So, Bar Refaeli's gonna date who now? [The Superficial]
Arnold Schwarzenegger is wasting no time. [INFDaily]
Beyonce does Billboard, looks absolutely amazing. [Bossip]
More of Alexander Skarsgard's boobs. [Cele|bitchy]
Everybody thinks Sleeping Beauty is just as creepy as I do. [LA Times]
What A-list celebrity has a raging case of herpes? [TMZ]
Somebody's actually going to buy The Ugliest Hat Ever. [The Frisky]
Lea Michele never did drugs. [Socialite Life]
The Navy SEALS get Fleshlights. [OMGBlog]
Details on Kelly Brook's miscarriage. [Yeeeah]
The bulldog with the underbite loses custody of her...
Have you seen photos of Jess's expanding baby bump yet? Because somehow, Jessica Alba even makes pregnancy sexy, and I'm sure there's a couple of dudes out there who have pregnancy fetishes as it is, who are totally rubbing one out to these photos. I'd normally say 'I can't blame them,' but pregnancy fetishes to me are weird, and the mere idea of an erect penis getting even remotely close to poking the top of a baby's soft head during sex makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit.
Girlfriend's getting better (supposedly), her career is on the up and up again, so what's a lonely girl with fucktons of money to do when she's bored? Throw a southern-themed party at a private residence in Beverly Hills!
Britney, whose body is looking AH-MAZING in these photos, seems like she's having a good time, and she's glad to be hosting big galas that attract big names, but the number one thing that gives away girl's true mental state? Her askew and awry eyebrows. I mean DAMN. There's a close-up in the gallery down there and if...
After two years of figuring out how to fit a square peg in a round hole, Hayden Panettiere and her big-assed boxer boyfriend have called it quits. On the split, Hayden says:
"Even though we've decided splitting up is best for both of us, we have an amazing amount of love and respect for each other and remain very close friends," says the Scream 4 actress, 21.
However, Hayden (only 21, MAHGOD) apparently has a thing for much older dudes (Klit is 35), so she'll be sorry to see that ...
his cataract his eyes. They're probably bigger than his ears. I mean, I seriously missed MOST of what was going on in this video, because I couldn't stop staring at said nipples - you sort of hone in on them, and like a magic eye picture, everything else just kind of slips away into a swath of hazy darkness.
Is this, like, abnormal, or do you or someone you know have massively massive nipples, too?
Video courtesy of Bossip />""
I'm not even gonna talk about how cheesy the video actually is (oh, and that's Antoine Dodson, by the way, of 'Bed Intruder' fame), the only thing I really want to address is the diameter of this dude's nipples. They're larger than his cataract his eyes. They're probably bigger than his ears. I mean, I seriously missed MOST of what was going on in this video, because I couldn't stop staring at said nipples - you sort of hone in on them, and like a magic eye picture, everything else just kind of slips away into a swath of hazy darkness.
Is this, like, abnormal, or do you or someone you know have massively massive nipples, too?
Video cou...
This just about doubles the obnoxious level in here for me. [Lainey Gossip]
So, what, Wendy Williams was doing tons of crack too? [Bossip]
Is Matthew Bellamy expecting TWO new babies? [Cele|bitchy]
Kim Kardashian is the new face of melons. How appropriate. [The Blemish]
Lindsay already failed an alcohol test. [ICYDK]
This is Jennifer Aniston trying to act in a comedic film? Thank God that the world is ending in nine days. [Pajiba]
Leonardo DiCaprio: single again! [Huffington Po...
I'm telling you right now: there's one we can rule out, and that's Posh Spice, AKA Victoria Beckham. Why? Because she'd NEVER BE AS FAT AS THIS BITCH. GOD. Can you imagine? V-Beck can barely stand gestating a fetus for nine months, did you think she'd ever go for a waist wider than eighteen inches?
Take your guesses and hop in for the answer!
What Spice Girl head belongs to this hot-ass bod?
Nicolas Cage: total twat or great guy? [The Superficial]
I TOLD YOU this bitch wouldn't go to jail. [INFDaily]
What rapper tried to dodge his dinner bill last night? [Bossip]
Salma Hayek: Puss and Boobs? [Drunken Stepfather] *Site is NSFW
Joe Jonas album leak? [Socialite Life]
Why The Situation is crying today. [TMZ]
Emma Stone smiles for Spiderman. [Caught on Set]
Taylor Swift thinks it's funny when people want privacy. [Celebuzz]
7 guys you want to bone if you're a mom. [Pajiba]
What did Angelina Jolie give Jack Black's wife that she's so hard over? [Cele|bitchy]
Lizzy Jagger poses for Playboy. [I'm N...
Well hell. Look who went to the dentist only to emerge looking like a cheap, brunette Lindsay Lohan clone, just without the fired-up coke stare!
Bristol Palin is trying to save face by insisting her new look is the result of a necessary medical procedure—not cosmetic surgery.
... She told Us Weekly the procedure was necessary so her jaw and teeth could properly realign. “Yes, it improved the way I look, but this surgery was necessary for medical reasons,” she told the magazine for ...
Hey Miley. I saw a few of your photos from a show in Paraguay. I hope you don't mind that I share them with our readers. I mean, I know that you're totally concerned with the way your young fans view you, and we may or may not get some of those same fans checking out our site's content, but hey. Little girls should have to turn into big hos one day in order to be totally successful, right? I mean, isn't that the message that you've been trying to send over the past few years? No? Shit. ...