This year's gala at the Metropolitan in New York City was in honor of Alexander McQueen, titled 'Savage Beauty,' and the female celebrities in attendance totally took the catch phrase to heart - girlfriends were BANGING. Like, everyone. Well, except for maybe Rihanna's braid. And Fergie's awful plastic surgery. And DEFINITELY the way that I just wanted to pick Beyonce up and use her to dust something ornate. I also think that Mary-Kate Olsen got her fashion advice from Beetlejuice's Lydia...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests. Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of this photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Amanda Seyfried photo: Brenda
“He told me it was just a rash and said it wasn’t contagious!!â€...
J. Woww tried to kill herself? [The Superficial]
The hotness: Beyonce and Christina Ricci IN THE SAME ROOM. [Lainey Gossip]
Paula Patton has an upskirt moment in NYC. [Bossip]
Casey Abrams wants everyone to vote for Haley. Of course he'd say that. She's got his DICK in a BOX. [TMZ]
Guess that whole 'SoulEye' thing paid off, huh? [ICYDK]
Jennifer Lopez is trying to lack the smack down on her ex-husband Ojani Noa. [Socialite Life]
Are Kate and William going to Hollywood for their honeymoon? [LA Times]
The hottest Emma Stone has probably ever looked. [Celebuzz]
Cinema's most charmin...
Oh Ryan Gosling. Is there ANY way that you don't look absolutely edible? I mean here you are, in the airport, looking classy, put-together, and effortless. You probably sat through a grueling six-hour-plus flight from God-knows-where, and I'd still clean the dried ball sweat from the insides of your thighs. WITH MY TONGUE. I know, that's pretty gross, but seriously? So true.
Right. Well, sometimes you've just gotta run the photos even if there isn't a cutting, witty story behind them. Ryan Gosling ...
So, I'm wondering. How are we feeling about Adam Lambert's latest look? Me, I'm thinking that he's starting to resemble a really budget magician (seriously, I'm totally waiting for him to try to guess the fucking number in my head) that's about to pull a snake out of his ass (oh wait, that'd be his trousers, wouldn't it), but I can see some people digging it. You know. Those weird magic convention kids that spent nine hours a day watching old clips of Houdini and rubbing one out over David Copperfield.
What do you guys think?...
Full details on Mariah Carey's twins. No, not those twins. [The Superficial]
10 mysteries that Obama should solve now. [Bossip]
The hottest of hot Andrew Garfield photos. [Lainey Gossip]
Rick Springfield busted for a DUI. [Earsucker]
Exclusive details on the Bin Laden assassination. [TMZ]
Shayne Lamas's pregnant belly. [ICYDK]
Justin Bieber - EGGED. [The Blemish]
Glee filming finale! [Caught on Set]
Scarlett Johansson goes red for her new beau. [I'm Not Obsessed]
Did an 80s teen star help take out Bin Laden? [Huffington Post]
Ann Curry replacing Meredith Viera? [Bitten and Bound]
Is it because she's legal now (she is legal, isn't she? I'm not a complete letch for posting these photos am I)? Is it because she's finally exposed her body, and quit hiding behind yards and yards of fabric? I don't really know. She's always been pretty gorgeous, but I never really thought of her as 'hot.' I have a feeling we're gonna need to watch this one, 'cause now that she's got the confidence (I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and call it confidence for now) to be posting photos...
Even though girlfriend has appeared in public lately more (maybe?) sober than wasted, she's still suffering the ill effects of someone who just won't break up with the bottle.  And if you're wondering what ill effects I'm talking about, just open up a new tab on your browser and head to Facebook.  You know Those People - the ones from high school or college that you're almost shocked to recognize when you realize who it is through all of the facial bloat. The ones who apparently spend all ...
"Tonight was just another stepping stone for me, and I'm sure I may be the minority on this one but revenge is not the answer. I started to feel anxiety about all of the possibilities from the announcement tonight, but quickly reminded that none of us have the power. This was more about my feelings of hope tonight and less about politics. I have been through a roller coaster of emotions this evening and wanted to share the optimism that I have in the midst of it all. The world will be the wo...
OK, I get that the death of Osama Bin Laden is a really big, big deal to a lot of people and nations and everything else, and I'm TOTALLY not discounting that. But guys? Osama Bin Laden is NOW DEAD, and he, himself - personally - can't do any more damage to anyone forever and ever, amen. Donald Trump, however, is alive. And he just informally announced that he's definitely going to run for President in 2012. Trump says:
“In my mind, I have already decided. I am going to announce. But I ca...
Maria Menounous in a bikini this time, but does she flash another piece of her vadge? [The Superficial]
Did Pippa Middleton go home with Prince Harry this weekend? [Lainey Gossip]
Exclusive details on how the US took out Bin Laden. [Bossip]
Rosario Dawson Photoshopped to oblivion and back for FHM. [Yeeeah]
Indulge in your inner Toby Keith. Fuck yeah. [Pajiba]
Tallulah Willis just gets hotter and hotter like, every day. [IDLYITW]
Yeah, Khloe Kardashian is a size six. I tot...
William and Kate leave in an Aston Martin. Way to be Bond, dude. [Lainey Gossip]
Diddy just can't admit that he sucks. [TMZ]
Some of the hottest celebrities in their birthday suits. [Bossip]
Nicole Richie in a bikini: blah or boo-yah? [The Blemish]
Cee-lo filming at Caesar's Palace? [Caught on Set]
Ooh, More royal kisses! [LA Times]
Oh snap, Bristol versus Sarah? [Popbytes]
Prince Harry: officially the world's most eligible bachelor. [Cele|bitchy]
David Beckham outshined...