Here are photos of Kim Kardashian wearing something that resembles something that I used to sleep in when I was, like, eight. The only difference here is that my romper-thing was lavender, and it wasn't nearly as tight around the ass as hers so obviously is. And my heavens, what an ass that is! I'm not quite sure that I've ever truly seen Kim Kardashian's ass at a full-on angle like this before, but I know that I'll probably never look at another ass the same way.
Hey, Blake Shelton. Sure went and got your name in the news, huh?
If you guys missed it, Blake Shelton (a country-singing dude who's engaged to a country-singing chick you might know by the name of Miranda Lambert) went on a creative bender via Twitter last night where he craftily rewrote lyrics to one of Shania Twain's hit song, 'Any Man of Mine.' Shania's version states:
Any man of mine better walk the line
Better show me a teasin' squeezin' pleasin' kinda time
And Blake Shelton's witty quip cries:
Any man that tries touching my behind, he'...
The Degeneration of Miley continues: her bralessness heads overseas. [The Superficial]
Will and Kate invade America. [Lainey Gossip]
10 moms that don't deserve shit for Mother's Day? [Bossip]
Nicole Scherzinger and 50 Cent do a video. LOL and yeah, I'm serious. [Hollywood Dame]
14 celebrities celebrating Cinco de Mayo! [The Frisky]
Turns out the 'Golden Voice Guy' is kind of a loser. [TMZ]
Guy Ritchie got circumcised for Madonna? [Cele|bitchy]
Maybe Pippa and Harry really ARE gettin' it on. [Socialite Life]
... Kate Bosworth sings, too? [Heatworld]
Cameron Diaz for Maxim ...
I was going to be super-offensive and say 'George Clooney's girlfriend goes nekkid for PETA,' but after two Lady Gaga posts, you guys are probably on edge as it is. I'll try not to provoke you too much for the rest of the day.
Anyhoo, Elisabetta Canalis and her dumb tribal armband (seriously. I mean SERIOUSLY) posed as naked as a jaybird for PETA's latest celebrity-endorsement campaign, and not only did she do it willingly, she did it HAPPILY. According to Elisabetta:
"Doing PETA's campaign has always ...
Did you guys happen to catch the leak of Judas today? Lady Gaga's newest video, off of her album 'Born This Way' was set to debut tonight, but some crazy schemester somehow managed to run it on the internet earlier this morning. Leaks, man. LEAKS. The video was pulled down, and it wasn't up and running anywhere I looked, but hey. I'm not going to go kill myself over it or anything. MTV has a write-up about how rad the video is supposed to be, and how Gaga's 'little monsters' are sure to cream themse...
Oh man, of all the low, dirty, fucked up things a butt-hurt douchebag like Jesse James could do, he's done the low of the low: on a live Howard Stern interview, after being asked about his affair with multiple skanky women, James compared his current chick (Kat Von D) with his ex-wife, Sandra Bullock and claimed that while Kat Von D was superb in the sack, Bullock left a lot to be desired. According to Radar Online:
In a raunchy appearance on Howard Stern’s Sirius satellite show today, James gave a thumbs up to fiancée Kat Von D for he...
Hey look! It's Jennifer Love Hewitt, fresh from her latest breakup! You know, I have to give Jen-girl some props here: some celebrities drown their personal sorrows in a bottle of Jack Daniels, a pile of cocaine, or worst of all, the bottom of a plastic, whipped-cream-laden Starbucks frappuccino, but not Lovey. She's sticking to the good stuff - plain-jane coffee - and she's all the better for it.
Keep your chin up, girl. You'll find a man one day who won't try to change you and will accept you just the way you are ...
Elizabeth Hurley: still looking great. [The Superficial]
Cameron Diaz is Maxim's 4th hottest of 2011. Which means that Barbara Streisand or Bette Midler has to be number one, right? [Lainey Gossip]
Wait, no, no ... THIS is who Rihanna's dating now. Can't keep up with this bitch. [Bossip]
Kristen Stewart's on-screen prince might be hotter than her real-life prince. [ICYDK]
Check out the hot Conan the Barbarian trailer. [Pajiba]
Are you getting amped for the X-Factor? [Huffing...
"I know that there are people out there who say that there is nothing sexy about being pregnant. Then there are some people who embrace the sexuality. I feel empowered; I feel sexy."
Empowered, yes. Sexy? Fuck no. I don't know how many of you guys have been pregnant in the past, but when I was pregnant, sexy was the last possible thing I felt. And I felt a lot. I felt bloating, cramping, swelling, the occasional Braxton-Hicks contractions, skin that was supposed to be glowing, but in...
Yup, you could probably hit that now, too. [The Superficial]
Is Prince Harry packing? [Lainey Gossip]
Meet Ciara's new boyfriend. He's way famouser than her. [Bossip]
Thank God: President Obama WILL NOT be releasing the Bin Laden death photo. [ICYDK]
Are lap dances cheating? [Betty Confidential]
Will Lindsay be sporting a new ankle bracelet soon? [Amy Grindhouse]
The most bizarre fucking boots I've ever seen. Seriously. Ever. [The Frisky]
Oh, how convenient: look who's launching an acting career. [Caught on Set]
Shia LeBeouf and a the massive PDA. [Celebuzz]