"In my next relationship I expect honesty, strong values, true communication, commitment, mutual trust and respect, something I didn't necessarily have recently. At the end of the day, I want my partner and I to have the same ethics. Partying is not my thing. I live a healthy lifestyle. I avoid drugs. I have a social cocktail every now and then. I don't want to speak for Paris, but this breakup is something I knew for a number of months needed to happen – and we finally saw eye to eye."
Stars in attendance at Kate Moss's wedding. [theBerry]
Charlie Sheen and the Juggalos. OK. [The Superficial]
George and Cindy Anthony are in hiding. [Bitten and Bound]
Oh Lord, more Leann Rimes bikini photos. [Starpulse]
LaToya Jackson's husband used to ho her out? [Bossip]
What NBA star claims to be sleeping with LeBron James' mom? [Rumor Fix]
Kate Middleton gives a new meaning to "skinny jeans." [Socialite Life]
Brad Pitt on the set of World War Z. [Caught on Set]
Malin Akerman in a bikini: love it or ... not? [Yeeeah]
Lady Gaga: you can't ...
And according to Vivid Entertainment President Steve Hirsch, a Casey porn would be a hot ticket. Hirsch says:
"Whether you agree with the verdict or not, Casey will want to move forward with her life and has a right to make a living. It’s not going to be easy for her and we believe we can help her make the transition into a new life. ... We’ve all seen the pictures of her partying and having a good time with friends where she definitely looks hot."
OK, the only thing WORSE than this i...
What, that's not your fantasy? Pasta in bed? It's definitely one of mine. I could eat pasta every damned day. And in bed, too. And I would, if I could do it without putting on, you know, fifty pounds because of it.
But alas, some bitches have all the luck. Like Jersey Shore's Jenni Farley, otherwise known as J Woww. (I can't believe she's still carrying around that stupid nickname. I mean, it's ALMOST as stupid as Snooki.)
Anyway, Maxim photos of a scantily-clad J Woww eating pasta in...
Alright, since when is Sean Penn such an exercise freak? Did he realize that if it looks like he's keeping up appearances and isn't letting himself turn to mush that it's more likely for him to get hot pieces of ass? Because this cigarette-smoking half-centurion is doing nothing but throwing up flashbombs as far as I'm concerned.
Here are some photos of Sean Penn's new girlfriend, Stacey Koplin, who is ... I have no idea who she is. She doesn't even have a Wiki page, ffs. I can't even fi...
PHOTOS: Selena Gomez takes "private pictures" while on vacation with Bieber. [The Superficial]
Has Jay-Z been cheating on Beyonce for the last ten years? [Bossip]
Who topped the Forbes' Highest Paid list this year? [Starpulse]
Maria Shriver doesn't want a talk show, probably wants ... um, something else. [TMZ]
Now wait a damn second. Zac Efron is dating WHO? [Lainey Gossip]
Details: Adele's going to resume her tour. [Socialite Life]
Reese Witherspoon has a new tattoo ... [Yeeeah...
Guess you know what this means: Selena's sick and tired of crucifying herself over that whole "corrupting a minor" thing and now she's headed to the big time in order to find a real man that won't damage her self-esteem and public image. Nah, I'm just kidding. Her boyfriend is Justin Bieber. There's, like, no topping that, you know? The only thing that'd be hotter? Is if she started dating one of those young little Sprouse boys. ... Oh, wait.
[gallery columns="5"]...
So apparently, the kind, kind folks over at Vanity Fair Italia took it upon themselves to bestow an opportunity for a cover and an interview with our girl Lindsay Lohan, and I have to tell you - the quotes are unbelievable. Seriously. Unbelievable in the "who the hell does she think she's fooling" kind of way, but I suppose that's one of the biggest pulls for Lindsay: she's the only one who buys her own hype, so it's almost part of her character. I mean, here. Here's an example right here - the head...
Isn't that, like, on the way to death? When someone gets so skinny that their stomach goes all distended? I mean, that's what I see, at least, when those horrible commercials featuring starving children across the world. I mean, it's either that or she's pregnant. But I have a hard time believing that, just like I have a hard time believing that she's actually getting regular periods being this skinny*, you know?
Also, it's amusing: the thinner LeAnn gets, the fatter Nappy McSquintnuts seems t...
Nicolas Cage's son would be the roundhouse-kicking Weston Cage, who I didn't even know completed his psych evaluation after completely losing his shit in the last weeks of June, and his wife would be Nikki Williams, who - appropriately enough, I guess - is as batshit insane.
LA law enforcement claims that a bunch of bloody drama went down last night in the couple's shared apartment, wherein Nikki ended up calling the police, screaming that Weston had assaulted her.
To be fair? Sources ar...