Hands down, biggest. ass. ever. [The Superficial]
So the movie was booed, but it won anyway? In what world does this make sense? [Lainey Gossip]
Was Aaliyah pregnant? [Bossip]
Kim Kardashian suing over her tits. [TMZ]
Julianne Hough has one of the most banging bodies ever. [The Blemish]
Too soon for a Bin Laden movie? [LA Times]
Chelsea Handler thinks the Real Housewives are a-holes. [Huffington Post]
Oh, good, did the Jersey Shore dudes finally get their asses kicked by ...
Thank you, Life and Style for ruining my week-long hard-on parade held in honor of Bradley Cooper. Just when I was really, really starting to get into him, that bitch Olivia Wilde swoops in and snatches him up like she's got some kind of entitlement to every hot guy on the block (sources say she does). Other sources at Life & Style (who snapped the above photos) claim that she and Bradley even LEFT TOGETHER the other night after partying at the Boom Boom Room in New York City:
"Olivia wa...
OMG can you imagine how NUTS this chick is probably going right now? She's been aiming for this for years now, and an engagement has finally come to fruition - her Harry Potter character boyfriend of six months, Kris Humphries, has popped the question. Moreover, in related craziness, how do you pop the question to a girl who's waited her entire life for the moment? How do you out-do anything that she's dreamed of in the past? Like this:
On May 18, at her Beverly Hills home, her boyfriend of just s...
So nope, I still haven't watched a lick of Idol this year. Even last night. Can you believe it? I mean, I used to be a HARDCORE Idol fan, but the show lost its luster for me over the past few years. Plus? I bought The Aristocats for my daughter this past week and it FINALLY arrived in yesterday's mail. So you know what was taking precedence last night, what was REALLY going to go down. Regardless, like a good celebrity gossip blogger, I made sure I briefed myself on what happened last night, so that I could totally take a part in being partial...
Um, wait, hold up: WHO leaked the news of Arnold's baby mama?! [The Superficial]
Leonardo DiCaprio laughs at you. [INFDaily]
PHOTOS: The Obamas visit the royals. [Bossip]
More inappropriate photos of Selena Gomez in a bikini. [Drunken Stepfather] *Site is NSFW
Did Prince William get hair plugs? [Socialite Life]
Brooke Shields does Harper's Bazaar, looks ... old. [Caught on Set]
You decide: are Lady Gaga's tits disgusting? [Yeeeah]
Is Sean Penn already stepping out on Scar...
"If I remember correctly, she and I were very rude to each other [the first time we met]. It was crazy. I was at a party — I’d never met her — and she was like, 'Come sit down.' So I sit at her table and talk for 10 minutes, and she goes, 'I think it’s time for you to leave now.' So I say, 'January, you are an actress in a show and everybody’s going to forget about you in a few years, so fucking be nice,' and I got up and left."
Zach Galifianakis on what it was like meeting uber-...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests. Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address! (Oh, and check your email for your winner’s notice, too, OK?)
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Joe Jonas photo: Je...
Of course Lindsay Lohan's got nipslips left and right these days. [The Superficial]
Keyshia Cole dishes on wedding and future. [Bossip]
Estella Warren arrested for going crazy. [TMZ]
Why is Katie Holmes so damned happy these days? [Lainey Gossip]
Lady Gaga eats Letterman's notes. [LA Times]
Jessica Biel: going downhill fast. [Socialite Life]
Am I the only one not completely impressed by Gwen Stefani in her bikini? [Yeeeah]
Natalie Portman looks like she's about to POP. [Celebuzz]
The ten greate...
And supposedly, it's for real: X17 broke the story last week that the two were dating, but you know how Jennifer Aniston rolls - if she's not linked with every hot male co-star at least once, she calls the day a wash. They have various photos of the new couple doing stuff together all weekend long, including breakfasts, dinners, motorcycle rides and then, of course, the obligatory go-home-with-Jen for the night.
The dude, if you don't recognize him, is Justin Theroux, and on the surface, jud...