Taylor Momsen does some lesbian stuff in Paris. [Socialite Life]
And you thought Katy Perry was over-the-top about her Bible-y ways. [The Frisky]
Padded push-up bras for second-graders? [Bitten and Bound]
Are Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart getting married? [Huffington Post]
The biggest and smallest penises in the world. [OMGBlog]
John Stamos rocks a porn star mustache and makes me all weak in the knees. [Caught on Set]
So maybe Natalie Portman didn't do all that dan...
And damned if I'm wrong, but his torn short-shorts look absolutely Photoshopped on. Those shits don't even LOOK REAL, but whatever. I can get past the overt absence of real fabric and the crazy hair (which, honestly, really has grown on me over the past few weeks) because Rihanna is just so damn fine.
See what you gave up, Chris Brown? Antoine Dodson said it best: 'You are so dumb.' ...
Why does Selena Gomez have the blues? [Celebuzz]
Is there anything better than when celebrities grope themselves in public? [Socialite Life]
I would kill Nick Cannon if he was my husband at this point. [The Frisky]
"It smells like socks and pussy in here." [Lainey Gossip]
Kevin Federline knocked yet another chick up. [The Superficial]
Kelly Clarkson in a bikini. Yes, in a bikini. [IDLYITW]
Kendall Jenner in more age-inappropriate modeling photos. [Yeeeah]
Amy Adams cast as Lois Lane a...
Don’t forget, starting officially on April 1st, we’ll have weekly ‘Caption This’ contests that result in real, live prizes. Pull out your funniest and stick ‘em in the comments if you’re interested in some cool shit.
This past week’s winner on The Situation photo:
Winner: y_punk_chew_ate
“He’s climbin in your windows/He’s snatchin your people up/Tryna rape em so y’all need to/Hide your kids, Hide your wife."
1st Runner-Up: Chaz
“Feeling peckish, Snookie send...
Vanessa Hudgens went to a Lakers game this past weekend with her newest rumored boyfriend, Josh Hutcherson, and did everything in her power to advertise to the powers that be that she's once again dating someone in order to distract you from the fact that she actually just likes ladies.
Josh-whoever-Hutcherson is her latest man, and the couple's been photographed a few times in the past few weeks doing stuff together, but nothing has been as confirming as Vanessa's belly-baring shirt that ...
I don't know about you guys, but I am SO STOKED that Britney's launching a big comeback. I haven't liked her music since I was a junior in high school (and that, my friends was an awkward phase to say the least), but ever since she totally cracked up and went all vulnerable and soft in the public eye, this girl's been pulling for her to make a grand return.
This? I think is it.
Britney still isn't allowed to do live talk shows yet, probably because her father's afraid that she'll at...
Just when you thought the shitstorm of Christina Aguilera's drunken life was about to die down, you were wrong: girfriend was spotted making out in the backseat of a car with her boyfriend, Matthew Rutler.
I know that making out in the back of a vehicle isn't nearly as trashy as, say, getting it on during a party in a relative's bathroom or something, but it's definitely something I'M no longer interested in as a twenty-seven year-old woman myself. See, for some reason, I've been prone to car sic...
Would you be interested in dating Jake Gyllenhaal's mom? [The Frisky]
HOTOS: Holy CRAP, J Woww. [Celebuzz]
What the hell happened on American Idol last night? [Socialite Life]
Chris Brown's publicist dumps him. [The Superficial]
Looks like Lindsay's getting dragged back into that whole 'beating up a medical professional' fracas again. [TMZ]
Interested in seeing K-Town? It's the Asian version of Jersey Shore, and it's got to be loads better. [The Blemish]
I don't care how old he gets, Tom Hanks will ALWAYS be super hot. [Caught on Set]
Kirstie Alley sl...
Ugh, as if this guy could not get ANY MORE REPULSIVE, he picks up the funnest-looking chick in the airport and slaps the 'girlfriend' label on her. I know it's not polite to classify people based on who they hang out with, but we all learned in middle school that if you hang out with dogs, you're either going to get fleas, or just, you know, fucked up during a blacked-out rage. Anyone who'd knowingly get romantically involved with him at this point in spite of his notorious temper has got to ...
“I nearly asked her to marry me on our first date. It was like a hit of acid, a wave of confusion, emerging from under the water, a moment of Oh bloody hell, different perception for a moment, extraordinary…And then I thought, I’ll give it space and see what happens. ... It’s the most normal relationship I’ve ever had with anybody. She’s very spirited, bighearted, innocent, but very, very smart. Someone told me that enlightenment is contingent upon being able to hold opposing v...
The 40 best unflattering celebrity photos - LULZ. [Socialite Life]
Hot celebrities in 15 banned commercials. [The Frisky]
The Jersey Shore finale: you'll never believe what went down. [Celebuzz]
Is this Anne Hathaway's boyfriend? [Lainey Gossip]
It's not Jennifer Lopez on American Idol, it's actually Marc Anthony in drag. [Cele|Bitchy]
Paris Hilton: deny, deny, deny. [Amy Grindhouse]
Kat Dennings shows us her 'nerd boobs' again. [The Superficial]
What hot-abbed female celeb has a tattoo way low on her hip? [ICYDK]