Tara Reid's weird stomach on her weird honeymoon. [The Superficial]
Is Jessica Simpson taking stripper lessons? [Lainey Gossip]
The Kardashians are wearing Sears fashions. [Bossip]
Who was "saved" by Scientology? [Starpulse]
Did Bravo make this guy kill himself? Family says "someone's to blame." [ICYDK]
Wall-E: The Cannibal Years? [Pajiba]
Oh look who else quit Hollywood. [Huff Po]
The very latest Breaking Dawn movie poster. [CDL]
Celebrity "most wanted body parts." [theBERRY]
Brooke Hogan and the 2 Headed Shark Attack. [Caught on Set]
Lindsay went to see Adele w...
“The only thing I don’t like on young people is plastic surgery. The purity of youthful beauty is so fantastic to me that it’s horrific when young girls get fake things.”
Helen Mirren on, of course, plastic surgery.
I think she's sending a good message here, and I like Helen a lot. However, this, coming from someone who's publicly spoken in the past about being OK with plastic surgery, though she's never allegedly gotten any herself, is probably kind of confusing to those young'un...
Which is probably OK with a lot of you guys, because you can't understand my fascination with this woman as it is, but hey - I don't understand the fascination with Katy Perry or Lady Gaga, so at least we're all on an even keel with one another here, you feel me?
Anyhoo, these are the latest photos from Rosie's Maxim shoot - some never-before-seen footage of Rosie's backside and heaving cleavage and adorable little nose, and I'm just tickled to death to share a world with someone who's so ...
Does Julia Roberts look terrible in a bikini? [The Superficial]
Amber Rose is getting married and having babies and cooking and stuff. [Bossip]
Who's going to be on Dancing With the Stars? [Starpulse]
Kevin Federline finally had that baby! [Rumor Fix]
Kobe Bryant church fight? [TMZ]
Kim Kardashian wedding details. [Socialite Life]
The crappy friends we thought were awesome at the time. [The Frisky]
Julianna Margulies looking amazing. [Caught on Set]
Video of Taylor Swift's rump. [Amy Grindhouse]
Paul Rudd and a bunch of gorgeous women. And PAUL RUDD. [theBERRY]
The vagina gets its day in the sun. ...
See these photos? They're the most recent ones of LeAnn Rimes, in which she performs for the "Lifting Lives" benefit held at a bar in Chicago. Crystal Bowersox was also there, and the concert was held to "[improve] lives through the power of music."
Just so you know, the event's Facebook page attracted 16 attending, 4 maybe attending, and 13 not attending. Did anyone actually go to this thing?
Anyway, LeAnn still looks all sharp and pointy and like something that might give you tetanus if you happened to step on it ...
I mean, it's not as if the majority if you probably care (I know I particularly do not), but it's always fun calling someone out on plastic surgery, especially if it wasn't really all that necessary to begin with.
Oh. By the way, Pia was that girl from American Idol who may or may not still be dating Dancing With the Stars' Mark Ballas, just in case you happened to be wondering.
Anyway, the above is a photo of Pia doing something for her new single, probably, which I also, equally, do not care about, and the photo below, here, is a photo of Pia looking kind ...
What? No, don't get up - I didn't say she gave up meth for surfing, I merely said she's surfing these days.
I know I sort of made a promise to myself that I'd stop the erroneous Lindsay Lohan posts, but this one was nearly too good to pass up. I mean, Lindsay Lohan surfing and having a smoke break between waves? That's classic.
I guess the only thing I really have to say about these posts is GROSS. Totally. Lindsay looks ultra-gross and it took me a good five minutes to look away. ... Lo...
Diddy posts a photo of his daughter's first day of Kindergarten. [Bossip]
Gerard Depardieu pissed in the middle of an airplane. [The Superficial]
Daniel Cleaver 2011. Still so hot, but not as hot as Mark Darcy. [Lainey Gossip]
Jennifer Love Hewitt in her bra. [Starpulse]
It's official: Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock are dating. [TMZ]
The WORST plastic surgery faux pas ever. [theBERRY]
Matthew McConaughey's stripper pic. [Huff Po]
Why does Jenna Jameson have such a ... red ...
"I didn't even know I was considered plus-sized until I came to Hollywood. I thought I was the perfect size! ... [Later, though] an interviewer asked, 'How does it feel to be plus-sized in Hollywood?' I looked around, like, Who is she talking to? Oh, me? I'm plus-sized? In the neighborhood I'm from in Chicago, a 16 is normal. But in Hollywood, everyone looks exactly the same, so I stood out."
As you all know, Hudson dropped eighty pounds shortly thereafter this fateful meeting, and lost ten...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes photo: Ramon
Man with back to the camera: “That’s right bab...
I don't know why I even talk about this dumb bitch anymore. I know calling someone a "dumb bitch" isn't very nice, but you know what? This dumb bitch totally deserves to be called a dumb bitch. If you don't get that about drug-buying Lindsay Lohan, well then. I just don't know what to tell you.
Anyway, this is her latest gore-soaked photo shoot courtesy of Tyler Shields, and it's really not all that different from the rest. In this case, however, I just hope that no stupid assholes decided to drop a few g's on it like last time.
Also, you should be pretty proud of your ol...