Hey, look, it's LeAnn Rimes and her protruding wrist bones hips clavicles patellas sunglasses!
How are you doing, girl? Good, you say? What, working on getting pregnant with your new husband, Eddie Cibrian? Sweet. I wish you all the luck in the world, and I'm just LOVING your haircut. It really flatters your face. I'm hoping Eddie likes it, too, otherwise those pregnancy plans of yours might fall through. I hear he's pretty particular on who he has sex with, but you're fitting that busty, blonde, bony look that we all hear h...
Russell Crowe says to stop cutting baby penis. Just ... offensively. [The Superficial]
Is Elle Fanning acting all inappropriate now? [Cele|bitchy]
Britney engaged? [Starpulse]
The dude that Kim K is allegedly cheating with seems like a real big douche. [Bossip]
Jack White and wife are splitting up. [TMZ]
Rihanna tour ticket giveaway! [Socialite Life]
A Peter Pan prequel? [The Blemish]
On the set of Rosie Huntington-Whitelely's photoshoot. [Caught on Set]
Selena Gomez hospitalized. [Celebuzz]
Is Kim Kardashian's dia...
Lookie, it's Sandra Bullock on the set of a new movie!
Sandra dons a short, brunette wig, and in my opinion TOTALLY ROCKS IT. She's one of those super lucky women who can pretty much do anything to her hair, face, or clothing, and she still looks amazing no matter how generally putrid it is.
I cut off all of my hair about eighteen months ago. Like, seriously. All of it. I had long, flowing hair halfway down my back and decided to go ape-shit and hack it all off. I ended up cutting off about nineteen inches i...
These two guys were found at a conference in NYC last night, looking happy and in love.
Who would have thought, all those years ago, that the bumbling, toothy Michael Kelso would be serious enough to not only NAIL a legendary (and, um, hot) class act like Demi Moore, but keep her tamed, too.
The wonders of this world sometimes never cease to amaze me.
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Damn, Scarlett Johansson, looking ... OK. [The Superficial]
Rachel McAdams does the Canucks. [Lainey Gossip]
Christina Hendricks promotes whiskey. [Starpulse]
The most famous celebrity DUIs. [Bossip]
Uma Thurman: did she get work done? [Cele|bitchy]
Russell Crowe bashes Jews, circumcision. That's just lovely. [Huff Po]
Why women fake orgasms. [The Frisky]
Oh look, more Lady Gaga nudity. [Celebuzz]
Is there proof that Kim's been cheating? [Yeeeah]
Brooklyn Decker wants you to see her tatas again. [IDLYITW]
Adrien Grenier buys jewelry at a discount store. [INFDaily]
Amber Portw...
"I'm looking forward to being in the wedding. I don't want to help because Kim is going to be such a bridezilla! If I do one thing wrong, I'll be screwed! But I would love to be in the wedding."
I hear you girl, and not even about the Bridezilla part, 'cause you know Kim way better than I. But I can't stand being in weddings. Seriously. I fucking CRINGE whenever I hear that a good friend is getting married, and I make airtight plans to be out of the country or something when the big day finally arrives. I'm all...
And by "DB," of course I mean "douchebag," but I have to be careful about what goes up there in that big, bold headline or the advertisers curl up into little balls and burst into flame. It's not pretty.
Tracy Morgan, or if you need further information on how to best identify him, "the unfunny one who was on SNL for awhile," has taken his sad skit to a new level: bashing homosexuals. Apparently Morgan (who still has his own comedy tour, if you can believe it) did a show earlier in the week, where he claimed...
Am I the only one who's not mad impressed by Pippa Middleton's bum? [The Superficial]
Photos of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher looking HOT. Seriously. HOT. [INFDaily]
Sheryl Crow has a wardrobe malfunction. [Starpulse]
Apparently Kim WAS cheating, because there's supposedly photos now. [Bossip]
Is Gwyneth Paltrow slamming homosexuality? [Cele|bitchy]
Simon and Paula: still kissing. [TMZ]
Tweety Bird and Daffy Duck returning to the big screen? [LA Times]
Katie Couric the comedienn...