frisky]
Photographic evidence that Sean Penn and Scarlett Johansson are continuously all over one another. [Yeeeah]
I totally thought this was Joaquin Phoenix and when I found out it wasn't, I nearly shit all over myself. [Pajiba]
Charlie Sheen will appar...
So here at Evil Beet we've got some more fun stuff in the works for you guys. I know a lot of you are all like, 'Bitch, don't be tellin' me to do stuff' when you see the commanding 'CAPTION THIS' on select postings, so we've decided to be super awesome, and in return for your acerbic wit, we're going to be giving stuff away.
Starting somewhere around April 1st, weekly 'Caption This' articles will run and you guys will get some kind-of-awesome Evil Beet-themed stuff shipped right to your ...
These are not photos of Miley Cyrus drunk, becuase Miley Cyrus would, like, NEVER drink. It's just not legal, y'all, to drink if you're under the adult age of twenty-one, so these photos of Miley partying until the wee hours of the morning at Chateau Marmont (the, um, classiest of the classy) in LA aren't even really anything to give a second thought to. Miley probably doesn't even know how she got there. Thank God there were some super-friendly people to help her out of the club, or she mi...
"You know, I just realized there's bigger things in the world than just being a selfish, self-centered, prick. There's times that it's difficult but, you know, the good outweighs the bad. It's nice having a healthier lifestyle than I used to have. ... I mean, I get along better, I think in general, with everybody in the world. Not only my family, but just even the surrounding people."
Scott Disick, Kourtney Kardashian's baby daddy, with a whole new attitude to go along with that smarmy...
So yup. This is someone's mom. Like, an actor's mom. Who probably got his predilections for doing weird stuff in public from her. The actor whose mom is up there ^^ is known for his barefoot, surfing, laying-in-the-sun, hippie-type ways and was once arrested for disturbing the peace by playing the bongos late at night Under the Influence of Marijuana.
Who's mommy is it?
OK, I came across these photos this afternoon and I was confused as fuck. Pink, who's apparently pregnant, was at this movie premiere of something last night looking like ... alright, well, looking like either Judy Dench or Mrs. Roper. And it's positively KILLING me that I can't put my finger on just which one it is. I mean, I've always had this wicked indecisive streak in me, but facing up against something THIS GREAT, something THIS HEINOUSLY FABULOUS (or is it fabulously heinous, there's ano...
I would KILL myself if I had a chin like this. [The Superficial]
Mel Gibson to plead 'no contest' to misdemeanor battery in like, five minutes. [TMZ]
I guess the Pitt-Jolie kids are, like, feral now or whatever. [Socialite Life]
The fact that Ashlee Simpson is fucking Pete Wentz's friend just gets better and better. [The Blemish]
Jennifer Aniston 'caves' and gets some kind of plastic surgery. [Lainey Gossip]
Ewan MacGregor gets his ass kicked on the beach by a chick. [Caught on Set]
Did Kim Kardashian get a boob job? [Celebuzz]
Rose McGowan is granted a restraining order. [Huffington Post]...
"This is very painful for me, not the least of which … I'm sorry, I can't believe I'm saying this … The fact is, I am a troll. It's not something I like to talk about. My parents don't even know I'm a troll ... Of course, I guess they do now. The truth is, there's not a lot of tolerance for people like me, especially in Hollywood. To avoid ignorance and bullying, I've had to hide the fact that I'm a troll. You have no idea how much time and money I've spent on electrolysis and hair dye an...
Aww, look at little Kim Kardashian before she jacked her face up. I mean, it's really not all that far off from what it is today - aside from looking kind of waxy and much more sculpted - so I really have to say 'kudos' on the semi-tasteful facial enhancements that Kim apparently thought were a necessity. Kimmy's also got a little playmate over there on the far right, and I'm sure most of you can guess who it is. But hey. I know some of you guys are probably pretty sheltered, aren't you?
It's amazing, too, doesn't it seem like it's been years in the making (the breakup, not the relationship)?
Reps for both parties have come forward and announced that Biel and Timberlake, who did whatever it was they did best (running, was it?), were officially splitting:
"Addressing the media speculation regarding Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake's relationship, we are confirming that they mutually have decided to part ways. The two remain friends and continue to hold the highest level...