Milla Jovovich - still looking hot in a bikini. [The Superficial]
Joe Francis surrenders to LAPD. [TMZ]
This is one curvy-ass Megan Fox. [Starpulse]
Eminem and Rihanna spotted out together. [Lainey Gossip]
Pride & Prejudice zombies have arrived. [LA Times]
Lindsay was reportedly wasted at Kardashian's wedding. [Yeeeah]
Lindsay also has positively no range when it comes to expressions. [theBERRY]
The most unbelievable Kardashian video ever. [Socialite Life]
I told you January Jones was a twatty bitch. [Cele|bitchy]
Megan Fox is getting rid of...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Seal/Heidi Klum photo: Rodger
"I hear they’re thinking of bringing back the 'Baywatch...
No, but seriously: good for them, I suppose. I know I hate on Ben Affleck a lot, and that's because he strikes me as a bargain basement discount power tool with an inflated me-complex, and I think Jennifer Garner's way too sweet and patient for him, but hey. It's not my marriage, and it's apparent that these two get along in some sort of way, because girlfriend just keeps popping out little girls and they ain't divorced yet.
Either way, nothing can get me down today - I painted my living r...
This is the girl that Brad is supposedly cheating on Angelina with (this rumor will just not go away). [The Superficial]
Natural girls in evening gowns, featuring Solo. [Bossip]
Kim Kardashian's wedding video! [Starpulse]
Lady Gaga's copping her looks from an old lady. [theBERRY]
Christina Aguilera: getting married! [Socialite Life]
Denise Richards to be on Two and a Half Men? [TMZ]
Karl Lagerfeld thinks that your kids are probably ugly. [The Frisky]
Scarlett Johansson talks abou...
No, I'm kidding. I mean, her stomach does quite resemble Voldemort's slitted nose, but honestly? Despite the fact that she's birthed an equivalent to a very small country's population, girlfriend's stomach here doesn't actually look all that bad. I've seen women who've birthed one - count 'em one - child, and their stomach ... well, God love them, it'll never be the same to say the least.
It's also apparent that Octo hasn't gotten any kind of plastic surgery on her torso, or if she did, s...
"I'd close the drapes, take a swig of NyQuil, toast with a simple 'bye-bye' and go into a deep sleep. ... I was miserable the whole time."
In case you didn't know, Glee's Jane Lynch has a book coming out, wherein she discusses her previous battles with both depression and addiction. Lynch discusses a dark period in her life when she was substituting alcohol with NyQuil, and NyQuil with marijuana, and how it began to affect her mental well-being.
Call me old school or a trendy drug prude, but I wasn't aware that taking NyQuil...
I don't know about you guys, but these lists always intrigue the crap out of me. These celebrity "power couples," as they're often referred to, bring in, like, unbelievable wads of cash annually. Jaw-dropping amounts.
I mean, this kind of money is money that I can't even fathom having, and the craziest part is that there are people out there - both single and partnered up - who earn, like, quadruple this.
Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady topped the list this year, bringing in just around $76 mill...
And those faces she's making, guys ... I just don't know if I'm going to be able to keep my breakfast down - even though I've already had lunch.
Girl is photographed several times here with her boyfriend. Who's also making the same stupid kissy-fish pout face that makes me want to break open my notebook, yank out the sharpest-looking piece and jam it into my eye. Repeatedly. And without restraint.
Also, Snooki's new sunglasses line is debuting over the next few months. It's called "Poof ...
Tara Reid's wonk-boobs were on TV last night. [The Superficial]
Brad Pitt and some Really Hot New Pictures. [Lainey Gossip]
Kardashian earned HOW MUCH from her wedding? [Bossip]
Demi Lovato has a really awkward birthday. [Starpulse]
A dude bathing a hedgehog. And yes, it's as bizarre as it sounds. [theBERRY]
An adorable photo of adorable Selma Blair's newborn son and baby daddy. [Cele|bitchy
Why is Victoria Beckham in agony? [INFDaily]
Kimberly Stewart gives birth! [Amy Grindhouse]
Hey, look who's unearthed herself long enough from geriatric wang to actually show up at an event and do something other than creepy mime stuff! It's Scarlett Johansson! And she's looking - still - hot! She's definitely dropped a few pounds (must be all that running in those stupid toe sneakers that never really caught on), and the red hair is actually pretty hot, so on the whole, I'd say the look is a win.
How do you guys feel about a less-curvy and redder-haired Scarlett?
I know you guys are pretty torn between "Oh how pretty! Kim Kardashian wedding photos!" and "Ugh, this bitch?", but there's two - count 'em two - photos here to satisfy both groups. The upper photo is for the former group - and doesn't she just look amazing, ladies and gentlemen. Seriously. Plastic surgery or not, this is one pleasing head.
For the latter group, here's another photo:
What, you can't find anything remotely amusing about it? Well, how about the fact that step dad Jenner is walking girlfriend down the aisle here and pr...
A Kim Kardashian bikini gallery in honor of her wedding. [Busted Coverage]
Took him long enough, that's for damn sure. [The Superficial]
Chelsea Handler and Jennifer Aniston no longer BFFs. [Cele|bitchy]
The worst Twitpics of the week. [Starpulse]
Rihanna does a terrorist tribute. [Bossip]
Now Lindsay Lohan's suing people. [TMZ]
Olivia Wilde wants a teen boy or something. [Socialite Life]
Don't make fun of the French guy with the big nose - he's got penis problems. [The Blem...