I'm usually all about letting Rolling Stone dictate the choices of what's in and what's out in the music world, but lately I feel like they're turning into the print version of MTV: shitty music, glamorized shitheads like Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, and articles about, well ... What are supposed to be Important Musical Icons Like Rihanna and Katy Perry. Win, RS win.
This time around, they've gone and compiled a list of the worst songs of the nineties, and I have to say that a lot of the songs featured on the list were probably some of the better songs of the nineties, e...
That Lindsay Lohan sure has some perky nipples. [The Superficial]
Dancing With the Stars promo photos! [Bitten and Bound]
Website wants to release Kim Kardashian's sex tape for free. [Starpulse]
Will and Jada keeping it together for the kids? [Bossip]
PHOTOS: Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux's new place. [theBERRY]
Maggie Q's boob burns. [Socialite Life]
Dwayne Johnson beefs the hell up, if that's even possible. [Caught on Set]
Taylor Swift's puss-excuse for a tattoo. [Yeeeah]
Beyonce's wearing a fake baby bump? [The Blemish]
The latest Tara ...
Hollywood actress and sometime singer Scarlett Johansson has recorded Serge Gainsbourg and Brigitte Bardot’s 1968 song 'Bonnie And Clyde' with Gainsbourg's son Lulu for a new tribute album.
The album, 'From Gainsbourg To Lulu', will be released in November, and sees Lulu covering a host of his late father’s songs. The new version of ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ sees Johansson singing and speaking Bardot's lines in English, while Lulu sings Serge’s lyrics in French. Kylie Minogue sampled 'Bonnie And Clyde' on her 2007 track 'Sensitized'.
Here's what the original sounded like:
But the video? Well. I'm afraid I just don't get the video. All that Moet and those white bed sheets? It's like a really, really bad commercial for a hotel chain that thinks they're high-end, but are really budget underneath all of the fancy coverlets. />
If you're anything like me, you thought "Ooh, pretty Scarlett Johansson!" But then also, unfortunately, thought "What the hell is this piss-poor excuse for shenanigans?"
From NME:
Hollywood actress and sometime singer Scarlett Johansson has recorded Serge Gainsbourg and Brigitte Bardot’s 1968 song 'Bonnie And Clyde' with Gainsbourg's son Lulu for a new tribute album.
The album, 'From Gainsbourg To Lulu', will be released in November, and sees Lulu covering a host of his late father’...
And what a fierce fighting face she makes, eh folks?
Lots of people are all excited about the newest Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises, but to me it's just another remake of another remake of another remake. I like Anne Hathaway - she's grown on me (much like a fungus) over the past few weeks, but I'm not all that impressed with her Catwoman role. I think it's going to be much like Halle Berry's take on Catwoman: forgettable. Sorry, Anne.
But let's give the girl an A for effort and an A+++ for thos...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s David Beckham photo: Chaz
“With the results of years of hair treatments plainly evident...
Women who waited 'til marriage for kids. [Bossip]
Scarlett Johansson in skin-tight leather. [The Superficial]
Soulja Boy gets his. [TMZ]
Rachel Weisz is deathly serious. [Starpulse]
Madonna's latest plastic surgery photos. [Lainey Gossip]
Shark Night 3D premiere photos - you'll be surprised at who showed up. [LA Times]
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Colin Firth, and so should you. [Socialite Life]
The best worst best Lindsay Lohan's looked in years. [Yeeeah]
Where vacationers go to vacation from their vacation. [theBERRY]
The most preposterous pairings...
I kind of think I have a crush on Taylor Lautner. I KNOW, I KNOW; I'm playing right into the generic trendiness that I unconsciously fight so hard to ... fight, and by saying "I think I have a crush on Taylor Lautner" does not automatically imply that I'm now Team Jacob (that'd just never happen, friends), but it does say that if I saw this dude walking his dog down the road while driving, I'd probably have to pull over to watch him go by.
From Seventeen and Celebrity-Gossip:
On how old he ...
Marilyn Manson and Shia LaBeouf teamed up for a ... music video. LOL [The Superficial]
Serena Williams does crazy things with her body on the tennis court. [Bossip]
Kate Bosworth's new boyfriend creeps me out. [Starpulse]
And you thought SNOOKI wore too much makeup. [theBERRY]
Who's Pippa Middleton shacking up with? [Socialite Life]
Even further proof that Soulja Boy is an effing idiot. [TMZ]
The Flaming Lips are recording a six-hour-long song. [The Frisky]
The author of ...
Well look who landed herself a Vogue cover! It's Adele, in case there was any confusion! And she doesn't look too Photoshopped, am I right? She looks pretty good, pretty natural, yes? I mean, Adele is one pretty lady and really no magazine covers are going to do her much justice, but it's a good effort, now, isn't it. I'm going to turn this post over to the photos in the gallery, which are really self-explanatory. ADELE IS BEAUTIFUL AND I LOVE HER, case and point.
[gallery columns="4"]...
That she can't ever be photographed not wearing a bikini? Or that there's enough calories in that one beer to sustain a girl's thin frame for another three or four days, tops? I mean, when was the last time that anyone's seen LeAnn in regular clothes? I mean, she did go to dinner that one time when someone told her to eat a damned sandwich and not just chew on the parsley garnish (I saw you spit that out, girl, don't try to deny it) and I'm assuming that she was decked out in appropriate att...
Beyonce's growing baby bump! [Bossip]
Ryan Gosling lumberjacket. [Lainey Gossip]
Lindsay Lohan hates Mena Suvari. [The Superficial]
Adele says her weight has never been an issue. [Cele|bitchy]
Want to be an intern at the Berry? [theBERRY]
Nicole Scherzinger and Nelly? [Starpulse]
Sinead O'Connor's really hot you guys. [INFDaily]
Now Audrina Partridge's denying ever having plastic surgery. [Amy Grindhouse]
Kurt Cobain and RuPaul were friends? [The Frisky]
Who's proposing to Demi Lovato? [ICYDK]
It's just weird to see Victoria Beckham in flats. [Socialite Life]