This time? Oh, right. For domestic battery again. My bad. I thought it might be something different, like being an obnoxious, karate-chopping asswipe in public. No, this time it was for whaling on his pregnant (?) wife, Nikki Williams, once more. This time, though, it appears that she wasn't taken into custody.
From TMZ:
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Weston was arrested at 5AM in Hollywood -- and then taken to a nearby hospital to be treated for cuts ... and we're told, cops believe the injur...
Of course there's a Lady Gaga porno getting around. [The Superficial]
The ridiculous behind-the-scenes of Rebecca Black's new video. [Celebuzz]
More amazing of Robert Downey Jr. [Lainey Gossip]
Celebrities that always seem to be angry about something. [Bossip]
Jennifer and Justin's very public PDA. [Starpulse]
Leonardo DiCaprio's mom thinks Blake Lively's a ho. [ICYDK]
If James Bond was a woman. [Pajiba]
Steve Carell on The Office: "Screw that show!" [Huff Po]
Reese Withe...
"My old website got hacked. Someone issued a 'coming out' statement on my behalf. I'm still straight and in love with my girlfriend. But not too straight; I still love musicals, brunch and Doogie Howser."
Zach Braff, on his Facebook account, explaining recent rumors that he's gay. His "old website" in question claimed:
"To all my loyal fans, I have been hiding this secret inside me for too long… The human mind can only bare (sic) so much before it explodes in emotions, and well… it is time that I let the world k...
Why did Paris Hilton walk off an ABC interview? [The Superficial]
First photos of Ivanka's Trump's baby. [INFDaily]
Finally, Jennifer Aniston herself talks about having children. [Starpulse]
The ten best first-date movies ever. [Bossip]
Liam Neeson has a girlfriend. [TMZ]
Check out Demi Lovato's hot, curvy body. [Socialite Life]
25 stars who got naked to help their careers. [The Frisky]
Nadya Suleman hates YOUR babies, not hers. [Amy Grindhouse]
What the HELL is going on with Jennifer Aniston's face? [Celebuzz]
Christina Hendricks' beautiful boobs on the set of some movie. [Caught on Set]
Miley Cyrus...
Sources close to Jennifer Lopez's ma are saying that she - Jennifer Lopez's ma, ffs - reached out to an ex-boyfriend of J. Lo herself to help intervene in what's now being painted as a Very Bad Marriage.
The ex in question? Oh yes. It'd be BEN AFFLECK. DUN DUN DUN.
Sources claim:
"Guadalupe reached out to Ben over email. She wanted advice for Jennifer. She always liked and trusted him. Ben replied back on email, wished her well and offered what he could. Shortly thereafter Lopez and her h...
I mean, it's kind of apparent that he's demonstrating his sick martial arts prowess, but ... after that, I'm kind of at a loss for words. Is he trying to break into the film business? Replace Jackie Chan or Jet Li maybe? Get himself, I don't know, committed so he doesn't have to shoulder the responsibility of fathering an equally-crazy bitch's unborn child? All I know for sure is that this is one unstable dude. Anyone who pops off at a moment's notice, shows ever-present (?) paparazzi their tatt...
Are you guys ready for this? This whole Ashton Kutcher taking the place of Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men thing? Is this going to be any good? I just don't know. Unless I see some full-frontal nudity involving Kutcher, I guess I'm going to have to reserve my judgment indefinitely. Because really, that's the only way that I'm going to be watching anything beyond maybe the first episode of the new season.
Will you guys be tuning in on September 19th?
The thirteen-year-old Jenner exposes herself again. [The Superficial]
How do we feel about a bald Matt Damon? [Lainey Gossip]
Hank yanks Kendra's skirt up. [Celebuzz]
Now Rihanna's taking shots on stage. [Bossip]
Vanessa Hudgens make a fashion statement of short hair and ass-flashing. [Starpulse]
Britney: "My ex-bodyguard is lying about ... farts." [TMZ]
Ivana Trump STILL looks hot in a two-piece. [The Blemish]
Daniel Radcliffe: not too cool for his fans. [LA Times]
Was there cheating in J. Lo and Marc Anthony's relationship? [Huff ...
There really were. Well, with the exception of the swole-faced, purse-lipped Stephen Baldwin. Didn't he used to be the hot one? Was he the one in Flatliners? Nope, crap, that was William Baldwin. This is what he looks like these days:
See? Not bad, right? Still pretty good. Better than Alec (who I definitely had a crush on in Beetlejuice) anyway, and way better than that creepy, creepy Stephen Baldwin.
Anyway. I didn't intend for this post to turn out all about the Baldwins, baby, but I guess the urge just wins s...
I mean, I thought so too, when I was seventeen, but friends, the times have changed. Willie Nelson's in some pretty big trouble (in Texas) and Chace Crawford hit a similar patch of trouble (in Texas), so if Sarah's smart, she'll stay out of parking lots while smoking marijuana (in Texas).
No, but seriously, though - feel the way you want about pot and its effects and whether or not it's better or worse than alcohol consumption blah blah blah - that's not my debate today - but the fact rema...