Justin Bieber is a loyal friend. [The Superficial]
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are the SAME PERSON. [theBerry]
Prince Jackson's Asian girlfriend. [Bossip]
RIP Cha Cha from Grease. [TMZ]
Kate Bosworth having another affair with Chris Martin? [Cele|bitchy]
New energy drink called "Pussy"? [The Frisky]
Jerry Lewis is done with his telethons. [LA Times]
Top 10 celebrity natural beauties. [Socialite Life]
Of course Kim Kardashian's on the cover of a 3D magazine. [Yeee...
No, friends, fear not - Hugh Hefner (that is him up there, you know) is not dead. He's worse. He's planking. And you all know how I feel about planking.
Reports say that Hef's latest girlfriend thought it'd be funny to get a photo of her, ahem, boyfriend doing the stupid-ass trendy (?) thing, but I'm pretty concerned at how hard it was to get Hugh up on that table. And how hard it's going to be to get him off (because I'm sure he's probably still up there, waiting for EMS to arrive, 'cause old man bones just...
BITCH. Yup. A FAT BITCH. I couldn't put that in the headline, because I'm pretty sure our advertisers would have our collective heads on a stake, and I just can't be responsible for the skewering of Jenn and Emily's pretty little heads, especially when they're such nice, wonderful girls.
But truly, Kelly Osbourne called Christina Aguilera a fat bitch, and I love her for it. Not because, you know, I have anything against people of a certain body fat percentage, but because Christina Aguil...
Gwyneth Paltrow has lots to say about Gwyneth Paltrow, so listen up. [The Superficial]
Sandra Bullock is ageless, timeless. [Lainey Gossip]
Shaq is in some pretty big trouble, huh? [Bossip]
Justin Timberlake is the world's best dressed man - you might be surprised as to who the woman is. [Starpulse]
Kim Kardashian's WEDDING (not reception) is going to be four hours long. [Cele|bitchy]
Olivia Wilde talks about a naughty vagina tattoo. [Huff Po]
John Stamos is working on his o...
You know, I just noticed that we didn't even have a category created for Helen Hunt. What kind of BS is that? I watched Twister the other night for the first time in about fifteen years, probably, and I was reminded of how much I completely love Helen Hunt. Remember when she played on that show back in the day with Paul Reiser? What the hell was the name of it, Mad About You? She made Paul Reiser look good, and if that's not a sure sign of enduring talent, well hell. Go back to the Octomom p...
Ready? Say it with me now: euuuurrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
With zero prettying it up, here are the latest Nadya Suleman sex quotes from the illustrious Steppin' Out magazine:
"I only had one boyfriend my whole life and I never loved him. I only wanted babies."
"I can tell you that I never touched him [my ex-husband] physically. It was a different type of marriage. That's all I want to say about it. I'm the kind of person who can be with a man for years and never touch him. My mind is not wired that way. I don't need that kind of thing. People need sex, but I don't .. I have ze...
"When I was 19 I was drinking. I was at a bar and I had a few drinks and I thought, ‘You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to leave my car here, be responsible.’ I started to walk home and I was hit by a drunk driver. ... Broke every bone in my left side. I woke up three days later. And I remember my dad sitting there… (with) a vomit tray. And I guess I had been heaving in my unconscious. And nothing says love like painting someone with three-day-old Gin Rummies. Just soaked the ...
I don't know about you guys, but I think Demi Lovato looks, like, completely different. It isn't because she put some much-needed weight on in the face, and it isn't her makeup - I really think something this drastic can only be attributed to a blitzkrieg attack of Photoshop.
I know magazine photo editors want to ensure perfection when they run their issue, and i can understand having to adjust the exposure or the saturation of the photo, but completely changing someone's face? I don't get it....
I know Matthew McConaughey is aging well - and by "well," I definitely mean "without the aid of facial fillers or plastic surgery," and I definitely commend him for that. He was one hot-ass man fifteen years ago, and to this day he's still one hot-ass man. BUT. BOYFRIEND. NEEDS. TO STAY OUT OF THE SUN FOR AWHILE. His skin is starting to resemble that of a sweet, vintage leather suitcase. Or, you know, just Donatella Versace.
This is a photo from Matthew's latest movie, The Paperboy, which...
A: In a word? NO.
But the Jersey Shore bitches are trying really, really hard in their shoot for YRB, which stars like Paris Hilton and Khloe Kardashian have graced the cover of. Yes indeedy, they're truly giving it the old college try, whatever the eff that means.
Don't get me wrong: they all look good. All of them, seriously. Even the trollish one who normally makes Snooki look like a frigging tall, willowy beauty pageant winner. It's amazing, really.
Anyway. I'm going to leave this one up to you guys - the Jersey Shore gals: can you dress 'em up and make them OK...
Man, sometimes I'm really back and forth about Lea Michele. Sometimes I think she's an insufferable drama queen, sometimes I think she's alright; sometimes I think she's kind of odd-looking, sometimes I think she's positively gorgeous - and this time around, she's scored high in both categories. After seeing these photos of her Bazaar shoot and reading the corresponding interview, I have to say she's both alright AND gorgeous. For today. You guys know I can't promise what tomorrow's going to hold.
On her career:
“I don’t stop. It’s my nature. Peop...
Kendra talks about queueing up to ride Hef's penis. Literally. [The Superficial]
Rihanna baring her nipples and ass for some dude in Barbados. [Bossip]
Adam Lambert talks about growing up gay. [Starpulse]
Meatloaf "did not pass out." [TMZ]
Gwyneth Paltrow says she's never smug or prim. [Amy Grindhouse]
Jennifer Lopez gets wet and hot for new movie. [Socialite Life]
Pippa Middleton is "royal mocha"? [The Frisky]
Will and Jada Smith's unbelievable house. [theBerry]