Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Just Wanted to Let You Know That Kirstie Alley is Now a Size 4 You Fat Bastard

photo of skinny kirstie alley weight loss pictures photos Remember last week Kirstie was telling us that she was in a size 8 dress? Well BAM. You look away for seven whole days and girlfriend drops two more dress sizes. Fucking amazing, right? I mean, I don't know if she's sticking parrafin blocks up her ass or what, but there's no. fucking. way. that Kirstie Alley is a size four right now. Even if her dresses are 'stretchy,' as she says, I'm still not buying it: The actress admitted to consuming only 1,400 calories, but has decided to take Chmerkovskiy’s advice by upping it to 2,000. “He...

Morning Wood

photo of anorexia keira knightley pictures photos scary skinny pics Did Jonah Hill gain all that weight back? [The Superficial] Who got the boot on Dancing With the Stars? [Bossip] What former goddess is doing Playboy? [TMZ] Is Keira Knightley finally eating? [Lainey Gossip] Fox cancels practically all of its programming - was your favorite show shitcanned, too? [LA Times] What duo was kicked off of Gossip Girl? [Socialite Life] Marisa Miller boob, too! [Yeeeah] Damn. I didn't know he was THAT old. [Celebuzz] This is EXACTLY what washe...


photo of arnold schwarzenegger pictures post split photos pics "[Maria and I are] taking it one day at a time. I want to take a moment and thank our many friends and family for the tremendous amount of support and love that you have given us in the last 24 hours. I just spoke to Maria an hour ago before I came here. We both were saying the same thing – we're extremely blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people, by so many wonderful friends." Arnold Schwarzenegger talking about his separation from wife, Maria Shriver. Doing precisely the...

Here’s Some Midnight in Paris Photos from Cannes

photo of hot adrien brody pictures midnight in paris cannes 2011 Ah, something I can totally get behind: this movie and the pics from the Cannes photocall. And also, Rachel McAdams' backside. I could get behind that, too. I mean, I don't have the equipment to really do anything back there and I wouldn't even if I did, 'cause I don't go that way, but since I just adore her so much I'd probably at least sniff her hair a few times. I know that probably sounds pretty weird, but I'm one of those smell-oriented people who relates pretty much every major event (and even non-major ones) to a certa...

Afternoon Delight

black and white pictures photo of maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger wedding Is Charlie Sheen going to be on Entourage now? [The Superficial] Is Jermaine Dupri broke? [Bossip] I wouldn't get THAT excited - it's Keira Knightley FFS. [INFDaily] See? I TOLD YOU everyone thinks Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' album sucks hard. [Right Celebrity] Man, when the fuck did Josh Brolin get SO OLD? [Caught on Set] Whitney: banned, because she's such a trainwreck. [Yeeeah] January Jones doesn't know WHO the father is. [The Blemish] A naked Brando Eaton? [OMGBlog] Why Maria and Arnold may have split. [The Frisky] Spanish nipple of the day! [Drunken Stepfather] *Site is NSFW...

There’s Apparently a Princess Diana Deathbed Photo Floating Around

photo of princess diana pictures photos Sometimes I seriously question what goes on in the head of some people when they do heinous things all in the name of 'artistic expression.' Foreign filmmakers have created a film called Unlawful Killing, which is centered around the suspicious death of Princess Diana and her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed, back in 1997. The movie is a 90-minute documentary, with an up-close photo of Princess Diana after she was pulled from a mangled Mercedes, moments just before she died. The film is being backed...

Rachel McAdams is So Lovable That It Breaks My Heart

photo of rachel mcadams on elle june 2011 issue pictures cover photos pics Remember that movie I was telling you guys about a few weeks ago, Midnight in Paris? The one that stars my absolute two favorite celebrities EVAR, Rachel McAdams and Adrien Brody? Well, it's still a thing, but that's not really what I want to talk about today. I'd like to discuss how awesome and amazing Rachel McAdams is, and how long I'd sing her praises (like, all day). Here are some of the highlights from her recent interview with Elle: On reprising a role with former co-star Owen W...

Moby (I Know, Remember Him?) Says Britney is ‘Broken’

photo of moby and duran duran pictures photos recent pics Way to be ten years behind the time, Mobe. I know you're perpetually stuck in, like, '99 or something, but publicly outing Britney on her general off-balanceness is so last decade. On Britney, Moby says: "Britney's actually kind of like a broken-down shell of a human being, that's what makes her so endearing and compelling. She was lovely, but really broken. Like, (A Streetcar Named Desire character) Blanche Dubois-style broken. Actually, the most entitled people I've met are indie rockers an...

Caption This – Last Week’s Winner and This Week’s Photo!

photo of russell brand fat jetskiing pictures butt photos pics It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests. Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address! (Oh, and check your email for your winner's notice, too, OK?) We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is! The winner on last week’s Katy Perry photo: N �...

Morning Wood

photo of chastity chaz bono skinny as a girl and jennifer aniston chubby fat pictures old pics So here's Paz de la Huerta and her boobs I guess. [The Superficial] Queens of the Itty Bitty Tittie Committee. [Bossip] Oh, so this is who Olivia Wilde is dating now? A-listing ho. [Lainey Gossip] Wow. How pregnant IS she? [ICYDK] Helena Bonham Carter looks good for being one of the homeless statistics. [Socialite Life] Bristol Palin's chin lands a reality show. [LA Times] The Jonases walk the dog. [Celebuzz] Game of Thrones: 'Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things.'...

POLL: What Musician Would Johnny Depp Consider Playing on the Silver Screen?

photo of hot johnny depp at pirates of carribean premiere pictures photos disney world So, Johnny Depp, versatile Jack of all trades (did you see what I did there? 'Jack'? Like as in 'Jack Sparrow'? Yeah. I thought maybe you'd like that) is considering taking on a role of a legendary rock band musician - if a movie is ever made, that is. Depp did a recent interview with Extra! where he professed his long-time admiration for this musician/friend, and claims that he'd totally play him if there was ever a biopic tailor-made for this larger-than-life character. Take your guess...

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver Split?!

photo black and white picture of arnold schwarzenegger and maria shriver dancing in love pictures old photos pics Why yes, in a shocking development, yes they did. I mean, what could they have possibly disagreed on, who last moved the hairspray? What charity to donate their end-of-year write-offs to? Or did Maria finally just decide that she was sick and tired of not being able to understand a single word that came out of Ah-nold's mouth? Seriously, though, all joking aside - it's sad. These guys have been married for twenty-five years - that's almost as long as I've been ALIVE.  They've been together ...