"I liked all that gory stuff. For the seizure scene, I had to bite on a little Alka-Seltzer and foam at the mouth. It was fun. ... If death by virus was a punishment for extra-marital affairs there would only be three dudes left in this world right now. Maybe less, because we're in Italy."
The seizure bit is all relative to her new movie, Contagion, and the cheating-dude comment came up when an interviewer asked her if the virus was punishment for being an unfaithful wife (I guess her charac...
I know, the whole 'Bey' thing in every headline about Beyonce is probably getting old to you, but you know what? Not me!
This weekeend our super pretty pregnant lady turned thirty. Can you believe it? Thirty. You know who else turned thirty over the last year or will turn thirty sometime later this year? Britney Spears. Paris Hilton. Jessica Simpson turned thirty last July. You know, pretty much all of the women that I "grew up" with and this can only mean one thing - it's going to be my turn someday soon. Not, you know, over the ne...
Either that, or these two just like to exclusively bond over their mutual love and appreciation for good food and wine. I know that there've been a good many relationships where visiting restaurants was really the crux of the pairing in my life, and there wasn't really much outside dining together at delectable eateries, but Jake Gyllenhaal doesn't really strike me that way, no. Jake is more serious, more involved in his relationships, and I just couldn't see him spending frivolous time, sit...
What can I say, Jennifer Love Hewitt looks like she's becoming quite the staple around here. I know a lot of you guys have no idea what I see in JLH, and up until a few months ago, I, too, would have shaken myself hard and said, "Girl, what is your deal? Bitch hasn't been popular since I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, and dating Jamie Kennedy was probably the nail that sealed her coffin up." But I disagree. I think she's on the rise again, and lately, there's nothing I love better than...
Kim Kardashian deep-throating stuff again. [The Superficial]
Can't get enough Ryan Gosling, nope. [Lainey Gossip]
Mel B gives birth! [Bossip]
I kind of think Kate Winslet's a liar for saying she's never done Botox and other vomity things. [Huff Po]
Toddlers and Tiaras mom puts fake boobs and butt on four-year-old. SOMEONE NEEDS TO OFF THIS BITCH. [Cele|bitchy]
Bar Refaeli, popping out all over the place. [Starpulse]
David Beckham is already thinking about his daughter's boyfriends. [The Frisky]
Sarah Jessica Parker's hands are two hundred years old. [Yeeeah]
Whoa, M...
Let it be said that I'm not trendy and cool and hipster enough to know a whole lot about this Kreayshawn chick, other than she was nominated for a VMA that she did not win. And after only hearing the song a handful of times (and totally hating it each time), I was positively relieved to hear that someone else I'd never heard of had covered the atrocity that is 'Gucci Gucci,' and it was marginally better. Kreayshawn's version, if you've never heard it:
Effing horrible, right? I mean, I actually cannot convey to you h...
Remember back when Britney was trying to hightail it out of her vicious mental breakdown-and-prescription pill-and-alcohol cycle? Shit, she wasn't even able to make the cover of Parade. But look how far she's come! She's on the cover of Glamour UK's October issue, and she's looking so, so good!
The issue hasn't hit newsstands yet, but we have an exclusive interview snippet from Brit herself, where she discusses topics like the Royal Family and growing up.
On learning and growing and growi...
Oh Megs. Don't you know that you've just got one of those faces that, no matter what you try to do, or what you try to wear (lol cute outfit, girl) you're always going to be recognized? Sure.
Normally I wouldn't run a Megan Fox gallery just because, but she's grown on me lately, guys (is this the beginning of the end or what?) and now, looking at the fact that she's dissociating herself from Marilyn Monroe and all of her unstableness and myriad disorders, and that she's finally put some mu...
Something about this photo rubs me the wrong way, and I can't tell what it is. I don't know if it's the weird mid-ab wrinkle that Dane's got going on there, like he's stashing last night pistachio shells or something within the folds, or if it's how low his board shorts are hanging (I'm curious to see what's below, but I'm also ashamed of myself because I can't stop thinking about pistachio shells and the smell of stale beer), or maybe it's Dane's weird-armed girlfriend who looks like she just...