Because if I'm forced to look at another self-portrait featuring Mimi's baby (babies?) bump complete with oil pastels, I'm going to lose it. Granted, she's got a rather fine bulge going on there, and I'm sure her babies are going to be wicked cute, but enough is enough already, you know? I get it - you're excited about your babes, Mariah. It's probably never going to stop. You're gonna be one of those mamas who posts photos of every single mini-milestone in your kids' lives, and that's alright. But you need to cool your jets for a few minutes, girl. You're gonna drive dem ba...
The tie between Michael Lohan and John Bobbit. [The Superficial]
Did Tracy Morgan find his new girlfriend at a strip club? [Bossip]
This is the best that Colin Farrell's looked, like, ever. [Lainey Gossip]
Laura Winslow wants to do Playboy. Steve Urkel's gonna go nuts. [TMZ]
65 visible reasons that Sofia Vergara's got one of the hottest bodies going. [Socialite Life]
The 'real story' as to why Emma Watson withdrew from Brown. [LA Times]
Kim Kardashian's Cosmo UK photo shoot was FIERCE. And full of stiff-face. [Celebuzz]
No one in their right mind could hate Tom Hanks. ...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests. Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of this photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Heidi Klum photo: Diana
“And I was backing up, backing up, backing up … my daddy tau...
"Worst driver ever. Almost hit me, then ran a stop sign. What if there was a kid around the corner, you dumb bitch. ... blonde piece of shit. [She] should apologize to humanity. [She's just a] horrible excuse for a human being. I wouldn't be as pissed if I weren't a mom. What an irresponsible person. What a lame existence."
Fairly Legal's Sarah Shahi, calling out Paris Hilton via Twitter for being the world's biggest douchebag driver. According to Shahi, Hilton cut her off in traffi...
After what a lot of people are saying 'only' eight months of dating, Kristin Cavallari and NFL quarterback Jay Cutler are engaged. The couple started dating last fall, and after weeks of Cavallari telling people left and right that she's so in love, her man Jay popped the question this past weekend on a Caribbean mini-vacation.
Me, I don't necessarily think that eight months is too soon for a proposal - I mean, shit. First off, it's two fairly-known people in Hollywood. Eight months i...
What celebrity shops - proudly - at Old Navy? [The Superficial]
This is Ron Weasley's real-life girlfriend (sorry, guys, it's not Emma Watson). [Lainey Gossip]
Ashley Judd complains about 'hip-hop rap culture.' [Bossip]
Charlie Sheen's getting dumped by his goddesses via text message. LOLZ. [Earsucker]
The Brandon Marshall 'I'm stabbed' tape. [TMZ]
What celebrity called Paris Hilton a 'blonde piece of shit' on Twitter? [ICYDK]
Who did Nicki Minaj give a free lap dance to? ...
"I think I’m going to end my acting career. I’m so introverted. I’m ready to go behind the scenes. I’m 36 years old, but I’ve been doing this for 20 years. It's so hard to go out in L.A. I'm going to move. I'm going to spend a third of my year in New York."
Cue the sad and dramatic violin music as we all weep bitter tears that Ryan Phillippe will no longer be stunning us with performances such as that in I Know What You Did Last Summer, Crash, and his latest stint on WWE Raw.
A few weeks ago, we ran a small blurb in one of the link posts claiming that Snooki lost a couple of pounds. And she did, really. Judging by old pictures, Snooki probably lost around fifteen pounds. The story came and went through the Jersey Shore filter that I try to hard to maintain on this site, and I tried to vow not to talk about her after that.
However? It seems that Snooki's trying to ride this one out as long as she can. She just spoke to People magazine this past week and had...
Rachel Bilson stuns in a bikini. [The Superficial]
What do Adele and Beyonce have in common? [Bossip]
Lindsay Lohan gets it in the ass. [Lainey Gossip]
Miley Cyrus to be the flower girl for the royal wedding? [Yeeeah]
Why you should actually be excited about Thor. [Pajiba]
Who's leaving American Idol? [IDLYITW]
Even more weird details about Emma Watson's deparyture from Brown. [Amy Grindhouse]
The 9 craziest Easter bonnets that you ever did see. [The Frisky]
Oh look, Hayden Panettiere's new tattoo. [Celebuzz]
Who is AnnaLynne Mc...
Happy Easter, you guys! Well, belated Easter. Did you all have a super day, do anything fun, eat tons of good food? It was HOT here yesterday - I think it's the first time that I've celebrated Easter when it was 86 degrees and sunny. I grew up in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and Easter often symbolized heavy coats over pretty, wishfully-Spring dresses, the possibility of snow and cranking the heat up while watching The Ten Commandments and passing out on the couch with a bloated bellyful of ...