Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Morning Wood [The AM Links]

hot picture of britney spears from 2000 photos The Natalie Portman leaked photos. As if we don't know what you LOOK LIKE NAKED ALREADY, girl. [The Superficial] Juliette Lewis has abs for days ... eat your heart out, Angelina Jolie. [Celebuzz] We'll just be waiting for James Franco to start drawing ejaculating penises all over everyone's face, now, too. [Cele|Bitchy] Why are people saying that Kate Middleton needs to diet for her wedding? THIS is the one who needs the diet. [Lainey Gossip] So now we know who Michael Lohan at...

Chris Brown REALLY Needs to Go to Jail After THIS Crap

picture of chris brown photos with puppy Chris Brown appeared on Good Morning America earlier this morning, and though the outward performance and interview seems like it went well, TMZ has got word that Chris, plagued by questions about that time when he, you know, BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF RIHANNA, totally freaked out, started screaming, broke his dressing room window (and showered a street below with glass), tore his shirt off and left the premises. TMZ claims that Brown was screaming so loudly that makeup and wardrobe got nervous enoug...

Love It or Leave It: Bar Refaeli Makes Me Rethink My ‘Hottest Women’ List

photo of bar refaeli hot for allure magazine pictures Hey, look, it's Bar Refaeli, doing what she does best: looking smoking hot. Bar was photographed for the upcoming issue of Allure, and all I've got to say is that she makes this straight girl think some pretty blush-inducing thoughts. That being said, I can appreciate Bar's epic hotness when she's more of a honeyed brunette, rather than her recent Elle blonde. When she's so light in hair color, it kind of washes her face out and makes her look like Diane Kruger, which there's nothing wron...


photo of billy ray cyrus and tish cyrus pictures "Big thanks to all of our family, friends, and fans who have kept us in their thoughts and prayers. I feel so blessed to have so much support from all of you. Our family weathered a huge storm and I feel we are stronger than we have ever been. Much love to all of you guys! You're the BEST!" Tish Cyrus on being thankful that Billy Ray's no longer leaving with his Achy Breaky money and leaving her to grovel at Bret Michael's feet. (Because, of course, she'd do much, much better at the feet o...

Guess Who Was Arrested for Felony Domestic Violence This Morning?

photo of michael lohan mugshot pictures Totally classy, Michael Lohan. I mean, completely. Lohan, who's living with, or staying with another chick after the three that beat up, kicked in the crotch, and took nude photos of, was arrested last night for assaulting said lady: "Mr. Lohan was arrested after we received a call around 9 p.m. regarding a domestic dispute. He was detained after he was spotted walking on the street near our station. He showed no signs of intoxication that I'm aware of and has been cooperative." Of course he was...

Afternoon Delight [The PM Links]

photo of bat for lashes pictures Hey, look, Snooki's in yet another bathing suit. [The Superficial] Taylor Momsen literally lets it all hang out (again) at SxSW. [Celebuzz] What celebrity feels like a 'loser' because she hasn't any children? [I'm Not Obsessed] Justin Bieber's mom attempted suicide? [Earsucker] Alright, somebody just needs to put Bam Margera out of his misery already. [TMZ] Are Michael Lohan and Dina Lohan reconciling? [ICYDK] Two and a Half Men might not be over just yet. [The Blemish] Attention Buffy fans: Sarah Michelle Gellar is filming a new movie! [Caught on Set...

Update: Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn Are Still Getting It On

photo of scarlett johansson and sean penn pictures I don't know about you guys, but something about this couple is a total turn-on. I'm not sure if it's just the idea of Scarlett Johansson bumping uglies with someone so much OLDER than she is (I always had a thing for much older guys, too, Scar, I can totally dig it), or if it's got to do with the fact that Sean Penn has been such a flat-out badass for the majority of his life (another part of the appeal: guilty as charged), but these two, as far as I'm concerned, are totally one of the hottes...

The New Pirates of the Caribbean Trailer is Here

And though I'm pretty excited, I'm also kind of nervous at the moment because my garbage collectors literally just arrived, on this windy, windy day, and they'e gonna be so ticked when they see all of the packing peanuts in my trash receptacle. WINDY. Anyway, the trailer for the long-awaited fourth installation of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is here, and a lot of people have mixed reviews about it. Me, I think Johnny Depp (and Geoffrey Rush, of course) are totally the faces of the Pirates movies, but there are a shit ton of fans out there who refuse to see the movie a) because the Keira Knightley/Orlando Bloom love story won't be addressed, or b) they can't stand to listen to Penelope Cruz's God-awful accent for two-and-a-half-plus hours (you know these movies are always well over 150 minutes). I'm excited about it anyway. I love the movies, I've loved the ride in Disney World since I first went on it over seventeen years ago, and I think Penelope Cruz is actually rather pleasing (unlike the really awful looks I'm getting from my trashmen as I sit here on the front porch, trying to make myself smaller and smaller). What about you guys, are you over the Pirates saga, or will you be queueing up on May 20th when it's finally released?
/> And though I'm pretty excited, I'm also kind of nervous at the moment because my garbage collectors literally just arrived, on this windy, windy day, and they'e gonna be so ticked when they see all of the packing peanuts in my trash receptacle. WINDY. Anyway, the trailer for the long-awaited fourth installation of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is here, and a lot of people have mixed reviews about it. Me, I think Johnny Depp (and Geoffrey Rush, of course) are totally the faces o...

What Awesome Celebrity Was Photoshopped to Sick Hell for Rimmel Ad?

photo of heavily photoshopped zooey deschanel for rimmel london pictures So I think Rimmel's generally alright. Their products, as far as drugstore makeup go, aren't half bad. I really enjoy their Jelly Gloss, because I hate the feel of lipstick on my lips (which usually dries them out), and I'd rather look like I just gave a really sweet round of head than I would appear to have dry, cracked lips with intermittent spotting of faded color. That being said, I'm still way pissed at Rimmel for Photoshopping the fuck out of above celebrity. She looks practically not...

Tiger Woods’ New Girlfriend is Classy Like Whoa

photo of tiger woods girlfriend alyse lahti johnston pictures Nothing but the best for our man Tiger, you know? Above you see the mugshot of Alyse Lahti Johnston, Tiger Woods' rumored new girlfriend. I know we'e not fair for running a foul photo like this to introduce his new lady, but hey. I for sure thought this photo was an ad for acne medicine and 'Faces of Meth,' and thought it was definitely appropriate enough for a Monday morning after breakfast. Johnston is a twenty-two year-old student at Northwood University in West Palm Beach, Florida, and she and Tiger have been spotted numerous times in recent months both on the beaches of Florida a...

Morning Wood [The AM Links]

picture of robert pattinson hot photos Katherine Heigl in a bikini is NOT what you expected. [The Superficial] The Vagina Virgin will probably not strike again anytime soon. [Lainey Gossip] Wyclef goes to Haiti, surprisingly gets shot in the hand and here's all the details. [IDLYITW] Tough, tough choice: who has the better ass in a side-by-side comparison? [Yeeeah] A female Indiana Jones? Rather, a HOT female Indiana Jones? OK, thank you, yes. [Pajiba] Joseph Gordon-Levitt is officially in the new Batman movie. [Cele|Bitchy] Kim Kardashian: jiggly thighs and cellulite. [Amy Grindhouse] Piece of shit Kathy Griffin drops some more classically unfunny Sara...

And This is Who Kim Kardashian is Sleeping With Lately

photo of kim kardashian and boyfriend kris humphries I always marvel at how tall - or small - some celebrities are, and when I saw these pictures that were sent to me by our photo agency, I just ... stared. Above, we have hot-ass Kim Kardashian and her latest boyfriend, NBA star Kris Humphries. I know that basketball players are supposed to be super-tall and big and what not, but boyfriend here looks positively Photoshopped next to Kim. And to make Kim look like a tiny, delicate, shrinking violet, you must be pretty damned imposing. Also, I just now noticed that Kim Kardashian's boyfriend's name is Kris. And I'll bet if they e...