We're talking FULL-FRONTAL, friends. Ashton Kutcher dong. WANG WANGITY WANG WANG.
So go 'head. Jump on in to find out what got Demi so excited about all those years ago.
... But she still makes me think "millennium's answer to Fran Drescher," so I can't really take her too seriously from the lower lip up. I half-expect her to wail "Mistuh Sheffield?!?" while wringing her hands and walking around awkwardly on ugly high-heeled shoes and that's not a pleasant vision.
She sure does look pretty, though, huh?
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"Uh, it's really up to - uh, Kate to what she wants to do. I know what I have to do and how I have to provide for my family, um, and it's, it's growing up and that's part of life."
"Things will work out the way they should work out. Obviously there are families out there that have several kids, um, people work normal jobs, and things work out. Everything is possible. Um, to rely on reality television - that's a misnomer. Reality television is not a career. Um, get back to normal life, simple life, provide for your family, and um, go from there."
"Uh, yes I have the kids, um, I have my custody, I pay child support, uh, I've continued to pay child support."
"That's really up to Kate. I don't have a farm with twenty-four acres, so, and the kids seem to have a good time at my house."
"I go to work every day and provide for my family, uh, do the best I can, spend time with, uh, my kids. We have a great time on the weekend, and, you know, I spend time, you know, with my girlfriend I've had for over a year now and enjoy normal life like normal people."
Isn't life grand, folks? And pretty funny, sometimes, too? Lookin' good, Jon!
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How about it? The "irresponsible" ex-husband gives the unstable reality mom a dose of her own medicine: unsolicited advice. LOVE IT.
For those of you who can't watch the video for whatever reason, here're the quotes from the interview.
"Uh, it's really up to - uh, Kate to what she wants to do. I know what I have to do and how I have to provide for my family, um, and it's, it's growing up and that's part of life."
"Things will work out the way they should work out. Obviously there...
Super, Paris Hilton's going to be a DJ now? [The Superficial]
More Dark Knight Rises cast photos. [Lainey Gossip]
Specific and credible 9/11 anniversary attack this weekend? [Bossip]
Vanessa Hudgens looks paunchy in a bondage dress. [Starpulse]
25 things you didn't know about Anderson Cooper. [Cele|bitchy]
John Galliano guilty of racism. [The Frisky]
The government spread STDs? [Bossip]
LOL at the Victoria's Secret new bridal line. [Yeeeah]
Jared Leto, full of emotion? [theBERRY]
Justin Bieber's worst look yet. [INFDaily]
Jessica Simpson loves her boobies and so do we. [Amy G...
This lady just keeps getting more and more popular on this site as the days go by! And Eddie Cibrian, woo! If it weren't for LeAnn being such an anti-food diva, we might not even know - or care - who this dude is! All in all, Eddie's hit the big time, and I think if LeAnn were to walk away right now (as if; I hear she has a hard time getting around without Eddie trailing around behind her like some kind of kabuki death mask of digestion doom) poor Eddie'd be lost like LeAnn's old teeth.
I know it's supposed to be rude and stuff to compare two women or men against one another, and it's probably contributes to a lot of self-esteem issues in our world today, but you know what? THIS IS A SNARKY GOSSIP BLOG. This is the kind of stuff we do. Also? It's Friday. If you don't like Hayden Panettiere or Michelle Trachtenberg, and can't even come close to fathoming what they'd look like in your bed next to you, holding your penis instead of those stupid shoes, then mosey on to the LOLCatz...
Hell no. I refuse to believe they don't make them. I mean, we're taking about Victoria Beckham, ffs. If Posh Spice deigns Louboutin should make teeny tiny stilettos for newborns, it's just one of those things, you know?
Snark and ridiculousness aside (it's hard, but I'm going to try), little Harper Seven is a chunky, adorable little cherub who looks just like Daddy David Beckham and I just love her.
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The topless Amy Winehouse memorial statue. [The Superficial]
Steve Martin is Jack Black's dad. [theBERRY]
The best and worst Eddie Murphy movies. [Starpulse]
Drunk moose gets stuck in a tree (this is not a Lindsay Lohan joke). [Bossip]
Karl Lagerfeld thinks the Royals are all fat and ugly. Has he looked in the mirror lately? [Cele|bitchy]
Wait. T.I.'s back IN prison? [TMZ]
Personal recollections from 9/11. [The Frisky]
What tequila does to Chris Colfer. [Socialite Life]
Amazing trailer for The Skin I Live In. [OMGBlog...
You know, in case you might not have thought so in the past.
Remember how intense Gisele Bundchen was about birthing her child? Er, wait, I'm sorry: having her child come through her body? Well Mariah girl here was almost just as bad. OK, I liked - way worse. According to husband Nick Cannon via the Daily Mail:
Nick Cannon says he was the 'production manager' as he revealed he filmed the labour and controlled the music while doctors adjusted the lighting. Mariah, 41, had ordered her 1995 live performance of Fantasy to be played...
Is that what you'd call a jumpsuit? I don't know. My idea of "fashion" is comfy yoga pants, jeans, long-sleeved shirts, cardigans, and bare feet. Oh, and Birkenstocks. I guess that's the height of my fashion know-how right there, guys.
However, even I know that there's just something not all that good about Khloe's jumpsuit. I've been giving her fair chances here and there, because I really, really want to like her - I think there's something inherently appealing about the girl, after all; I...
Cute, cute, cute. All sorts of cute, all over the place. Young Annie Lennox-type cute. And way, way better than the scary Bob Geldof-shaved-eyebrow look she was rocking for the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo movie.
I think I really like Rooney Mara. I didn't know who she was, granted, prior to starring as Nancy on the Nightmare on Elm Street reboot, but she's cool. Well, no, she's actually the anti-cool, which makes her manageable in this industry, I suppose, which is probably all of her appeal. Unt...