I know we're supposed to be all forgivey-forgivey in this life, but this? This picture of many young women all excited to skulk up to Chris Brown and have their photo taken? It really makes me scratch my head. Are we, as a society, so enamored and fascinated by celebrities that we're willing to overlook absolutely everything that's happened in the past (even OJ Simpson had his fans after his trial, and though I said I wouldn't speak of this horrible bitch ever again, Casey Anthony's been rece...
So Harry Potter opens in just a few short hours. Did you really think I'd let the entire day fritter away without, at the very least, TWO Harry Potter-related posts? Come on. You know me better than this!
Ralph Fiennes (oh so hot), who plays Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter movies, did a recent interview with Newsweek in which he defended his evil counterpart's motives and talked about what goes on beneath Voldemort's slit-nostriled facade.
Voldemort on Voldemort's evilness:
"He’s a demonic spirit. He’...
Who would have thought these two would last through the filming of a Woody Allen film? Pssh. Certainly not me. When these two were sucking face (and by "these two" and "sucking face," I clearly mean "Michael Sheen assaulting ninety percent of the holes on Rachel McAdams' face") last year in an airport like the world was going to end the very next day, I also chuffed, saying that the couple wouldn't last through the month.
Well here they are, together, riding bikes in Canada looking like t...
Is "penis" an OK word for you guys in the headlines? I mean, I wouldn't want to get any of you in trouble at work or anything if your boss happened to walk by and it appeared - APPEARED - that you might be investigating the specifics of a Jonas brother's wang. I remember how it used to be before I started working from home: the hot, sweaty panic that'd ensue if someone happened by and you just couldn't close the browser in time. Ugh, hate that. Now that I work from home, however, I only hav...
I don't know why, but I just cannot - for the life of me - remember Nicolas Cage's son's name without having to Google it. Weston. WESTON. It's not like it's a terribly common name in Hollywood, so it bugs the hell out of me when my brain just completely switches off and says, "No frigging way, you're not talking about him again." I mean, the nerve, you know?
Anyway, here's some recent, back-together, totally-not-crazy photos of WESTON CAGE and his wife, Nikki, and not only has he gone and ...
Lynne Spears wants you to know EXACTLY what her nipples and vulva look like. [D-Listed]
Paris Hilton got fat. [The Superficial]
I think Rihanna needs to lay off the booze, no? [INFDaily]
Chewing gum while having sex? These two did it. [The Frisky]
The totally awesome X-Factor preview: move over American Idol. [Starpulse]
Chris Brown throws homophobic epithets around once again, a month later after apologizing for it. [Bossip]
Is pregnancy pressure pushing Kate Middleton to an eating disorder? [Cele|bitchy]
Read this before seein...
You know, there's just something about Tilda Swinton that totally freaks me out and attracts me at the same time. She's got this weird sort of Clockwork Orange-type vibe (especially in this shoot) that makes her androgynous, ethereal, and frankly, compelling to look at. Her recent W spread is definitely not an exception, either.
One of Swinton's latest films in production is Die Blutgräfin, in which she plays the Countess Elizabeth Báthory, the woman who was accused of slaughtering countless y...
Miranda Kerr named her son after an ex. [The Superficial]
Three days with Neville Longbottom. [Lainey Gossip]
Jessica Alba: "My body's just ... different." [theBerry]
Of course a female Marine has asked Justin Timerblake to the ball. But what did he SAY? [Starpulse]
Want to win four VIP Rihanna tickets? [ICYDK]
10 Signature Evil Dead Lines as Re-Written by Diablo Cody. [Pajiba]
Emmy nominations revealed. [Huff Po]
Lea Michele leaves Glee. [CDL]
Justin Bieber wears full gear for the ESPYs. [Celebuzz]
What do Sacha Baron Cohen and Megan Fox have in co...
Ali Larter's big, glorious breasts. [The Superficial]
What Paris Hilton would look like with nine inches of her nose Photoshopped away. [theBerry]
Meg Ryan and John Mellencamp look like drug addicts in love. [Starpulse]
Cindy Crawford still looks hot at forty-five. [Bossip]
So many unfair reasons as to why I hate the Angels. [Socialite Life]
This is the Marine that's got Mila Kunis going to his balls. Er, ball. [Amy Grindhouse]
13 Inappropriate celebrity rappers. [The Fris...
OK, I know it's a little harsh to say such hateful things about a seventeen-year-old, but you know how it goes sometimes. Still, I guess I shouldn't be such a bitch, considering she chopped it all off to play a chemo patient in her new movie, Now is Good. According to IMDB:
"A girl dying of leukemia compiles a list of things she'd like to do before passing away. Topping the list is her desire to lose her virginity."
Hm. Interesting concept for a movie - it's like The Bucket List, just for kids....
Remember last month when Lindsay was doing some kind of "important photo shoot" with some Miami-based magazine that was going to help her resurrect her star? Well it apparently didn't happen. Because a rep for the agency, according to Radar Online, has come forward to tell us all of the juicy tidbits of what it's like during a candid day in the life of Lindsay Lohan - and it's not pretty.
On children being more mature than Lindsay:
"In the chauffeured Lincoln Navigator, it was all about puffing ...