"They're saying I'm single."
Marc Anthony, J. Lo's current ex-husband to-be, reacting publicly to his divorce news. The dude's divorce claim hasn't even hit some countries with lesser technology and he's already cracking jokes at its expense. Not that I, you know, blame him. It must be a totally bitter thing to latch onto a woman as hot as Jennifer LOPEZ only to lose her a short few years later.
Anthony was said to be performing wildly at his recent (and first) show since the couple an...
It's official: Harper Seven, though her name sounds like some kind of mutated strain of the bird flu, is one of the cutest babies in Hollywood going at this point. There've been a ton of births lately (I think Ivanka Trump also gave birth this past weekend), but apparently no baby is as cute as this Beckham baby, because ... well, just because. Look at this child. Angelic. Pure. Sweet. ALREADY A FASHION STATEMENT. I mean, look at this photo. I know black and white photography does wonders fo...
That's the only way I can explain the pure anguish I see on her face in some of these photos. Pure, unadulterated anxiety over the loss of so many good Hogwarts students, friends, and house elves. General malaise that the series is now, officially, over. An air of unsettle ... ment over what to do with all of her free time now (oh! Reread the entire series again! You know: what all the cool kids are doing I'm doing). I think we all feel your pain, girl. The world just isn't going to be the s...
Makes sense, and what a classy girl, too!
She posted the first photo (above) saying, "topless tanning taken with my friend honor." She later posted the SECOND photo, which is in the gallery, captioning it "topless tanning on mt roofdeck with my friend honor." You know, just in case you didn't catch it the first time. Or can't read. And if you can't read, what the hell are you doing on Twitter, just looking for almost-topless photos of chicks with bad implants who used to get it on with Peter Br...
No, I totally did not see this one coming. Not at all. The couple who sang the most duets together? Breaking up? Jaysus. According to People:
"We have decided to end our marriage … This was a very difficult decision. We have come to amicable conclusions on all matters … It is a painful time for all involved and we appreciate the respect of our privacy at this time.”
Oh man.
I wonder if Ben Affleck knows about this yet....
Robert Pattinson parties in Toronto sans Kristen Stewart. [Celebuzz]
Reese Witherspoon - definitely pregnant. [The Superficial]
Bradley Cooper wants this woman to move in. Seriously. [Cele|bitchy]
Helen Mirren in a flag ... and nothing else. [Starpulse]
10 Worst-dressed cities in the country. Do you live in one? [Bossip]
Lindsay's boobs are all over the place. Seriously, they're everywhere. [TMZ]
Kourteney Kardashian's son is getting SO BIG. [Socialite Life]
The pervert and the sixte...
Ryan Gosling. The down-to-earth and also-happens-to-be-amazing-looking second in command love of my life (Adrien Brody would be first, but Ryan's fighting tooth and nail for that position). I just love this dude so much, and I love his sense of humor, too. I'd totally sit there with him at lunch making faces at photographers. And me? Well, I've got a veritable ARSENAL of funny faces - sometimes I spend hours in the mirror just practicing.
Plus, it's so cool that his dog is also so very grounded. He sniffs ...
... What, like you don't?
Here we have Miley Cyrus, finally back in the USA, wolfing down a hot dog. I had a dream last night that I had a meal of chili dogs and they were SO GOOD, so maybe this is a sign that I need to head to the store and buy up some Hebrew Nationals and onions.
Either that or I need to have my tastebuds scraped again.
Octomom's drunk lesbian birthday party. [The Superficial]
Am I the only one unaware that Michael Sheen has a long history of hooking up with amazingly-hot women and impregnating them? [Lainey Gossip]
Jennifer Love Hewitt: makeup-free and HOT. [Celebuzz]
Kris Jenner gets a facelift for the world to see. And is she bald? [Bossip]
PHOTOS - Kristen Stewart involved in a car accident. [Starpulse]
Jenna Fischer: still pregnant, totally adorable. [Cele|bitchy]
Stars strip down, wr...
Alicia Keys is a notoriously beautiful woman who NORMALLY has some pretty keen fashion sense, but girlfriend here was photographed wearing .... I don't know what. Apparently the shortest, tightest, ROLL-UP jean shorts ever (I'm sorry, never a good idea on ANYONE; cuffed jean shorts? Please) coupled with gladiator sandals, all which make her legs look about a foot long.
Girl, I love you to pieces, and you're gorgeous no matter what you wear, but this whole outfit here (gestures wildly)? Has just got to go.
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Images courtesy of Splash News...