Alright, guys! It's time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests. Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of this photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s David Arquette photo: Stacey
"Perhaps I’m just sexually deprived, but I saw...
we won't feel so sorry for ourselves I won't feel so sorry for myself.
[gallery] />[image removed on request]
Apparently, though, we all can't be as lucky as the rest of us are, because this perfectly lovely and adorable girl IS Megan Fox's sister, and what's worse is that she was seen out with her. I'm telling you right now, that if Megan Fox were MY sister, I'd never go anywhere with her. Megan Fox would make me look frumpy, dumpy, bloated, and adolescent, whereas she, next to a 'normal' girl, would look even more flawless than she already does.
Do us a favor, Megan - don't hang out with the 'regular' people in public, and start doing things wit...
If you thought that Kate Hudson was this sparkling, spotless little golden girl of a tinkling bell that JUST HAPPENED to get pregnant by ANOTHER frontman of ANOTHER popular band, you were dead wrong, man.
Kate, in a recent interview with InStyle, makes no bones about hooking her latest victim, Matthew Bellamy of Muse - she practically admits to trapping him with her extra-fertile eggs, and says that "we" were "tempting fate," and "it worked." (And if by "we" she means "I," "me," or even flat-out "Ka...
Well hell. I like Brooklyn Decker. And I like her boobs, too. But these pictures? It looks like she's either got a tit growing out of the crack of her elbow, or the photographer got really happy with Photoshop and somehow misplaced her boob. The pics are older, so the latter may very well be true (everyone was excited about Photoshop back in the day, you know), but in either case, Brooklyn Decker boob! What's better than that on a rainy Tuesday afternoon?
You can check out the NSFW photos a...
In the role of cowgirl Jessie, natch.
Above (and below; I couldn't help myself) you see Katherine Heigl rocking what comes across as a very confusing, very odd ensemble in which all I can think of is Buzz Lightyear dancing the dance of seduction. What can I say - I'm a kid at heart.
I don't know about you guys, but I don't think I could ever get sick of looking at Scarlett Johansson. She could pose for PETA, the cover of Marilyn Manson's newest album, or even in a burlap bag, covered with feces and flies. She pulls it off every time, and the latest Dolce and Gabbana Summer 2011 ads are definitely no exception.
I know a lot of you guys think that she can't act for crap, but she'll always hold a special place in my heart no matter how many old guys she hooks up with. ...
Halle Berry blames her man issues on another man. [Bossip]
Charlie Sheen's just looking GREAT these days. [The Superficial]
Shakira steps out with new boyfriend. [Lainey Gossip]
Behind the scenes of The Hobbit! [Caught On Set]
Is NBC going to drop the Royal Wedding because Kate and the Prince are too 'boring'? [Right Celebrity]
Demi Lovato quits Sonny With a Chance. [Socialite Life]
I didn't even know Beyonce had a new single in the mix. Apparently I was mistaken. [OMGBlog]
Who knew that Kara had such a tough past, jeez. The one-time American Idol judge and award-winning songwriter recently penned her memoirs, titled A Helluva High Note, and has released some excerpts to E! Online, one of which included an incident that occurred between a friend of the family and her when she was only ten or eleven years old:
"On one particular day, he took me into the back shed of his house and put his hands all over my breasts and vagina," she writes. "I remember freezing and not know...
I know it's been a minute since we've heard anything about Jim Carrey aside from the fact that he kind of went a little berserk after Jenny McCarthy broke up with him, but apparently boyfriend's been busy filming a movie called Mr. Popper's Penguins. The movie is about a real-estate developer who inherits a bunch of penguins and attempts to make them feel at home in his NYC apartment.
My favorite part of the trailer? Carrey and the penguins dancing to 'Vanilla Ice.' This is the classic Jim Carrey that everyone loves, and while I PROBABLY won't see it in theaters, it's d...
Did Reese Witherspoon have some, uh, work done on her chin? [The Superficial]
The top celebrities that may never get married. [Bossip]
Cory Monteith makes a move on some random at Coachella. [Lainey Gossip]
Winona Ryder is going to be in a new movie with James Franco. [ICYDK]
Was Vanessa Hudgens doing coke this past weekend? [Socialite Life]
Gwyneth Paltrow thinks that we're all jealous of her. [Huffington Post]
Why is it that all Victoria's Secret models are pod people?. [Celebuzz...